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Formatting Guide CFC LOCAL LIST Campaign Service Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Formatting Guide CFC LOCAL LIST Campaign Service Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formatting Guide CFC LOCAL LIST Campaign Service Center

2 We appreciate the opportunity to work on your CFC Brochure. In order to streamline the process of formatting your local list for print, we have put together the following presentation which will walk you through each aspect of your spreadsheet.

3 Agency code number *Make sure each cell contains a five digit code

4 EIN *Each cell should have nine digits without dashes

5 Legal Name *Listed in lower case in parentheses only if different from the DBA

6 DBA Name *Agencies are listed in lower case under this name alphabetically in the brochure

7 25 word statements – step one (spell check) *VERY IMPORTANT – SPELL CHECK YOUR STATEMENTS!!! This is done by highlighting the column containing your statements and choosing “spell check” from the “review” heading. Also make certain that each of your statements is followed by a period.

8 25 word statements - step two (word count) To check the number of words in your 25 word statements, add a column to the right of the statements and copy the following formula: =IF(LEN(TRIM( A1 ))=0,0,LEN(TRIM(A1))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))+1) Change the “A1” in the above statement to be the first cell containing your statements and copy down to the bottom of the spreadsheet.

9 NTEE CODE *Should contain at least one, but no more than three codes in upper case

10 AFR *Carry out one decimal place – do NOT format as a percentage in Excel or add a “%”

11 Web Address *make sure no email addresses are listed

12 Phone numbers *formatted as (000)000-0000 with no spaces – do NOT format as phone # in Excel

13 Federation *Make sure each agency has a federation or is designated as local unaffiliated

14 Thank you for taking the time to check your local list in advance! If you have any further questions please email Sherrie Thomas at

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