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May 2, 2012.  June 1, 2012 - Sign in sheets (form 0484) and Component Evaluation (form 0471) need to be submitted for processing.  June 18, 2012 - Accepting.

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Presentation on theme: "May 2, 2012.  June 1, 2012 - Sign in sheets (form 0484) and Component Evaluation (form 0471) need to be submitted for processing.  June 18, 2012 - Accepting."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2, 2012

2  June 1, 2012 - Sign in sheets (form 0484) and Component Evaluation (form 0471) need to be submitted for processing.  June 18, 2012 - Accepting proposals for SY 2013 (form 1853) on Liquid Office.  July 1, 2012- All new components for Board approval need to be submitted.

3  Where can I find the Sign-In Sheet (Form 0484) and the Component Evaluation (Form 0471) ? These forms are located on the district homepage at dex.asp dex.asp

4  Can we submit the Sign-in Sheets and Component evaluation forms at separate times? No, in order to be processed correctly both forms need to be submitted together.

5  Where do I send my completed forms? Instructional Departments should send completed forms to C-201 Attn. Susan Rodriguez. Non-Instructional Departments should send completed forms to C-201 Attn. Julie Williams

6  When will participants see their points? Points typically show anywhere from 10-15 business days from the date of receipt unless there are errors.

7  Four digit sub component number is missing  Duration Date is listed as Training Dates  Training dates are missing  Professional Facilitator/Instructor is listed as a participant and is assigned points  Participants ID numbers are missing  Points are not listed on sign in sheet  Points are awarded incorrectly ie… more points given or not enough points given per objective

8 Susan RodriguezProfessional Dev2344567 x 18


10 Check to see if an existing component on the Master In-service Plan (MIP) can be used for your new proposal. Use the following link to check the MIP : MasterIn-ServicePlan.asp

11  Check to see if a revision to a component may meet the needs of your department. Use the following link /documents/REVISING_AN_EXISTING_CO MPONENT.pdf /documents/REVISING_AN_EXISTING_CO MPONENT.pdf

12  If there is not an appropriate component or revision of a current component that meets your department needs then you will need to write a new component. Follow the steps for generating a new component at the following link documents/GENERATING_A_NEW_COMPO NENT.pdf documents/GENERATING_A_NEW_COMPO NENT.pdf

13  CEU ( Continuing Education Unit) will be added to state plan. Each CEU will be converted 10:1  Pilot Program for Training District Personnel to be Certified Presenters  Non- Instructional Leadership Academy  July 24-25, 2012  Non-Instructional Administrative Professional Academy  July 26

14  Non- Instructional Leadership Academy  Target Audience- Non-Instructional Supervisors/Administrators  Dates- July 24-25, 2012  Location- District High School  Format- Concurrent 90 minute sessions  Possible Topics- Customer Service, Dealing with Challenging Employees, Stress Management, Cultural Diversity, Change Management, Motivating Staff, Financial Management, Insurance, Public Relations, etc…

15  Non- Instructional Administrative Professionals Academy  Target Audience- Non-Instructional Administrative Professionals  Dates- July 26, 2012  Location- District High Schools  Format- Concurrent 90 minute sessions  Possible Topics- Customer Service, Working for Multiple bosses, working with Difficult People, Time Management, Records Retention, Public records Requests, etc…

16  Instructional Departments- Susan Rodriguez- C-201 PX 48881  Non-Instructional Departments- Julie Williams- C-201. PX 43876

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