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NAACP: MAKES JSU MORE ACTIVE. Background & History Founded in 1909 by a multiracial group of activist The vision of the National Association for the Advancement.

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Presentation on theme: "NAACP: MAKES JSU MORE ACTIVE. Background & History Founded in 1909 by a multiracial group of activist The vision of the National Association for the Advancement."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background & History Founded in 1909 by a multiracial group of activist The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination. The nation's oldest civil rights organization has changed America's history. The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

3 Problems & Goals JSU chapter of NAACP is lacking student involvement in its organization as well other on-campus organization They need to build funds so they can offer more activities for the students especially the African American pupils. They have notice that school cater to the majority of its population which is the Anglo Americans. For example on last year the school held a concert featuring Sarah Evans Problem with this is the artist sings a genre of music that very few of the African-Americans and other minority students listen to. NAACP plans to have more events that intrigue all the students especially the minorities and increase participation.

4 Objectives Getting students more involved in campus activates

5 Audience Current students of Jacksonville State University and potential students.

6 Strategies & Tactics Focusing on what NAACP is founded on as well as what JSU was founded upon. JSU was founded as a Normal school which was a school for those going into education. JSU main focus has always been informing For example, Anniston High School Informative Day is a event NAACP will be participating in. Members of NAACP will speak with high school seniors and juniors about NAACP and answer any questions about college that they may have.

7 Calendar JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril JSUvsTSUMr. & Miss NAACP Pageant Anniston High School Informative Day Earth Day Celebration JSU CAMPUS PHOT SHOT Honoring the Past, Living in the Present, Preparing for the future Seminar Spring Break Sex TalkMembership Drive Voter Registration DriveA Night Honoring Motown Legends Officer Elections Sunday’s Best

8 Budget Line Items2007-2008 Budget 2008 Request Revenue($1200) Copy Center$60.00- Office Supplies$100.00 Promotion100.0040.00 Food400.00290.00 Building100.00 Security50.00 Total810.00580.00

9 Evaluation By the end of the school year NAACP will have raised awareness to students about how crucial it is to their lives to stay active. NAACP will have shown students the benefit of being involved with productive people in a productive organization. NAACP should see an increase in membership, its funds and overall involvement on campus

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