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St Peter’s C.E Primary School Parents Internet Safety Day – 11 th February 2014.

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1 St Peter’s C.E Primary School Parents Internet Safety Day – 11 th February 2014

2 An amazing resource.






8 How do we monitor it? Close it down? Stop them from using it? Block everything? Not let them have technology at their finger tips? Talk to your child about dangers and pitfalls Let them have access to the internet Personal settings Teach them to use it safely Monitor usage and discuss Family agreement Filtering and blocking software

9 Children will find a way of accessing and using the internet if we block it. We need to work together to teach children to use the internet appropriately and safely. Making them aware of the dangers and what they can do to remain safe will set them up to be prepared if they do come across anything that puts themselves or their belongings at risk.

10 Thank you for your attendance. For help and advice or if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to us. We will add the power point to the website, parents – e-safety. Below is the website if you wish to find out more information on Internet Safety.

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