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Music: An Appreciation 8 th Edition by Roger Kamien Unit V1 浪漫時期 (The Romantic Period) 1820-1900 Presentation Development: Robert Elliott University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Music: An Appreciation 8 th Edition by Roger Kamien Unit V1 浪漫時期 (The Romantic Period) 1820-1900 Presentation Development: Robert Elliott University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music: An Appreciation 8 th Edition by Roger Kamien Unit V1 浪漫時期 (The Romantic Period) 1820-1900 Presentation Development: Robert Elliott University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

2 Chpt. 12: 十九世紀的國民樂派 民族自覺的觀念在浪漫時期升起 Citizens, not mercenaries now fought wars Bonds of language, history & culture formed Led to unifications creating Germany and Italy 作家刻意在其作品中加入特定的民族特質 Use of folksongs and folkdances Created original melodies with folk flavor Wrote operas and program music inspired by native history, legends, and landscapes 對於長久在日爾曼, 法, 義音樂主導下的國家影 響強大

3 The Russian Five 五人樂派 Mussorsky 展覽會 之畫 : 基輔城 Victor Hartmann

4 Tchaikovsky 柴可夫斯基 Russian, Late Romantic (1840-1893) Married, divorced two weeks later Supported by benefactress (patron) Did not start until age 21 By age 30 had a symphony, opera, tone poem and his1 st great orchestra work Studied music in Russia They corresponded but never met Traveled Europe and United States Tchaikovsky’s Music Wrote symphonies, concerti, overtures, operas, and more Fused Russian folk music & European style


6 Listening Romeo and Juliet Overture-Fantasy by Tchaikovsky Listening Guide: p. 336 Basic Set, CD 5:44 Note: Depicts events and characters, but is not a re-telling of the story Different melodies for characters/groups of characters and events Love theme has become very well known

7 Smetana 史梅塔納 The Moldau 莫爾島河 (1874) Part of the cycle Ma Vlast (My Country) by Bedrich Smetana Symphonic Poem depicting the main river that flows thorough the Bohemian (Czech) countryside Program notes: p. 339 Listening Guide: p. 340Brief Set, CD 3:35 Note: Program material and how composer related it to the music


9 Antonin Dvorak 德弗札克 Followed Smetana composing Czech national music (1841-1904) As teenager, played in orchestra under Smetana Became director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York Later returned to Prague Conservatory Urged Americans to write nationalist music Wrote From the New World during 1 st year Got his break when Brahms heard him


11 Listening Symphony No. 9 in E Minor (From the New World, 1893) by Dvorak First Movement: Adagio; Allegro molto Listening Guide: p. 343 Basic Set, CD 6:8 Note: Based upon American folk melodies Use of non-major/minor scales Sonata form (but with 3 themes, not 2) Chpt. 15-Antonin Dvorak

12 Johannes Brahms 布拉姆斯 German composer (1833-1897) Became close friends with the Schumanns Lived with Clara while Robert in asylum Lifelong friends with Clara, he never married Son of a musician (father played bass) At 13, studied music by day/played gigs by night Brahms’s Music Considered somewhat conservative due to his use of classical forms Wrote in all traditional forms except opera Studied earlier composers’ works in detail Especially Bach, Haydn, Mozart & Beethoven


14 Listening E 小調第四號交響曲 1885 第四樂章, 充滿精力與熱情的快板 by Brahms 4 th Mvt. Chpt. 16-Johannes Brahms

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