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Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco Steven Leffert Zane Grey High School CTAP 295 Teaching With Technology.

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2 Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco Steven Leffert Zane Grey High School CTAP 295 Teaching With Technology

3 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Hi, I’m Steve Leffert, the Science, Math, and Health teacher at Zane Grey High School in Reseda, CA. Zane Grey is a continuation high school with an enrollment of about 60 students that have been unsuccessful at the comprehensive high school. They do their work on an individual contract basis, with assistance from me. My lesson web address is: My e-mail address is:

4 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology This is a Science lesson (Standards 1a, 1d, and 1m) on some of the lesser known dangers of tobacco use. Students will use technology to gather this information and draw conclusions about tobacco and its use.

5 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Create a standards based lesson for my students to work on in class and at home if they have internet access Teach my students how to use the computer for gathering information from various web resources and draw conclusions from the information Use PowerPoint and Excel Create web pages Expectations

6 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology The skills and knowledge I gained from this course Graphing and Spreadsheet creation with Excel Web page creation with Netscape Composer Linking pages with the various assignments PowerPoint Uploading, downloading and editing techniques Outcomes

7 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Students learned to follow links to various parts of the assignment Students learned there is more to the internet than just “surfing” Students learned to copy and paste from the web to a Word document Students met state standards Successes

8 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Students learned to search for relevant information Students saw that their survey data was quite similar to national data Students learned some additional hazards of tobacco use Students learned to draw conclusions based on information they found on the internet More Successes

9 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Students had no prior knowledge of Excel Students had poor typing skills Students had difficulty analyzing the data from some of the web sites Small number of students were in the test group Shortcomings

10 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Student Data All students showed some improvement from pre-test to post-test

11 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Additional Data Grades from the Tobacco Use Survey Assignment

12 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Additional Data Grades from the Death and Taxes Activity

13 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Additional Data Grades from New York State Law Activity

14 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Additional Data Grades from Tobacco Settlement Agreement Activity

15 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology AnalysisRevision Students had difficulty with copy, paste and spell checking their work Students will have a lesson on computer basics before the assignment is given Students had difficulty with spreadsheet and graph creation with Excel Tobacco Use Survey will be done as a group for the part involving the spreadsheet and creation of the graph Students had trouble analyzing the data in the Death and Taxes Activity Once data is downloaded and printed out students will work as a group to “brainstorm” for answers Revisions Needed

16 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Conclusion As Tobacco Use Prevention Education Coordinator I am always looking for new approaches to the issue of tobacco. The idea of having a customized lesson that would make the students think about that subject while learning to use the technology readily available in my classroom intrigued me. I had to present some new information to them while meeting the needs of their standards based instruction. I wanted to create a variety of lessons using several skills including typing, editing, spreadsheet construction, graphing, internet searching and just following links on the web to important sites.

17 Steven Leffert, Zane Grey High School Things You Might Not Know About Tobacco CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology Conclusion Con’d I had to learn the basics of designing web pages as well as Excel. At times I was frustrated by my own lack of knowledge with that program. However, because of this class I was forced to learn and reinforced it by showing it to my students. Most of them never had a basic computer class and had difficulty with some of the assignments because of this. My students are enthralled with computers, but not for their educational value. The lesson I created had been quite a challenge for them. But I believe they have a new insight into the vast world of the internet and what they can learn with access to it. I would like to create other standards based lessons utilizing the web, even if the assignments themselves aren’t on the internet. I also want to check out some of the lessons created other teachers in this class.

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