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2  Increasing production of rice through area expansion and productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner in the 5 NFSM districts(Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Simdega, Gumla & West Singhbhum) of the State.  Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level;  Creation of employment opportunities; and  Enhancing farm level economy (i.e. farm profits) to restore confidence amongst the farmers. OBJECTIVES In Jharkhand State, Implementation of NFSM programme started during 2008-09) NFSM

3 ACHIEVEMENT AT GLANCE PHYSICAL (2008-09) Sl. No InterventionUnitTargetAchieve- ment No. of Beneficiari es (Nos.) 1Demonstration of Improved Package of PracticesNos.880 906 2Demonstration on System of Rice IntensificationNos.370366380 3Demonstration on Hybrid Rice TechnologyNos.220200213 6Seed Minikits of High Yielding VarietiesNos.132407558 7Incentive for Micro Nutrients ( In Deficient Soils)Ha.19860 10786 9Incentive for Cono weeder and other implementsNos.55111667 10Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio Pesticides Ha.16550 8395 11Farmers Training (Training of Farmers at FFS Pattern) Nos.1321053150 Total33055 NFSM

4 InterventionAssistanceUnitGOI Approved Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1. Demon. Of Improved Package of Practices Rs. 2500/ demo Nos.88022.0088022.00 2. Demonstration on SRIRs. 3000/ demon Nos.37011.1036610.98 3. Demon. On Hybrid Rice Tech.Rs. 30000 / demon Nos.2206.602006.00 4. Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seeds. A) Asst. for Production of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs. 1000/qtlQtl.0000.00 B) Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs. 2000/qtlQtl.496599.3000.00 5. Assistance for Distribution of HYV Seeds Rs. 500/ qtlQtl.77220386.1000.00 6. Seed Minikits of HYV.Full CostNos.1324013.2475587.558 7. Incentive for Micro Nutrients (In Deficient Soils) Rs. 500/haHa.1986099.301986099.2982 ACTIVITY WISE (PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL) ACHIEVEMENT UP TO 31.03.2009 Financial in Lakhs NFSM

5 InterventionAssistanceUnit GOI Approved Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 8. Incentive for Liming in Acid SoilRs. 500 / haha1986099.3000.00 9. Incentive for Conoweeder and other implements Rs. 3000/ machine/farmer Nos.5511165.33166750.00 10. Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio-Agents Rs. 500 / haHa1655082.751655 0 82.7476 11. Farmers TrainingRs.17000 /Trg.Nos.13222.4410517.952 12. Award for Best Performing District Rs. 5 lakh / year Nos.00.000 13. International Exposure for Technical Knowledge enrichment to Technical Staff Rs. 1.00 Crore per Year Nos.00.000 14. Misc. Expenditure A) Project Management Team and Other Misc. Expenses (Dist. Level) Rs. 6.36 lakh/ district/ year Nos.531.80024.44 B) Project Management Team and Other Misc. Expenses (State Level) Rs. 13.87 lakhs / State Nos.113.8702.78038 C) Misc. Expenses at National LevelRs. 84.56 Lakhs per Year Nos.00.000 ACTIVITY WISE (PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL) ACHIEVEMENT UP TO 31.03.2009 Financial in Lakhs

6 InterventionAssistanceUnitGOI Approved Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 15. Publicity30.0024.52578 16. Local Initiatives118.500.00 Grand Total1201.63349.28196 ACTIVITY WISE (PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL) ACHIEVEMENT UP TO 31.03.2009 Financial in Lakhs NFSM

7 Unspent Balance Report (NFSM) Implementing Agency – SAMETI, Jharkhand Unspent Balance as on 1.4.08 Fund Released (2008-09)Total Funds Available ExpenditureUnspent Balance as on 31.03.2009 NILComponent wise – 831.912980.412Component wise – 324.75618631.13004 Publication/ Media-30.00Publication/ Media-24.52578 Local Initiative – 118.50Local Initiative – Nil Rs. In Lakhs NFSM

8 Demonstration of Improved Package Practices

9 Hon’ble Vice-chancellor of Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi Interacted with NFSM Farmers At SAMETI, Jharkhand, Ranchi State Level Awareness Programme under NFSM NFSM

10 Visit of Dr. Shankar Lal to NFSM Districts

11  Late start of NFSM programme in Jharkhand.  Gap in Subsidy to assistance for seed distribution component under NFSM & Seed distribution programme under State Plan.  Problem in availability of seed variety released within 5 years for demonstration component and within 10 years for seed distribution components.  Backlog target seed demonstration.  Lack of convergence with other programme of Central / State Govt. CONSTRAINTS NFSM

12  Full attention to be given on the execution of work plan at the Chief Secretary / Secretary level.  Assistance to distribution of HYV / Hybrid seed is to be given from the State Plan to minimize / reduce the gap between the subsidy level in NFSM & State Plan.  Achieve the backlog target of demonstration component by adding the back log target in 2009-10 work plan.  Organized training of BTT members / demonstration and minikit beneficiaries farmers / two farmers from every panchayat at KVK level by convergence with MMKKY / RKVY.  Linking block level official / VLWs / Other trained progressive farmers to every demonstration/ FFS.  Seed / other critical inputs / implements distribution in campaign mode under the supervision of higher officers.  Verification of seed / inputs / implements received under NFSM by the senior officers of the Department.  Seeking seed age relaxation from GOI to achieve target of demonstration & Seed Distribution  Proper Monitoring by DFSMEC / State level Monitoring Committee.  State Publicity campaign committee to publicize the work plan of NFSM.  Concentration of FFS in Area of Demonstration & Minikit.  Convergence with MMKKY/ RKVY/ Other State Programmes. STRATEGY NFSM

13  State Food Security Mission Executive Committee meeting held on 15.04.2009.  Revised Work Plan (2009-10) sent to GOI as per consent given in the meeting of GOI held on 24.4.2009.  Seed minikits allocation received from GOI is further sub-allocated to the NFSM districts (Variety wise).  Committee for assessment of availability of seed held on 4.5.2009.  Seed age relaxation proposal sent to GOI on the basis of finding of the seed assessment committee meeting.  Meeting of Dy. Commissioners & Other departmental officers held on 13.5.2009 under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to emphasize the execution of proposed work plan.  Instruction on preparatory exercise for execution of work plan given by the Chief Secretary to all Dy. Commissioner of NFSM districts.  State Monitoring Committee/ State Publicity Campaign constituted by the Chief Secretary in the meeting held on 13.5.2009  Purchase committee of farm implements constituted under the chairmanship of Director (Agriculture) in the meeting held on 13.5.2009. Action Taken to Execute Proposed Work Plan (2009-10) under NFSM NFSM

14 InterventionAssistanceUnitTentative Target (GOI) Target Proposed (State) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1. Demon. Of Improved Package of Practices Rs. 2500/ demo Nos.116929.2254236105.90 2. Demonstration on SRIRs. 3000/ demon Nos.39011.70176652.98 3. Demon. On Hybrid Rice Tech.Rs. 30000 / demon Nos.1955.85106031.80 4. Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seeds. A) Asst. for Production of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs. 1000/qtlQtl.0.00 B) Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs. 2000/qtlQtl.7000140.00200040.00 5. Assistance for Distribution of HYV Seeds Rs. 500/ qtlQtl.110000550.0080992404.960 6. Seed Minikits of HYV.Full CostNos.116940.00116940.00 7. Incentive for Micro Nutrients (In Deficient Soils) Rs. 500/haHa.1900095.001900095.00 STATE ACTION PLAN (2009-10)

15 InterventionAssistanceUnitTentative Target (GOI) Target Proposed (State) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 8. Incentive for Liming in Acid Soil Rs. 500 / haha1900095.005002.50 9. Incentive for Conoweeder and other implements Rs. 3000/ machine/farmer Nos.250075.003900117.00 10. Incentive for Zero till seed drills (Tractors/ Bullock drawn) Rs. 15000/ machine/ farmer Nos.12518.7550075.00 11. Incentive for Multicrop Planters Rs. 15000 /machine/farmer Nos.12518.7500.00 12. A. Incentive on Seed DrillsRs. 15000 / machine/ farmer Nos.12518.7500.00 13. Incentive on RotavatorsRs. 30000/ machine/ farmer Nos.6018.00500150.00 14. Incentive for PumpsetsRs. 10000/ machine/ farmer Nos.606.0050050.00 15. Incentive on Power WeederRs. 15000 / machine/ farmers Nos.12518.7550075.00 STATE ACTION PLAN (2009-10)

16 InterventionAssistanceUnitTentative Target (GOI) Target Proposed (State) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 16. Incentive on Knapsack sprayersRs. 3000 / machine/ farmer Nos.250075.005000150.0 0 17. Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio-Agents Rs. 500 / haHa20000100.0030000150.0 0 18. Farmers TrainingRs.17000 /Trg.Nos.16027.2050085.00 19. Award for Best Performing DistrictRs. 5 lakh / yearNos.15.001 20. Misc. Expenditure A) Project Management Team and Other Misc. Expenses (Dist. Level) Rs. 6.36 lakh/ district/ year Nos.531.805 B) Project Management Team and Other Misc. Expenses (State Level) Rs. 13.87 lakhs / State Nos.113.871 21. Local Initiatives a. Incentive on Drum Seeder Rs. 3000/farmer/machi ne Nos.00.0050015.00 b. Promotion of Organic Compost thorugh Vermicompost in SHG Rs. 0.25 lakh per group Nos.0 0.00500125.00 Total 1453.6481775.810 STATE ACTION PLAN (2009-10)

17 District Wise Sub Allocation of Seed Minikits of High Yielding Varieties S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) 09-10 Seed Minikits Allocated (Nos.) Qty of Seeds (q) Area Covered (ha) 1Ranchi 19567639135.2 3400170340 2Simdega 8250016500 143071.5143 3Gumla 17600035200 3054152.7305.4 4Hazaribagh 5876011752 102051102 5West Singhbhum 16084832169.6 2790139.5279 Total 673784134756.811694584.701169.40

18 S No.Name of DistSeed Minikits (Variety No./ Quantity) Abhishek Destination Point Officer Authorized to receive seed Minikits NoQty (q) 1Ranchi46523.25RanchiPD, ATMA, Ranchi 2Simdega1959.75SimdegaPD, ATMA, Ranchi 3Gumla41820.90GumlaPD, ATMA, Ranchi 4Hazaribagh1407.00HazaribaghPD, ATMA, Ranchi 5.West Singhbhum 38219.10W SinghbhumPD, ATMA, Ranchi Total160080.00 A. District Wise Sub Allocation of Seed Minikits of HYV (Abhishek )

19 S No. Name of DistSeed Minikits (Variety No./ Quantity) MTU 1010 Destination Point Officer Authorized to receive seed Minikits NoQty (q) 1Ranchi2935146.75RanchiPD, ATMA, Ranchi 2Simdega123561.75SimdegaPD, ATMA, Ranchi 3Gumla2636131.80GumlaPD, ATMA, Ranchi 4Hazaribagh88044.00HazaribaghPD, ATMA, Ranchi 5.West Singhbhum2408120.40W SinghbhumPD, ATMA, Ranchi Total10094504.70 B. District Wise Sub Allocation of Seed Minikits of HYV (MTU 1010 )

20 Seed Procurement Plan (Agency wise & Variety Wise) Finalized in Meeting held on 04.05.2009 Name of Supplier NAME OF VARIETY BVD-109BVD-110AnjaliBirsaMatiMTU-1010Abhishek NSC-- 100--1500080 HSC-- BRBN-- SFCI-- 1700-- BAU-- 3247-- GVT323.20320-- Seed Village -- 80 Total323.203201324716700160

21 Name of Supplier NAME OF THE VARIETY Rajendra Mahsuri VandanaKRH-2LalatIR-64MTU-7029 NSC2500581000500250015000 HSC-- 98.92-- BRBN11000-- 300-- SFCI-- 1000--19002000 BAU-- GVT-- Seed Village -- 9280115808445.30 Total135002098.92 100801598025445.30 Grand Total84844.42 Seed Procurement Plan (Agency wise & Variety Wise) Finalized in Meeting held on 04.05.2009

22 PROPOSAL FOR SEED AGE RELAXATION SENT TO GOI (Demonstration Component) Status of Seed Requirement and Availability during 2009-10 S No. CropName of Variety Year of Release/ Notification Qty of Seeds (qtl) 2009-10 Req.Avail. Less than 5 years Old 1PddyBVD-1092005323.20 2BVD-1102005320 Total643.20 More than 5 years but less than 15 years 1.PaddyAbhishek2003160 2.MTU-10102000365.60 1Paddy KRH-2199798.92 Total624.52 Grand Total1267.70

23 Proposal for Seed Age Relaxation Sent to GOI (Seed Distribution)

24 Preliminary Preparation for Work Plan Execution 1. Selection of beneficiaries farmers and type of land for different kind of demonstration. (one for every 100 ha rice area). 2. Selection of farmers for minikits distribution free of cost (one for every 50-60 ha of Rice Area). 3. Selection of farmers for distribution of high yielding variety/ Hybrid Rice Seeds. 4. Soil testing of plot to be selected for demonstration/ minikit purposes. 5. Training of Beneficiary farmers of demonstration / minikit and to progressive farmers of each panchayat at the KVK level. 6. Assessment of availability of different critical inputs. 7. Selection of farmers and farmers group / SHG for farm mechanization. 8. Selection of farmers/ plot / size for farmers field school ( one for every 1000 ha of rice area). 9. Selection of women SHG of farmers family for establishment of vermicompost unit. 10. Selection of farmers having micronutrient / lime deficient rice area suitable for double cropping. 11. Preliminary management of trico card preparation for 30000 ha rice area by BAU. 12. Emphasizing SRI technology of Rice cultivation using hybrid rice seeds.

25 At the State level, the activities of the Mission will be monitored by a committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the State Mission Director with members from the Line departments, SAUs, lead Banks, ICAR institutes and the national crop development directorates nodal for the state. Structure of the Monitoring Committee 1.State Mission Director -Chairman 2.Director (Res.), BAU-Member 3.Senior Scientist, CURRS, Hazaribagh -Member 4.Dr. M. C. Diwakar, Director, DRD, Patna-Member 5.Representative of Lead Bank-Member 6.All Project Director/ DAO of NFSM district-Member 7.All I/C KVK of NFSM District-Member 8.Faculty (I.T), Extension Reforms - Member Secretary CONSTITUTION OF MONITORING COMMITTEE

26 Structure of the Committee 1.State Mission Director-Chairman 2.Dr. B. K. Jha, Asst. Professor, BAU-Member 3.Dr. Satpriya, Asst Professor, BAU-Member 4.Representative Directorate of Public Relation-Member CONSTITUTION OF STATE PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN SUB-COMMITTEE

27 Verification of Seed and other inputs by the officer of department not below the rank of Dy. Director 1.Ranchi- Joint Director Agriculture, Ranchi 2.Gumla, Simdega- Dy. Director Agriculture, Ranchi 3.West Singhbhum- District Soil Conservation Officer, West Singhbhum 4.Hazaribagh - Dy. Director Agriculture (Farm), Hazaribagh

28 Committee for nominating the agency and fix the cost of the farm implements for supplying the same to the selected farmers. Structure of the Committee 1. Director Agriculture, Jharkhand, Ranchi - Chairman 2.Head, Agril. Engg, BAU. - Member 3.Dy. Director Agriculture (Ag. Engg), Directorate of Agril.-Member 4.Representative of Minor Irrigation of the Irrigation Dept -Member 5.State Mission Director (NFSM) - Member Secretary 6.District Account Officer, Ranchi (Rep. of Finance Dept.)Member 7.General Manager, District Industries Center, Ranchi (Representative of Industries Dept.) -Member Purchase committee constituted in the meeting held on 13.05.2009

29 Convergence of NFSM With - Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi State Agriculture Department Krishi Vigyan Kendra Non Governmental Organization (NGO) With Other Programme like MMKKY/ RKVY etc. NFSM

30 Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi Convergence of NFSM With - Preparation of seed plan including recommendation of rice varieties for NFSM district Technical support on SRI and hybrid rice technology Input supply Front line demonstration on SRI & with hybrid rice under NFSM district NFSM

31 Convergence of NFSM With - Krishi Vigyan Kendra Farmer Scientist Interaction support Technical support on demonstration and crop production Organization of farmer field days (FFS) NFSM

32 Convergence of NFSM With - Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Publicity through organizing kisan goshti and field days NFSM

33 Targeted outcome of the programme Increase in SRR 25% (approv). Increase in VRR Increase in average productivity 500 kg ha. of targeted area 179000ha in 2009-10 Area expansion of about 10,000 ha Increase in production about 1,00,000 qtls approx Increase in 10% of targeted area of rice cultivation with SRI Technology.



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