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Henry Bergh By: Michaela Kaczmarczyk “ Day after day I am in slaughterhouses, or lying in wait at midnight with a squad of police near some dog pit. Lifting.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry Bergh By: Michaela Kaczmarczyk “ Day after day I am in slaughterhouses, or lying in wait at midnight with a squad of police near some dog pit. Lifting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry Bergh By: Michaela Kaczmarczyk “ Day after day I am in slaughterhouses, or lying in wait at midnight with a squad of police near some dog pit. Lifting a fallen horse to his feet, penetrating buildings where I inspect collars and saddles for raw flesh, then lecturing in public schools to children, and again to adult societies. Thus my whole life is spent."

2 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero is someone who is trustworthy and honest. They are selfless and good. Heroes do what is right, even if they are going it alone.

3 How do the setting conflicts and antagonists influence the development of a hero? During the mid 1800’s blacks had just gained certain rights However rights for animals and children were scarce Dog fights were very common, a title in the Long Island Star on December 8 1876 read “Two Bull Dogs Chew Each Other Up “. The $1,000 championship fight was said to be over 4 hours long.

4 How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? Over 200 animals were taken in daily, around Manhattan, and thrown into cages to drown in the river In 1875 Henry Bergh protected Mary Ellen, a child abused by her step-mother Created the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children After Bergh died in 1888 37/38 states had enacted anti- cruelty laws for animals, first being NY.

5 How does a hero represent his time period & geographical area? Henry Bergh represented animals during a time when it was common to

6 How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes?

7 Why drove him to create the organization? Seeing animals being abused

8 How was it funded? He was born into a very wealthy family Was granted charters

9 Who was involved? People Animals

10 What obstacles did he overcome? Death threats yo.

11 Henry Bergh, the founder of the ASPCA, helped millions of animals as well as people. My essential questions will help explain what he did, when he did it, where Bergh has been, and why my hero did what he did. I will also research how his organization was funded and who else was involved. The one question I want answered most is why he went through so much for animals, even though he was wealthy and did not have too. Thesis Henry Bergh not only founded the ASPCA, he actively helped animals, as well as abused children.

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