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Intro to Geospatial Data Jon Jablonski February 26, 2002 For ASIS (&t) UW.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Geospatial Data Jon Jablonski February 26, 2002 For ASIS (&t) UW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Geospatial Data Jon Jablonski February 26, 2002 For ASIS (&t) UW

2 Agenda

3 What’s it about? Entities Attributes Urban City Hall 4 per acre 615 smoots

4 Maps ≠ GIS But in a way they are. –Same primitives –Also consist of layers –Answer some of the same questions. GIS … –is dynamic –is a data structure –can be queried –can create new information both are cool.

5 What’s unique about spatial info? Ties an attribute to a location, without losing the ability to be structured, to be operated upon, to be transformed, and to be moved. Is a representation of 3d space onto 2 dimensions. –But people are working on leaping into 3d.

6 What are some attributes? Measurements are most common, and relate directly to research methods (570 anyone?) Graphic: Geog 360, Nick Chrisman

7 Nominal 3941 Univ. Way3941 Univ. Way10-H 4545 Bldg3-I 4545 Bldg Academic Computer CenterAcademic Computer Center13-G Aerodynamics LabAerodynamics Lab12-O Aerospace Research Bldg12-N Aerospace Research Bldg Allen LibraryAllen Library10-M Alumni HouseAlumni House3-I Anderson Hall14-M Anderson Hall Architecture HallArchitecture Hall11-K Archives and RecordsArchives and Records11-G Art BldgArt Bldg6-N Atmospheric Sciences-Geophysics Atmospheric Sciences-Geophysics 12-L Bagley Hall12-L Bagley Hall Balmer HallBalmer Hall5-M Benson HallBenson Hall13-L

8 Ordinal

9 ARCview Views and themes. –Basic interface to data Tables –See the underlying structure. Layouts –Make pretty pictures.

10 Demo—what are you doing? Showing a layer with no context Adding a layer of stock data Adding some other unit to measure against Querying to restrict data set

11 Answer me a question. Show me the Indian population in central Washington, indicating whether or not people are living on a reservation.

12 Yakama Nation population.

13 Steps Display Washington counties. Select only central Washington –Invert selection –Delete Add reservation areas from earlier map Select by theme to isolate areas of interest Do the same for Census blocks.

14 Oh…. I don’t have the census blocks.

15 Finding data on the web Library GISdepot ESRI Census Etc etc etc etc

16 Places to find info cdemo/race.html cdemo/race.html

17 Select by intersection For finding part of one theme that intersect with another Can use as an attribute operation as well

18 Here’s a new problem Shapes aren’t quite the same. Data quality is a function of: –Who’s collecting it. –The scale upon which it is drawn.

19 How the heck to combine then? Query what’s in one to the other? Do it visually? How about 2 steps? –Join into tract table –Query for non-blank.

20 Other operations Buffers –Don’t kill my fish Distance networks –How far to the nearest bus stop. Scoring –Many planning decisions made by completely made up formula A true cynic would claim that formulas are made up to get the desired answer.

21 More Manipulation Calculate –To build new fields when data doesn’t match –To create new information –To solve your silly equations

22 Buffers

23 Network operations And:

24 Scoring

25 General ARChints File management is an issue. –Temp files get huge –Every layer has multiple files –Deleting a layer doesn’t delete it’s files –Operations make new files that may not be destroyed automatically.

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