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Nutrition and Supplements for Athletes By Ryan Cafaro.

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2 Nutrition and Supplements for Athletes By Ryan Cafaro

3 Athletes are similar to cars!  Athletes are high performance machines.  Would you put regular gas in a Porsche?  Why would you put junk in your body?  Fuel yourself for your performance!


5 Basics of Nutrition  Carbs are fast burning energy  Protein rebuilds damaged muscles  Fat is stored long term energy  All three are necessary for performance

6 Carbs are great for..  Distance runners  Swimmers  Cyclists  Soccer Players  Most endurance athletes  An all around source of energy

7 Protein is great for..  Body Builders  Wrestlers  Power lifters  Gymnasts  Most strength/power athletes  Building block of muscles

8 Fat is great for..  Endurance athletes as backup fuel  Keeping weight up  Protecting vital organs  Keeping the body warm  Making food taste amazing

9 Sources of Carbs  Bread  Pasta  Potatoes  Rice  Fruits  Grains

10 Sources of Protein  Meat  Eggs  Dairy  Beans  Protein powders  Soy

11 Sources of Fat  Nuts  Oils  Meat  Certain Fish  Certain Vegetables  Eggs

12 What do the best eat?  Olympians often have the strictest diets.  Bananas seem to be the food of choice!  KYmY


14 What are supplements for?  Boosting performance  Maintaining health  Getting nutrients food missed  Fighting illness  Improving recovery time

15 Popular athlete supplements  Multivitamins  Fish Oil  Glucosamine  Creatine  Glutamine  Ginko Biloba

16 Multivitamins  Men and women specific brands  Fulfills daily vitamin and mineral requirements  Age specific brands as well  Normally taken once per day  Can help athletes with energy and recovery

17 Fish Oil  Improves brain performance  Works as a cancer preventative  Improves health of arteries  Helps support insulin function  Can prevent muscle protein breakdown

18 Glucosamine  Helps maintain cartilage in the body  Helps with joint maintenance  Slows progression of arthiritis  Can manage arthritic pain

19 Creatine  Improves explosive power  Can boost testosterone  Can improve focus and memory  Studies show it can improve productivity

20 Ginko Biloba  Regulates blood flow to the brain  Can help glaucoma patients improve vision  Known to boost memory  Can fight macular degeneration  Can improve walking in people with intermittent claudication

21 Good luck athlete!  Here’s to achieving your goals!

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