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Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014

2 Meeting Protocol ▪ Open public meeting ▪ Callers are in listen-only mode ▪ Participation limited to Outreach TAC Members ▪ Public comment period at end of meeting ▪ GotoWebinar ▪ Chat feature ▪ Raise your hand ▪ We will unmute committee members (please mute your own phone) 2

3 3 Outreach Technical Advisory Committee Membership Eric EarlingPremera Carrie GloverWithin Reach Julie SeversonNeighborhood House Matthew McColmOffice of Raul Martinez Farmers Insurance Robin HillearyModa Health Sally MildrenCoordinated Care Courtney NormandPlanned Parenthood Votes Northwest Patricia GepertWash. Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers Brittany JonesCowlitz Indian Tribal Health Clinic new! Suzanne PakCornerstone Medical Services Dr. James PoloMary Bridge Children’s Healthcare Grace SandovalHealthpoint Mary WoodHealth Care Authority

4 Agenda 4 Welcome and HBE Update 2015 Budget Development Process Preliminary Findings - Wakely HCA Update Real People Real Stories Questions & Public Comment

5 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Health Benefit Exchange Update July 11, 2014 Kelly Boston

6 HBE Updates ▪ July release ▪ Streamlined display of eligibility results ▪ More details on invoices to explain charges/credits ▪ Improvements to Native American application process ▪ Enrollment transactions updated ▪ Application corrections (app malfunction, 3063, 3065, 3013) ▪ Data fixes on applications with errors ▪ New health carriers and plans – OIC (late July-early August) ▪ Initial demographic reports progressing ▪ Health literacy assessment progressing 6

7 2015 Budget Development Process ▪ Presented to Board at June meeting ▪ Board will resume discussion at July meeting ▪ Action in August-September ▪ Submit ‘final” budget in September ▪ Budget period begins January 1, 2014 7

8 Preliminary Findings - Wakely ▪ Assess HBE performance/results through open enrollment ▪ Addressing Navigator and Agent-Broker Results ▪ Qualitative/quantitative ▪ Strengths, gaps, observations, recommendations ▪ Interviewed 60+ individuals ▪ Lead Organizations ▪ Partners ▪ Agents-Brokers ▪ Navigators ▪ Preliminary findings – report is being finalized ▪ HBE decides what, if any action to take 8

9 Preliminary Recommendations – Sneak Peek ▪ Revisit composition and scope of statewide Navigator network ▪ Assumes funding reductions ▪ Separate enrollment targets for QHPs ▪ Navigator-Agent/Broker guidelines and promotion of partnerships ▪ Centralize troubleshooting/system support at HBE ▪ Increased use of Certified Application Counselor role ▪ Education campaign geared to hospitals/clinics 9

10 Expand Role of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) ▪ CHC Navigators responsible for 60%+ of Navigator enrollments in WAH and QHP ▪ Expected to receive continued funding ($4.5 million) in 2015 ▪ WACMHC receives grant for outreach/enrollment technical assistance to CHCs 10

11 Broker “Designation” ▪ Recognize high producing brokers with higher level support ▪ Recruit/encourage higher involvement of inactive brokers ▪ 1,415 brokers enrolled 43,984 individuals in QHP ▪ 1,319 brokers enrolled 30,657 in WAH 11

12 Align Navigators-Producers ▪ Establish closer alignment between Navigator-Producer programs ▪ Consistent messaging ▪ Collaboration, partnering ▪ Shared training, support troubleshooting ▪ Create opportunities to bring Producers-Navigators together ▪ Social events, speaking engagements, enrollment events 12

13 Enrollment Activities ▪ “Pop up” Enrollment Centers ▪ Libraries, community sites with heavy traffic ▪ Staff with rotating schedule of brokers and navigators ▪ “All Hands on Deck” Enrollment day throughout the state ▪ Mass enrollment event, heavily marketed 13

14 Enrollment Activities ▪ “Pop up” Enrollment Centers ▪ Libraries, community sites with heavy traffic ▪ Staff with rotating schedule of brokers and navigators ▪ “All Hands on Deck” Enrollment day throughout the state ▪ Mass enrollment event, heavily marketed 14

15 Key Challenges ▪ Training ▪ System Performance ▪ Renewals ▪ Call Center ▪ Partnering ▪ Cross-agency communication-coordination ▪ Issue resolution process (Zen Desk) 15

16 Other Updates ▪ Health Care Authority (HCA) - Mary Wood ▪ Real People Real Stories – Bethany Frey, HBE ▪ Comments, Questions ▪ Public Input 16

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