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Line Maintenance (on Aircraft)

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1 Line Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Line Maintenance (on Aircraft) Chapter 13

2 Line Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Introduction Functions that control Maintenance Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities Line Maintenance Operation - General Aircraft Logbook Ramp & Terminal Operations Flight Handling Other Line Maintenance Activities Line Station Activities Maintenance Crew Skill requirements Morning Meeting Summary

3 Introduction Line Maintenance refers to that done when aircraft is in service (without removing from flight schedule) Daily, 48 hr, & transit checks Usually one crew performs all Line Maintenance Organization MCC (Maintenance Control Center) coordinates all Flt line activities home & away Ramp & Terminal (local home base activities) Outstations (coordinates maintenance activities at outstations whether owned by airline or not)

4 Functions that Control Maintenance
PP&C is the Center of Airline Maintenance Inputs Scheduled Maintenance, Modifications/Upgrades, ADs, SBs, SL, Deferred Maintenance Outputs Directs Maintenance to MCC, Hangar, Overhaul/Shop Maintenance Coordinates/Communicates EVERYONE - ALWAYS!!

5 Functions that Control Maintenance
MCC is the Center of Line Maintenance Coordinates Scheduled Maintenance or Unscheduled Maintenance for all aircraft in service with M&E Units & OPs Involved/Coordinates All aircraft in the flight schedule, coordinates all maintenance whether performed by airline or outsourced Communicates EVERYONE - ALWAYS!! (PP&C – aircraft discrepancies, rescheduling of maintenance actions & aircraft status; OPS - delays, down times cancellations)

6 Heart of Line Maintenance Responsibilities:
Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities Heart of Line Maintenance Responsibilities: Ensure daily checks are complete prior to first flight of the day Perform transit/turnaround maintenance on all transit aircraft Coordinate servicing of these aircraft Food, water, waste, fuel Troubleshoot maintenance problems & schedule repairs (if possible) in the allotted turnaround time or defer maintenance Coordinate with materiel, engineering, inspection, planning & other M&E units for resolving maintenance problems

7 Responsibilities: Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities
Coordinate with flt operations for the maintenance or deferral whenever the schedule may be affected Track all aircraft during flight to determine location, maintenance requirements & status Coordinate maintenance at outstations w/other airlines or outsourced parties Collect & forward logbook pages, QC write-ups, mechanical reliability reports or other reports required by airline or FAA

8 Must have adequate facilities
Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities Must have adequate facilities Centrally located Tracking boards or displays (by aircraft type & tail #) for flight schedules, durations, current location of aircraft, & maintenance needs – should indicate maintenance status & due date of next scheduled maintenance checks MCC should be on top of everything happening with all aircraft in service MCC must have sufficient communications Phones, handhelds, fax machines, computers Extensive technical library Most important – sufficient, qualified staff (licensed mechanics) Essential to the airline’s reliability program MCC responsible for identifying & reporting all delays & cancellations of aircraft – investigate & resolve problems Repeat discrepancies ( i.e. procedure, mechanic, environmental conditions, bad parts)

9 Line Maintenance Operations - General
Two possible maintenance scenarios Fig pg. 147 Note both sign-off of all discrepancies (or deferrals) & servicing of the aircraft must be completed prior to returning the aircraft to flight service

10 Aircraft Logbook Flight crew maintains logbook for each flight and flight leg Contains – flight crew names, flight number, route, & flight times (arrival & departure – total flight hours & cycles) Section for crew to annotate discrepancies during flight Section for deferred maintenance (date repair to be accomplished per the MEL) Crew aware of current status of aircraft Collected at end of each flight day & those at outstations will fax to MCC Information will be entered into computer for use by M&E, QA, QC, & reliability for various actions & future reference Logbook will be returned to aircraft - ready for next day’s flights

11 Ramp & Terminal Operations
Transitioning of aircraft is a short, fast paced coordinated maintenance action Flight handling, servicing, & maintenance chores must be accomplished Flight handling Move aircraft, passengers, baggage, cargo off and onto the aircraft Park aircraft, position stairs or gateway ramp, & opening doors Maintenance, ground handling crews, flight & cabin crews, terminal personnel, & the FAA tower personnel Baggage & cargo equipment & crews are next wave

12 Ramp & Terminal Operations
Servicing Refueling, adding potable water, & all food & beverages for next flight as well as removing trash & waste Maintenance Checked logbooks, discuss w/crew any problems, verify gripes, troubleshoot & repair or defer maintenance Advance warning – maintenance can meet crew with solution Maintenance completed or deferred will be noted in logbook All deferred maintenance must be handled IAW the MEL and the pilot has FINAL say If deferment is NOT allowed MCC must coordinate with Ops about delay or cancellation of the flight Those at outstations must coordinate with MCC

13 Other Line Maintenance Activities
Daily & 48 hr checks outlined in the Ops Specs Table 13-1 pg. 150 – Typical 48 hr Check Transit Checks Table 13-2 pg 151 – Typical Transit Check Any down time between flights (wide gaps, days to nights) Deferred maintenance, ‘A’ checks, special inspections, simple modifications/upgrades Tasks that require panel removals, components, may be relegated to hangar or shop maintenance

14 Line Station Activities
Line station/outstation Same activities but limited personnel & skills, availability of parts & supplies, limited facilities (stands, hangar space, GSE) More chance for deferred maintenance Communication crucial with home MCC To provide or arrange for parts, supplies, or maintenance personnel Outsource or other airline service May ferry to another location for service Pilot may have authority to contract maintenance

15 Maintenance Crew Skill Requirements
Hangar & overhaul shops employ specialists Line Maintenance must be well verse in all aspects of the aircraft Often different aircraft & wide range of problems Verse in FAA rules & regulations & airline’s policies & procedures Know what specialists apply Administrative skills for logbooks & plethora of reports Multiple crews may be needed to accomplish task (day & night)

16 One of the most important activities
Morning Meetings One of the most important activities Addresses current maintenance status: Day’s flight schedule Maintenance status of each aircraft in service Specific needs of maintenance (parts, supplies, personnel, GSE etc..) Significant problems or changes which may affect day’s flight & work schedules Hangar or facility issues Line station or outsourcing issues Purpose: Keep all involved abreast of everything that in the maintenance area & address any problems that may arise

17 Line Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Introduction Functions that control Maintenance Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities Line Maintenance Operation - General Aircraft Logbook Ramp & Terminal Operations Flight Handling Other Line Maintenance Activities Line Station Activities Maintenance Crew Skill requirements Morning Meeting Summary

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