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Component-Based Software Engineering Using Interfaces Paul Krause.

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Presentation on theme: "Component-Based Software Engineering Using Interfaces Paul Krause."— Presentation transcript:

1 Component-Based Software Engineering Using Interfaces Paul Krause

2 Lecture 4 - Using Interfaces Contents  Introduction  Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes  A Digression on “Casting” making lawyers human making lawyers human  Back to the Phone Directory

3 Introduction  We will use a Telephone Directory as a case study to illustrate the use of components and interfaces  This is taken from: Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design Using Java Version 5.0 Authors: Elliot Koffman and Paul Wolfgang Publisher : John Wiley

4 Interfaces  Sometimes we may find two or more different subclasses share some common behaviour  In this case, they are not strictly “kinds of” some common parent  Rather, they “behave like” some common pattern (under certain circumstances)  We say that they both implement a common interface

5 A “Cashier” Interface PersonMachine ATMEmployee «interface» Cashier withdraw deposit

6 Java interfaces public interface Cashier { public void deposit(int id, double amount); public boolean withdraw(int id, double amount); }  Note: An interface is pure specification - it contains no implementation An interface is pure specification - it contains no implementation

7 Lecture 4 - Using Interfaces Contents  Introduction  Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes  A Digression on “Casting” making lawyers human making lawyers human  Back to the Phone Directory

8 cf Abstract Classes

9 Abstract Class vs. Interface public abstract class EllipticalShape { public abstract double area( ); public abstract double circumference( ); } public interface Cashier { public void deposit(int id, double amount); public boolean withdraw(int id, double amount); }

10 What are the differences? Abstract Class  Can include class and instance fields  May include concrete implementations of methods  A concrete class can only extend a single abstract class Interface  Can only include static final fields  All methods must be abstract declarations - no implementation  A class can implement multiple interfaces

11 Why use interfaces?  Design Guideline: “When the functionality supported by a class can be implemented in different ways, it is advisable to separate the interface from the implementation” Xiaoping Jia Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java

12 Chili PizzaExpress EventObject source getSource() toString() Bakery addOrderListener() removeOrderListener() sendMessage(PizzaEvent) fires passed to registers with 0..* invokes notifications in0..* «interface» OrderListener pizzaStatus(evt) Customer run( ) iNumber iSliceNumber PizzaEvent

13 Class Bakery private void sendMessage(PizzaEvent anEvent) { Vector v; synchronised(this) { v = (Vector) iCustomers.clone( ); v = (Vector) iCustomers.clone( ); } for (int i=0; i<v.size( ); i++) { OrderListener ol = (OrderListener)v.elementAt(i); OrderListener ol = (OrderListener)v.elementAt(i); ol.pizzaStatus(anEvent); ol.pizzaStatus(anEvent); }}}

14 General Idiom  To send an event to a Customer, the Bakery needs to know: the name of the method to invoke in a Customer the name of the method to invoke in a Customer the type of the Event to send when invoking the respective method the type of the Event to send when invoking the respective method  this information is contained in the OrderListener interface that is all the Bakery needs to know that is all the Bakery needs to know

15 Lecture 4 - Using Interfaces Contents  Introduction  Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes  A Digression on “Casting” making lawyers human making lawyers human  Back to the Phone Directory

16 A Diversion on “Casting”  In the last example, we were only interested in the “OrderListener” behaviour of Customers: OrderListener ol = (OrderListener)v.elementAt(i);  We “cast” an element of the Vector v  This is a way of converting one type to another, subject to certain rules

17 Casting between Data Types  Suppose I wish to add a double precision value to an integer, and just keep the integer value of the answer: double x = 24.2; int y = 1; int z = (int) (x - y);  We have explicitly cast (“converted”) the result of the calculation into an integer

18 Rules for Data Types  An explicit cast is needed when converting from a “larger” (more information) type to a “smaller” one (e.g. double to int)  This is not needed when casting to a larger type - the compiler will do it for you

19 Rules for Casting Objects  An instance of a class may only be cast into subclasses or superclasses in its inheritance hierarchy Human h; Lawyer l; l = new Lawyer( ); h = (Human) l;  You can use an instance of a class, anywhere an instance of one of its superclasses is expected

20 W.r.t. Interfaces  You can cast an object to an interface type if (and only if) the class of that object implements the interface  This will give full access to the services provided by the interface,e.g.: OrderListener ol = (OrderListener)v.elementAt(i);

21 Lecture 4 - Using Interfaces Contents  Introduction  Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes  A Digression on “Casting” making lawyers human making lawyers human  Back to the Phone Directory

22 Class Diagram (from Koffman and Wolfgang)

23 Directory Entry Class

24 PhoneDirectory Interface

25 (At least) Two implementations of PDUserInterface > PDUserInterface processCommands( ) PDConsoleUI processCommands( ) PDGUI processCommands( )

26 An Implementation of the PhoneDirectory Interface (I)


28 An Implementation of the PhoneDirectory Interface (II)

29 Java Implementation ArrayBasedPD + loadData( ) + addOrChangeEntry( ) +lookupEntry( ) + removeEntry( ) + save( ) DirectoryEntry + DirectoryEntry(String name, String number ) + String getName( ) + String getNumber( ) + void setNumber(String number) - String name - String number collects together is stored in 0.. * 1

30 Exercise: Implement this! DirectoryEntry + DirectoryEntry(String name, String number ) + String getName( ) + String getNumber( ) + void setNumber(String number) - String name - String number

31 Phone Directory Interface public interface PhoneDirectory { /** Load the data file containing the directory, or /** Load the data file containing the directory, or * establish a connection with the data source. * establish a connection with the data source. * @param sourceName The name of the file (data source) * @param sourceName The name of the file (data source) * with the phone directory entries * with the phone directory entries */ */ void loadData(String sourceName); void loadData(String sourceName); /** Look up an entry /** Look up an entry * @param name The name of the person to be looked up * @param name The name of the person to be looked up * @return The number, or null if the name is not in the directory * @return The number, or null if the name is not in the directory */ */ String lookupEntry(String name); String lookupEntry(String name);…

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