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Welcome to Junior Senior Planning Night.  Upcoming Events  Counselor Introductions  GCH Student Services Web Site  Parent Access to Grades  Graduation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Junior Senior Planning Night.  Upcoming Events  Counselor Introductions  GCH Student Services Web Site  Parent Access to Grades  Graduation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Junior Senior Planning Night

2  Upcoming Events  Counselor Introductions  GCH Student Services Web Site  Parent Access to Grades  Graduation Requirements  Community Service  Dual Enrollment  SAT / ACT  Calculating Grade Point Averages  What are Colleges / Universities looking for?  State Community Colleges/ State University System  Application Process  Bright Futures Scholarships  Financial Aid Process - FAFSA  Local and State/National Scholarships  NCAA – College Athletics

3  Cindy Giles (Dept. Chair) Co- D  Lyndsey Dombroski A- Ci  Heather Minsker E-J  Tracy Tyo K-Ng  Maureen MarvinNi-r  Deb Wessman S– Z

4  PSAT October 14 th, 2015  District College Night ◦ September 21, 2015@ Golden Gate HS ◦ 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.  College Visits @ GCHS ◦ Concentration mid – late September

5 National Merit Scholarship Program for 11 th graders Letters are going out tomorrow for the top 65 students who scored exceptionally well on last year’s PSAT.. District will pay for them. They must return the letter signed by September 22 nd. Other juniors interested will get a letter but must pay $15.00 by September 22 nd. Limited seats.

6 DATETIMESCHOOLLocation 9/9/2015 11:40 a.m. University of Central FloridaGCH Media 9/11/2015 11:40 a.m. Johns Hopkins Soulard's Room 4-111 9/15/2015 11:40 a.m. Northeastern University Soulard's Room 4-111 9/21/2015 11:40 a.m. University of TampaGCH Media Center 9/21/2015 11:40 a.m. Florida State UniversityGCH Media Center 9/28/2015 11:40 a.m. University of FloridaGCH Media Center 9/29/2015 11:40 a.m. Florida Gulf Coast UniversityGCH Media Center 9/29/2015 11:40 a.m. University of Southern CaliforniaSoulard's Room 4-111 10/15/2015 11:40 a.m. Florida Poly Tech UniversityGCH Media Center 10/21/2015 11:40 a.m. Florida Southern UniversityGCH Media Center 10/21/2015 11:40 a.m. Rice UniversitySoulard's Room 4-111

7 

8  Check your student’s grades on-line:  1. Set up your own account online with ID and Password ◦ Parent Access to Gradebook or Parent Access to Gradebook 2. Access through your son/daughter ◦ Username: 6 digit student number ◦ Password: Birth Month and Day  June 7, (0607) Contact Teachers:  Click ‘Faculty’ for email addresses

9  Required Credits:24 ◦ English4.0 ◦ Math4.0 ◦ Science3.0 ◦ Social Science3.0 ◦ Practical/Performing Art1.0 ◦ HOPE1.0  Pass the 10 th Grade FCAT (Reading)  Pass Algebra 1 EOC  On line course (Government/Economics GCH)  Take Biology & Geometry EOC’s for 10% of final course grade  Earn a 2.0 unweighted GPA ◦ Elective Credits8.0  Note: Additional courses are required for SUS admissions

10  Required Credits:24 ◦ English4.0 ◦ Math (Algebra & Geometry)4.0 ◦ Science (Biology)3.0 ◦ Social Science3.0 ◦ Practical/Performing Art1.0 ◦ HOPE1.0  Pass the 10 th Grade (English Language Arts Test )  Must pass Algebra 1 END of COURSE EXAM  One online course (Government/Economics at GCH)  Earn a 2.0 unweighted GPA ◦ Elective Credits8.0  Note: Additional courses are required for SUS admissions

11  Calculation ◦ State unweighted for graduation ◦ County weighted for class ranking ◦ Recalculated “academic core” Bright Futures

12  Honors add.02 points to each semester with grade of “C” or better Ex. English 1 Hon. A= 4.04 (entire full credit course)  Advanced Placement/Dual Enrollment/AICE add.04 points to each semester with grade of “C” or better Ex. AP Biology Grade “A” = 4.08 (entire full credit course)

13  Not required for graduation  Requirements for Bright Futures  Cannot be affiliated with religious or political organizations  Must obtain prior approval during lunch on Thursdays and Fridays in the Student Services Department  Forms available on the web page or in the Student Services Office

14 Application Deadline  Florida Gulf Coast Univ February 15, 2016  (limited spots for FGCU)  Florida Southwestern April 8, 2016  SAT/ACT deadlines ( last test dates for FGCU is January 23 th and FSW is February 6 th,2016)  Please see website for requirements  Application deadlines and requirements are set by FGCU & FSW – and may change.

15  The Accelerated Collegiate Experience (ACE) at Florida Gulf Coast University is designed to bring a unique educational experience to qualified junior and senior high school students who are seeking advanced study options through Early Admission to college.

16  Thursday, September 17, 2015 7:00 p.m. Academic Bldg 7 Room 114  Monday, November 9, 2015 7:00 p.m. Edwards Hall Room 112  Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:00 p.m. Academic Bldg 7 Room 114 Tuesday, December 1, 2015 7:00 p.m. Edwards Hall Room 112

17 If you choose to do dual enrollment you will start your college transcript and grade point average the minute you earn your first credit.

18 SAT & ACT  When Offered – registration deadlines  Next Test Date for the Year  SAT October 3, 2015  ACT. October 24, 2015

19  SAT focuses on college success skills: writing, critical reading, and mathematics  Time: 3 hours and 45 minutes  ACT is curriculum based in the areas of English, mathematics, reading and science (first time must take writing)  Time: 3 hours and 30 minutes Students should take one or both in the winter of their junior year

20 (It is recommended that all students take a prep course or independent study work)  A+ Skills Tutoring  Club Z  MathWorks www.ACT.ORG   KAHN Academy  Princeton Review Books  The College Board Real SAT’s  Barron’s SAT Prep  Up Your Score-the Underground Guide to the SAT


22 Student will pick up in 2 days and mail to college or university of their choice. Number of transcripts needed for Colleges/ Universities not listed above: ____________________  Florida Southwestern  Florida Atlantic  Florida Gulf Coast  Florida International  Florida State  Manatee Community  New College  University of Central Fl  University of Fl  University of Miami  University of North Florida  University of South Florida THIS GOES ELECTONICALLY through the FLORIDA system.

23 ◦ The strength of your high school academic program (including the senior year) ◦ GPA ◦ Difficulty of classes ◦ Highest level of classes (honors, AP) ◦ Improvement ◦ Consistency Strong Performance in a Challenging Curriculum

24  Standardized Tests  Extracurricular Activities ◦ Special Talents/Interests ◦ Athletics ◦ Community Service ◦ Leadership ◦ Employment

25  28 State (Community) Colleges in Florida ◦ 61 Campuses ◦ Serve over 900,000 students ◦ 67% enrolled in AA transfer Program ◦ 33% enrolled in AS & certificate program

26  Florida State University 33  University of Florida 18  University of South Florida 14  Florida Atlantic University 32  University of Central Florida 26  Florida International University 1  University of North Florida 2  Florida Gulf Coast University 68  Community Colleges in Florida 104 UWF UCF UF UNF FAMU FSU NCF FGCU USF FIU FAU TOTAL= 298 56% 4 year university 31% 2 year university

27 FSU has 1 admissions deadline: 10/15/15 ◦ (12/9/15 notification) ◦ Applications after are on a space available basis UF has 1 admission deadline: 11/1/15 (2/14/16 notification) Applications after are on a space available basis 99% admitted from November applicant pool

28 ◦ FGCU, FAMU, FAU,USF, UWF, and UCF have rolling admissions with a Feb 15 th priority deadline Note: Generally to be considered for university scholarships, students must apply by the first deadline.

29  Minimum Admission Requirements ◦ Graduation From an Accredited High School ◦ 18 Core Academic Credits ◦ SAT or ACT Scores (With Writing)  Specific Requirements (GPA, Test Scores & Essays) vary From College to College  Minimum SAT Reading: 460 Math: 460  Minimum ACT Reading: 19 English:18 Math 19

30  College MR GPAMR SAT MR ACT  FGCU3.07-3.731450-1680 20-23  FSU3.8 -4.31760-1980 24-28  UF4.1- 4.51870-2100 24-29  USF3.75-4.31680-1900 21-25 No letters of recommendation required

31  Select up to 5 colleges and visit their websites to obtain their application procedures-most colleges require/prefer online applications.  Get Started Now if you are a senior- APPLY EARLY!  Update your resume.  All applications are online – visit individual school websites - look under ‘admissions’.  Recommendations: Most colleges do not require recommendation letters-some scholarships do.  Once you apply to college, NO SCHEDULES WILL BE CHANGED

32  Some colleges are using applications  Common Applications ◦ The “Common App” ( is currently accepted by over 450 colleges and universities; many of these are private schools. The idea was to make the admissions process more uniform and save students time in entering the same information over and over. ◦ Boston University, University of Michigan etc. ◦ TRANSCRIPTS ARE UPLOADED THROUGH THE COMMON APPLICATION SYSTEM

33  Student Self-Reported Academic Record  The Student Self-Reported Academic Record (SSAR) is FSU and UF's new self-reported transcript. It is an online form where you enter your high school and dual-enrollment courses and grades from 9th-11th and your courses in progress for grade 12. It is recommended that you get a unofficial transcript from your guidance counselor in order to complete the SSAR.

34  Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance ◦ www. ◦ Florida Financial Aid Applications ◦ Florida Bright Futures Scholarships ◦ Talented 20 Program ◦ State Grant and Scholarship Programs

35  Florida Gulf Coast University  Saturday, October 17, 2015 Saturday, February 20, 2016  University of Central Florida  “Knight for a Day” Open Houses  October 17, 2015  November 21, 2015  January 23, 2016

36  University of South Florida  Stampede to Success  Nov 14, 2015 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

37       See GCHS Web Site for additional search engines and information.



40 Class of 2014 & AfterSATACTCommunity Hours GOLD SEAL VOCATIONAL SCHOLARS AWARD GPA 3.0 Verbal:440 Math:440 Reading: 18 English: 17 Math: 19 30 FLORIDA MEDALLION SCHOLARS GPA 3.0 1170 Combined (excludes Writing) 26 Composite75 ACADEMIC SCHOLARS AWARD GPA 3.5 1290 Combined (excludes Writing) 29 Composite100

41  PLEASE NOTE:  Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars graduating in 2011-12 and after may receive an award for 100% of the number of hours required to complete only one of the following programs at a Florida public or eligible Florida private postsecondary institution:  Applied Technology Diploma, up to 60 credit hours or equivalent clock hours. A course of study that is part of a technical degree program, is less than 60 credit hours, and leads to employment in a specific occupation.  Technical Degree Education Program, not to exceed 72 credit hours or equivalent clock hours. A course of study that leads to an associate in applied science degree or an associate in science degree.  Career Certificate Program, not to exceed 72 credit hours or equivalent clock hours. A course of study that leads to at least one occupational completion point. The term is interchangeable with the term “certificate career education program.”

42  The application/registration process begins December 1 st of students senior year  Counselors will call seniors to a computer lab for Bright Futures Registration in Dec/Jan  Registration Instructions are also available on the GCHS Counselor Website under Scholarships/Bright Futures Registration Instructions  The application must be completed in order to be eligible for Bright Futures Scholarships

43  Free Application for Federal Student Aid  WWW.FAFSA.ED.GOV WWW.FAFSA.ED.GOV ◦ Application available January 1 st.  GCHS Financial Aid Night: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:30pm

44  Bright Futures Scholarships Total: $1,069,440  Community Scholarships Total: $213,650  College/University Scholarships Total: $2,715,511 Grand Total: $3,998,601

45  In order to play college sports, students must register with NCAA  (online registration) the fee is $70.00  Athletes must be certified by the NCAA Clearinghouse and meet academic and athletic requirements  A copy of the NCAA release must be given to Data Entry Clerk in Student Services for transcripts to be released to colleges and coaches

46  Check School Website for Daily Announcements and Upcoming Events  Check Student Services and District Website for College, Dual Enrolment and Scholarship Information.  College Bound Students – Attend Financial Aid Night  Check w/ the Admissions Offices of the Schools you wish to attend to make sure you are meeting all deadlines and requirements.  Thank you for attending!

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