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Beowulf (author unknown) Text and Context. Background(History) ► It was composed around 700 A.D. ► The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative.

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Presentation on theme: "Beowulf (author unknown) Text and Context. Background(History) ► It was composed around 700 A.D. ► The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beowulf (author unknown) Text and Context

2 Background(History) ► It was composed around 700 A.D. ► The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for many years before it was written. ► The action of the poem takes place around 500 AD. ► The poet is reviving the heroic language, style and values of ancient Germanic oral poetry, as well as pagan values of the time period.

3 Background (History) ► The poem deals with ancient Germanic peoples -- the Danes and the Geats. ► Only a single manuscript of the poem survived the Anglo-Saxon era. ► In the 1700 ’ s it was nearly destroyed in a fire. ► It was not until 1936 when the Oxford scholar J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) published a paper on the poem that is became popular.

4 The Beowulf Poet ► The poet is Christian ► The poem reflects established Christian traditions ► There are allusions to the Old Testament ► Beowulf is a Redeemer who is sent by God to save man from sin ► The price of salvation is life itself ► Correspondence between Beowulf ’ s death and the death of Christ

5 Heroic Values in Beowulf ► Relationship between king and his warriors ► The king rewards his warriors with gifts of land and wealth ► If a kinsman is slain, obligation to kill the slayer or obtain payment (wergild) in compensation

6 Conflict of Christian Values and Heroic Values ► The main conflict of the poem is about Christian and Heroic values ► Beowulf is conflicted between the two value systems

7 The Character of Beowulf ► He fights for personal honor, but committed to service to his own people and humanity. ► He is a superhuman who is recognizable ► Contrast between the young and old Beowulf ► Beowulf is considered the savior of his people

8 Themes ► Good vs. Evil ► Fate vs. God’s Will ► Self-Identity ► Heroic Code vs. Christian Values ► The past ► Loyalty ► Friendship

9 Important Elements of the Poem ► Elegiac tone ► Heroic poem ► Contrasts  Christian vs. pagan  Youth vs. old age  Rise and fall of nations  Joy vs. sorrow  Fate vs. God ’ s Will  Violence

10 Findings at Sutton Hoo Cemetery in England ► A burial site/grave was discovered in 1939 ► Important links to Anglo-Saxon world and Beowulf ► Remains of a boat were discovered and large burial chamber containing numerous artifacts ► Artifacts suggest a distinctly Christian element intermingled with pagan ritual. ► Episodes in Beowulf now have tangible archaeological violence to add creditability to the blend of customs in the text.

11 Sutton Hoo Images

12 The End ► Questions? ► Comments?

13 Suggested Further Reading ► Beowulf, A Verse Translation. Trans. Seamus Heaney. Ed. Daniel Donoghue. Norton Critical Edition. 2002. ► Norton bibliography on Beowulf, p. 2902. ► Websites on Beowulf, Old English poetry, and Sutton Hoo.

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