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Quick Liners We all know the 7 dwarfs (Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, and Doc). What was the name of the 8 th dwarf (the one who didn’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Liners We all know the 7 dwarfs (Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, and Doc). What was the name of the 8 th dwarf (the one who didn’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Liners We all know the 7 dwarfs (Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, and Doc). What was the name of the 8 th dwarf (the one who didn’t quite make the cut)?


3 Business Hand-backs Tonight’s homework Collect Peloponnesian War Review Guides Formative assessment after end of Thucydides Go over tests during middle of period break Hellenistic Period

4 Alexander the Great of Macedonia (who respected Greek culture) ended up spreading it into all areas he conquered (1) this time period would be called the Hellenistic Age


6 (1) The Delian League had been formed to protect against possible attack by the ___________________

7 (2) Athens took advantage of the Delian League, and eventually it became known as _________________.

8 (3) Sparta led its own alliance called the ________________.

9 (4) Two of Sparta’s main allies included ____________ and _____________.

10 (5) Surprisingly, it was ___________’s fear of Athens’ growing strength that led to the Peloponnesian War (Note: the answer is not Sparta)

11 (6) The Peloponnesian War took place from ________ to _______ BCE.

12 (7) Almost as soon as the war started, 1/3 of Athens’ people (including Pericles) was killed by a terrible ____________.

13 (8) When this neutral city- state refused to join the Delian League, Athens went berserk.

14 (9) Around 415 BCE, Athens invaded Sicily and battled the city of _____________. The resulting loss was devastating for Athens.

15 (10) In 405 BCE, Sparta’s new navy destroyed Athens’ navy at Hellespont. Why was this so devastating to Athens?

16 What is the connection between the Peloponnesian War and the Hellenistic Period?

17 Hellenistic Period

18 Hellenistic Period Notes (page 1)

19 Hellenistic Period of Greek History Includes the years __________

20 Hellenistic Period of Greek History Includes the years 338-146 BCE

21 Definition – when Greek _____ was ______________ the world - Greek ______, ____, ___, ______, _______ used by “_______”

22 Definition – when Greek _____ was spread throughout the world - Greek ______, ____, ___, ______, _______ used by “_______”

23 Definition – when Greek culture was spread throughout the world - Greek ______, ____, ___, ______, _______ used by “_______”

24 Definition – when Greek culture was spread throughout the world - Greek language, ideas, art, sciences, literature used by “_______”

25 Definition – when Greek culture was spread throughout the world - Greek language, ideas, art, sciences, literature used by “everyone”

26 X Named after Helen of Troy?

27 X X

28 358 BCE – ______ invaded Greece from _______ (1) ______ was the king of ________ (land to _______ of Greece)

29 358 BCE – Philip II invaded Greece from _______ (1) ______ was the king of ________ (land to _______ of Greece)

30 358 BCE – Philip II invaded Greece from the north (1) ______ was the king of ________ (land to _______ of Greece)

31 358 BCE – Philip II invaded Greece from the north (1) Philip II was the king of ________ (land to _______ of Greece)

32 358 BCE – Philip II invaded Greece from the north (1) Philip II was the king of Macedonia (land to _______ of Greece)

33 358 BCE – Philip II invaded Greece from the north (1) Philip II was the king of Macedonia (land to the north of Greece)

34 338 BCE – ______ conquered all of Greece

35 338 BCE – Philip II conquered all of Greece

36 Philip’s army was _________ and ____ _____ (1) “_________” means ________ ______________________

37 Philip’s army was professional and well- trained (1) “_________” means ________ ______________________

38 Philip’s army was professional and well- trained (1) “professional” means ________ ______________________

39 Philip’s army was professional and well- trained (1) “professional” means ________ ______________________ QUADS

40 Philip’s army was professional and well- trained (1) “professional” means they were paid and served all year long

41 He used the ______ (1) __ rows deep (2) stood close so _________ ________ (3) _____-long spears

42 He used the phalanx (1) __ rows deep (2) stood close so _________ ________ (3) _____-long spears

43 He used the phalanx (1) 16 rows deep (2) stood close so _________ ________ (3) _____-long spears

44 He used the phalanx (1) 16 rows deep (2) stood close so the shields overlapped (3) _____-long spears

45 He used the phalanx (1) 16 rows deep (2) stood close so the shields overlapped (3) 14-ft.-long spears

46 336 BC – Philip is __________ – his son ________ takes over ----------------------------------

47 336 BC – Philip is assassinated – his son ________ takes over ----------------------------------

48 336 BC – Philip is assassinated – his son Alexander takes over ----------------------------------

49 __________ (1) an Athenian _____ (public speaker) who warned the Greeks to watch out for ______

50 Who warned the Greeks to watch out for Philip II?

51 __________ (1) an Athenian _____ (public speaker) who warned the Greeks to watch out for Philip II

52 __________ (1) an Athenian orator (public speaker) who warned the Greeks to watch out for Philip II

53 Demosthenes (1) an Athenian orator (public speaker) who warned the Greeks to watch out for Philip II

54 (2) he practiced speaking by ____ ________________ and ______ _____________________


56 (2) he practiced speaking by using pebbles in his mouth and ______ _____________________

57 (2) he practiced speaking by using pebbles in his mouth and speaking overthe roar of the ocean

58 Quick Liners Think of some unusual uses for chewed chewing gum.

59 Quick Liners Think of some unusual uses for chewed chewing gum.

60 Hellenistic Period Notes (page 2)

61 Alexander the Great Son of ______

62 Alexander the Great Son of Philip II

63 Took control of the army at __-years-old

64 Took control of the army at 20-years-old

65 Instructed by _______ – taught to respect __________ and ________ ___________

66 Instructed by Aristotle – taught to respect __________ and ________ ___________

67 Instructed by Aristotle – taught to respect Greek culture and ________ ___________

68 Instructed by Aristotle – taught to respect Greek culture and searching for knowledge

69 (1) He always brought _______ and _________ with him on his conquests – they studied ________ of new areas conquered

70 (1) He always brought scientists and philosophers with him on his conquests – they studied ________ of new areas conquered

71 (1) He always brought scientists and philosophers with him on his conquests – they studied the nature of new areas conquered

72 Crushed the __________ and conquered from _______ (Egypt) to _________ (India) (1) that’s ______ square miles of land!

73 Crushed the Persian army and conquered from _______ (Egypt) to _________ (India) (1) that’s ______ square miles of land!

74 Crushed the Persian army and conquered from Nile River (Egypt) to ________ (India) (1) that’s ______ square miles of land!

75 Crushed the Persian army and conquered from Nile River (Egypt) to Indus River (India) (1) that’s ______ square miles of land!

76 Crushed the Persian army and conquered from Nile River (Egypt) to Indus River (India) (1) that’s 2 million square miles of land!


78 Goal was to bring ____ and _____ to his empire and have _________

79 Goal was to bring unity and justice to his empire and have _________

80 Goal was to bring unity and justice to his empire and have world peace

81 Cool quote Alexander the Great's father, Philip II of Macedon, once threatened the Spartans by saying, "You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city," to which the Spartans replied, "If," which prompted him to drop the matter."

82 Fun Facts about Alexander the Great (1) Alexander had his first major encounter with the Persians at the Granicus River in western Asia Minor. After his victory there, he sent 300 coats of Persian armor to Athens as a thanksgiving offering to the goddess Athena.

83 Fun Facts about Alexander the Great (2) Alexander the Great, like many ancient Greeks, spent much time reading books. One of Alexander’s favorite books was Homer’s Iliad. Alexander had a copy of the Iliad that Aristotle had edited. It was one of the books that he took everywhere, keeping it with his dagger and pillow at night.

84 Fun Facts about Alexander the Great (3) The following story about Alexander the Great reveals his outstanding leadership qualities. Marching through the hot sands toward water, Alexander led his men on foot. A party he had sent ahead to search for water returned with a helmet full. Although thirsty, Alexander took the water and poured it on the ground. This action, and that of walking when he could ride, showed the soldiers that he did not expect them to endure hardships that he wasn’t willing to endure himself.

85 Fun Facts about Alexander the Great (4) Alexander’s profile was the first portrait of a real person to be used on coins.

86 Fun Facts about Alexander the Great (4) Alexander’s profile was the first portrait of a real person to be used on coins.


88 Wanted the people of the world to absorb the best things about ____ _____ and _________________ _____________

89 Wanted the people of the world to absorb the best things about Greek culture and _________________ _____________

90 Wanted the people of the world to absorb the best things about Greek culture and mix these things with their own culture

91 Founded about 70 cities (1) __ were named Alexandria

92 Founded about 70 cities (1) 16 were named Alexandria

93 (2) most famous was Alexandria, ____ (a) became _____ city of ancient world (b) 2 ______ protected by barriers (c) ________ (d) _____

94 (2) most famous was Alexandria, Egypt (a) became _____ city of ancient world (b) 2 ______ protected by barriers (c) ________ (d) _____

95 (2) most famous was Alexandria, Egypt (a) became largest city of ancient world (b) 2 ______ protected by barriers (c) ________ (d) _____

96 (2) most famous was Alexandria, Egypt (a) became largest city of ancient world (b) 2 harbors protected by barriers (c) ________ (d) _____

97 (2) most famous was Alexandria, Egypt (a) became largest city of ancient world (b) 2 harbors protected by barriers (c) lighthouse (d) _____

98 (2) most famous was Alexandria, Egypt (a) became largest city of ancient world (b) 2 harbors protected by barriers (c) lighthouse (d) library




102 Lighthouse of Alexandria

103 Died of a fever when he was __-years-old – he ruled his empire for a very short time

104 Died of a fever when he was 32-years-old – he ruled his empire for a very short time

105 His empire was divided among his three generals (1) Antigonous - ________ (2) Ptolemy - ____ (3) Seleucus - _____ (4) _____ and _____ became independent (5) ____ – back to original rulers

106 His empire was divided among his three generals (1) Antigonous - Macedonia (2) Ptolemy - ____ (3) Seleucus - _____ (4) _____ and _____ became independent (5) ____ – back to original rulers

107 His empire was divided among his three generals (1) Antigonous - Macedonia (2) Ptolemy - Egypt (3) Seleucus - _____ (4) _____ and _____ became independent (5) ____ – back to original rulers

108 His empire was divided among his three generals (1) Antigonous - Macedonia (2) Ptolemy - Egypt (3) Seleucus - Persia (4) _____ and _____ became independent (5) ____ – back to original rulers

109 Children of Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) (1) Herakles (326-309 BCE) – son of Alexander’s mistress Barsine (2) Alexander IV (323-309 BCE) – son of Alexander’s first wife Roxane

110 His empire was divided among his three generals (1) Antigonous - Macedonia (2) Ptolemy - Egypt (3) Seleucus - Persia (4) Athens and Sparta became independent (5) ____ – back to original rulers

111 His empire was divided among his three generals (1) Antigonous - Macedonia (2) Ptolemy - Egypt (3) Seleucus - Persia (4) Athens and Sparta became independent (5) India – back to original rulers


113 146 BCE – _____ was taken over by ____ 44 BCE – ___________ finally conquered all of Alexander’s empire

114 146 BCE – Greece was taken over by ____ 44 BCE – ___________ finally conquered all of Alexander’s empire

115 146 BCE – Greece was taken over by Rome 44 BCE – ___________ finally conquered all of Alexander’s empire

116 146 BCE – Greece was taken over by Rome 44 BCE – Roman Empire finally conquered all of Alexander’s empire

117 *** In the long run, _____ was conquered, but __________ took over everywhere

118 *** In the long run, Greece was conquered, but __________ took over everywhere

119 *** In the long run, Greece was conquered, but Greek culture took over everywhere

120 Greek Cultural Contributions

121 Greek Architecture and Sculpture

122 Greek Cultural Contributions - Notes (page 1)

123 Greek Columns (1) every column has 3 parts (a) _____ (top) (b) ____ (middle) (c) ___ (bottom)

124 Greek Columns (1) every column has 3 parts (a) capital (top) (b) ____ (middle) (c) ___ (bottom)

125 Greek Columns (1) every column has 3 parts (a) capital (top) (b) shaft (middle) (c) ___ (bottom)

126 Greek Columns (1) every column has 3 parts (a) capital (top) (b) shaft (middle) (c) base (bottom)


128 (2) The Greeks invented 3 different types of columns (a) ____ columns (most simple)

129 (2) The Greeks invented 3 different types of columns (a) Doric columns (most simple)

130 (b) ____ columns (fancier) * capital looks like ram’s horns * shaft is thinner with more _____ (ruffles)

131 (b) Ionic columns (fancier) * capital looks like ram’s horns * shaft is thinner with more _____ (ruffles)

132 (b) Ionic columns (fancier) * capital looks like ram’s horns * shaft is thinner with more fluting (ruffles)

133 Ionic Columns

134 (c) _______ columns (fanciest) * capital is ornate, with leaves * shaft has maximum _____ (ruffles)

135 (c) Corinthian columns (fanciest) * capital is ornate, with leaves * shaft has maximum _____ (ruffles)

136 (c) Corinthian columns (fanciest) * capital is ornate, with leaves * shaft has maximum fluting (ruffles)

137 Corinthian Columns

138 Corinthian columns at the Louvre

139 Architecture on the Acropolis (1) _______ – entrance to the Acropolis

140 Architecture on the Acropolis (1) Propylaea – entrance to the Acropolis



143 (a) grand ______ (b) ____ columns at the entrance – ____ columns inside (c) never completely finished – war started

144 (a) grand stairway (b) ____ columns at the entrance – ____ columns inside (c) never completely finished – war started

145 (a) grand stairway (b) Doric columns at the entrance – ____ columns inside (c) never completely finished – war started

146 (a) grand stairway (b) Doric columns at the entrance – Ionic columns inside (c) never completely finished – war started

147 (2) _______ – temple to Athena

148 (2) Parthenon – temple to Athena

149 Parthenon

150 Photograph taken by Mr. McGovern

151 (a) designed by _____ (b) _________ of Greek architecture (c) appears perfectly ______ (d) ____ columns (e) made of _____

152 (a) designed by Ictinus (b) _________ of Greek architecture (c) appears perfectly ______ (d) ____ columns (e) made of _____

153 (a) designed by Ictinus (b) masterpiece of Greek architecture (c) appears perfectly ______ (d) ____ columns (e) made of _____

154 (a) designed by Ictinus (b) masterpiece of Greek architecture (c) appears perfectly straight (d) ____ columns (e) made of _____

155 (a) designed by Ictinus (b) masterpiece of Greek architecture (c) appears perfectly straight (d) Doric columns (e) made of _____

156 (a) designed by Ictinus (b) masterpiece of Greek architecture (c) appears perfectly straight (d) Doric columns (e) made of marble


158 (f) notable parts of the Parthenon * cella - inside room (only priests allowed) - was the location of Phidias’ statue of Athena Athena Parthenos

159 (f) notable parts of the Parthenon * cella - inside room (only priests allowed) - was the location of Phidias’ statue of Athena Athena Parthenos

160 * _____ – horizontal band of decoration around the top of a temple

161 * frieze – horizontal band of decoration around the top of a temple

162 frieze

163 * _______ – triangular area above the external frieze

164 * pediment – triangular area above the external frieze

165 (3) _________ – where the contest between Athena and Poseidon took place (a) temple to Athena and ________ (b) known for its _____________

166 (3) Erechtheion – where the contest between Athena and Poseidon took place (a) temple to Athena and ________ (b) known for its _____________

167 (3) Erechtheion – where the contest between Athena and Poseidon took place (a) temple to Athena and Erechtheus (b) known for its _____________

168 (3) Erechtheion – where the contest between Athena and Poseidon took place (a) temple to Athena and Erechtheus (b) known for its Porch of Maidens

169 Erechtheion

170 Porch of Maidens

171 (4) __________________ (a) means “______________” (b) porch of columns at both ends - ____ columns

172 (4) Temple of Athena Nike (a) means “______________” (b) porch of columns at both ends - ____ columns

173 (4) Temple of Athena Nike (a) means “Victorious Athena” (b) porch of columns at both ends - ____ columns

174 (4) Temple of Athena Nike (a) means “Victorious Athena” (b) porch of columns at both ends - Ionic columns

175 Rank ’em

176 Propylaea Parthenon ErechtheionTemple of Athena Nike

177 Do we see the influence of Greek architecture in the modern world?


179 Philadelphia Museum of Art



182 Franklin Institute



185 Lincoln Memorial


187 White House (South Façade)


189 White House (North Façade)


191 United States Supreme Court


193 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Building

194 Greek Sculpture (1) Six things to remember about Greek sculpture (a) emphasis on _________

195 Greek Sculpture (1) Six things to remember about Greek sculpture (a) emphasis on body curves

196 (b) lots of _____ (ideal, perfect body)

197 (b) lots of muscles (ideal, perfect body)

198 (c) no ____ in the eyes

199 (c) no pupils in the eyes

200 (d) ___ or draped in thin, flowing clothes

201 (d) nude or draped in thin, flowing clothes

202 (e) ____ hair

203 (e) curly hair

204 (f) made of _____ or _____

205 (f) made of marble or bronze

206 The Olympic Games

207 Greek Cultural Contributions - Notes (page 2)

208 The Olympic Games First Olympic Games held in ______ at ____________

209 The Olympic Games First Olympic Games held in 776 BCE at ____________

210 The Olympic Games First Olympic Games held in 776 BCE at Olympia, Greece

211 Held every ______ (a _____ period is called _________) Started as a ____ summer festival to honor the god ____

212 Held every 4 years (a _____ period is called _________) Started as a ____ summer festival to honor the god ____

213 Held every 4 years (a 4-year period is called _________) Started as a ____ summer festival to honor the god ____

214 Held every 4 years (a 4-year period is called an Olympiad) Started as a ____ summer festival to honor the god ____

215 Held every 4 years (a 4-year period is called an Olympiad) Started as a 5-day summer festival to honor the god ____

216 Held every 4 years (a 4-year period is called an Olympiad) Started as a 5-day summer festival to honor the god Zeus

217 All _______________ stopped during the Olympics

218 All wars, battles, etc. stopped during the Olympics

219 short for etcetera

220 Only ___ competed (1) _____ were not even allowed to watch! (2) there was a separate Olympics for _____ - _____

221 Only men competed (1) _____ were not even allowed to watch! (2) there was a separate Olympics for _____ - _____

222 Only men competed (1) women were not even allowed to watch! (2) there was a separate Olympics for _____ - _____

223 Only men competed (1) women were not even allowed to watch! (2) there was a separate Olympics for women - _____

224 Only men competed (1) women were not even allowed to watch! (2) there was a separate Olympics for women - Heraea

225 Only men competed (1) women were not even allowed to watch! (2) there was a separate Olympics for women - Heraea After whom were they named?

226 Events (1) Day 1 (a) _______ to ____ (bulls)

227 Events (1) Day 1 (a) _______ to Zeus (bulls)

228 Events (1) Day 1 (a) sacrifices to Zeus (bulls)

229 (2) Day 2 (a) __________ at the ________ (oval track) (b) ________ (_ events)

230 (2) Day 2 (a) chariot races at the ________ (oval track) (b) ________ (_ events)

231 (2) Day 2 (a) chariot races at the hippodrome (oval track) (b) ________ (_ events)

232 (2) Day 2 (a) chariot races at the hippodrome (oval track) (b) ________ (5 events)

233 (2) Day 2 (a) chariot races at the hippodrome (oval track) (b) pentathlon (5 events)

234 (3) Day 3 (a) more _______

235 (3) Day 3 (a) more sacrifices

236 (4) Day 4 (a) ________ (ran barefoot) (b) _______ (c) _____ (d) ________ (free-for-all fight)

237 (4) Day 4 (a) foot races (ran barefoot) (b) wrestling (c) boxing (d) pankration (free-for-all fight)pankration


239 (5) Day 5 (a) champions receive __________ and have _________

240 (5) Day 5 (a) champions receive olive wreaths and have _________

241 (5) Day 5 (a) champions receive olive wreaths and have big banquet

242 Ancient Olympics stopped being held in _____ (1) Roman Emperor felt _________ _________

243 Ancient Olympics stopped being held in 394 CE (1) Roman Emperor felt _________ _________

244 Ancient Olympics stopped being held in 394 CE (1) Roman Emperor felt they were a pagan event

245 What about the modern Olympics?

246 ______ – Olympic Games were restarted (1) ____ – women allowed to compete (2) ____ – Winter Olympics were added (3) ____ – last year that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same year

247 1896 CE – Olympic Games were restarted (1) ____ – women allowed to compete (2) ____ – Winter Olympics were added (3) ____ – last year that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same year

248 1896 CE – Olympic Games were restarted (1) 1900 – women allowed to compete (2) ____ – Winter Olympics were added (3) ____ – last year that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same year

249 1896 CE – Olympic Games were restarted (1) 1900 – women allowed to compete (2) 1924 – Winter Olympics were added (3) ____ – last year that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same year

250 1896 CE – Olympic Games were restarted (1) 1900 – women allowed to compete (2) 1924 – Winter Olympics were added (3) 1992 – last year that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same year

251 1992 – Winter & Summer 1994 – Winter 1996 – Summer 1998 – Winter 2000 – Summer 2002 – Winter 2004 – Summer 2006 – Winter 2008 – Summer 2010 – Winter 2012 – Summer

252 When and where are the next Olympics?



255 Every _ years, the Olympic flame is lit at _____________ and carried to the present site of the Olympics.

256 Every 2 years, the Olympic flame is lit at _____________ and carried to the present site of the Olympics.

257 Every 2 years, the Olympic flame is lit at Olympia, Greece and carried to the present site of the Olympics.

258 Greek Cultural Contributions - Notes (page 3)

259 With your quads… list as many words as you can that have a connection with theater/drama.

260 Greek Theater General Information _____ is the art dealing with the writing and production of plays - created by ________

261 Greek Theater General Information Drama is the art dealing with the writing and production of plays - created by ________

262 Greek Theater General Information Drama is the art dealing with the writing and production of plays - created by the Greeks

263 ______ is the presentation of _____ – also created by ________

264 ______ is the presentation of drama – also created by ________

265 Theater is the presentation of drama – also created by ________

266 Theater is the presentation of drama – also created by the Greeks

267 Greek theater grew out of _______ given to honor _______ (god of wine, theater, and revelry)

268 Greek theater grew out of festivals given to honor _______ (god of wine, theater, and revelry)

269 Greek theater grew out of festivals given to honor Dionysus (god of wine, theater, and revelry)

270 The Birth of Theater Step #1 – It began as people _____ _____ about Dionysus at festivals Step #2 – A chorus began _______ __________________ to music

271 The Birth of Theater Step #1 – It began as people telling stories about Dionysus at festivals Step #2 – A chorus began _______ __________________ to music

272 The Birth of Theater Step #1 – It began as people telling stories about Dionysus at festivals Step #2 – A chorus began chanting and dancing the stories to music

273 Step #3 – At certain points, the chorus fell silent - The chorus leader would give a ______ Step #4 – Gradually, the _____ ↓ and the _______ ↑

274 Step #3 – At certain points, the chorus fell silent - The chorus leader would give a soliloquy Step #4 – Gradually, the _____ ↓ and the _______ ↑

275 Step #3 – At certain points, the chorus fell silent - The chorus leader would give a soliloquy Step #4 – Gradually, the chorus ↓ and the _______ ↑

276 Step #3 – At certain points, the chorus fell silent - The chorus leader would give a soliloquy Step #4 – Gradually, the chorus ↓ and the soliloquies ↑

277 Step #5 – Stories were no longer just told about Dionysus – They began to be told about other ____ and _____ Step #6 – Eventually, a 2 nd _______ was _____, then a 3 rd – _____ was possible

278 Step #5 – Stories were no longer just told about Dionysus – They began to be told about other gods and heroes Step #6 – Eventually, a 2 nd _______ was _____, then a 3 rd – _____ was possible

279 Step #5 – Stories were no longer just told about Dionysus – They began to be told about other gods and heroes Step #6 – Eventually, a 2 nd character was added, then a 3 rd – _____ was possible

280 Step #5 – Stories were no longer just told about Dionysus – They began to be told about other gods and heroes Step #6 – Eventually, a 2 nd character was added, then a 3 rd – acting was possible

281 Step #7 - _______ was born!

282 Step #7 - The play was born!

283 Tragedies The first Greek plays were _______ (1) stories about _______ (2) usually had an ______ ending

284 Tragedies The first Greek plays were tragedies (1) stories about _______ (2) usually had an ______ ending

285 Tragedies The first Greek plays were tragedies (1) stories about suffering (2) usually had an ______ ending

286 Tragedies The first Greek plays were tragedies (1) stories about suffering (2) usually had an unhappy ending

287 During the Golden Age, there was a festival to honor Dionysus called _________ (1) the highlight was a _____ _________ between _ ______________ at ___ ________________

288 During the Golden Age, there was a festival to honor Dionysus called the Dionysia (1) the highlight was a _____ _________ between _ ______________ at ___ ________________

289 During the Golden Age, there was a festival to honor Dionysus called the Dionysia (1) the highlight was a drama competition between _ ______________ at ___ ________________

290 During the Golden Age, there was a festival to honor Dionysus called the Dionysia (1) the highlight was a drama competition between 3 tragic playwrights at ___ ________________

291 During the Golden Age, there was a festival to honor Dionysus called the Dionysia (1) the highlight was a drama competition between 3 tragic playwrights at the Theatre of Dionysus

292 Comedies _______ developed after tragedies (1) had ____ endings – hero _______ (2) often __________ people

293 Comedies Comedies developed after tragedies (1) had ____ endings – hero _______ (2) often __________ people

294 Comedies Comedies developed after tragedies (1) had happy endings – hero triumphs (2) often __________ people

295 Comedies Comedies developed after tragedies (1) had happy endings – hero triumphs (2) often poked fun at people

296 More General Information All performers in Greek plays were ____ (1) female parts played by _____ _______

297 More General Information All performers in Greek plays were males (1) female parts played by _____ _______

298 More General Information All performers in Greek plays were males (1) female parts played by men in costumes

299 _______ and ____ were worn by actors (1) showed 3 things about the character (a) _____ (b) ___ (c) ____

300 Costumes and ____ were worn by actors (1) showed 3 things about the character (a) _____ (b) ___ (c) ____

301 Costumes and masks were worn by actors (1) showed 3 things about the character (a) _____ (b) ___ (c) ____

302 Why did they wear masks?


304 Costumes and masks were worn by actors (1) showed 3 things about the character (a) gender (b) age (c) mood

305 ___________ – outdoor theaters where plays were viewed (1) ___ and _____ allowed to watch (2) poor people could _________

306 Amphitheaters – outdoor theaters where plays were viewed (1) ___ and _____ allowed to watch (2) poor people could _________

307 Amphitheaters – outdoor theaters where plays were viewed (1) men and women allowed to watch (2) poor people could _________

308 Amphitheaters – outdoor theaters where plays were viewed (1) men and women allowed to watch (2) poor people could go for free

309 Greek amphitheaters

310 Greek Cultural Contributions - Notes (page 4)

311 Greek Philosophy Greeks placed great importance on __ ______ and/or ________________

312 Greek Philosophy Greeks placed great importance on the intellect and/or the ability to reason

313 Studying the laws of nature and loving wisdom was called ________ (________)

314 Studying the laws of nature and loving wisdom was called philosophia (________)

315 Studying the laws of nature and loving wisdom was called philosophia (philosophy)

316 philos = sophia =

317 Studying the laws of nature and loving wisdom was called philosophia (philosophy) philos = love sophia =

318 Studying the laws of nature and loving wisdom was called philosophia (philosophy) philos = love sophia = wisdom

319 The greatest Greek philosophers were _______, ____, and ______

320 The greatest Greek philosophers were Socrates, ____, and ______

321 The greatest Greek philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and ______

322 The greatest Greek philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

323 (1) _______ * believed that the purpose of his life was _____________

324 (1) Socrates * believed that the purpose of his life was _____________

325 (1) Socrates * believed that the purpose of his life was to seek the truth


327 (a) “__________________________ ____”

328 (a) “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

329 * ____________ to find the truth – this was known as ________________ – he taught people how to think by using _______________

330 * asked questions to find the truth – this was known as ________________ – he taught people how to think by using _______________

331 * asked questions to find the truth – this was known as the Socratic method – he taught people how to think by using _______________

332 * asked questions to find the truth – this was known as the Socratic method – he taught people how to think by using the Socratic method

333 * some fellow citizens found him ______ – he made ______ – he was _________ and _________

334 * some fellow citizens found him annoying – he made ______ – he was _________ and _________

335 * some fellow citizens found him annoying – he made enemies – he was _________ and _________

336 * some fellow citizens found him annoying – he made enemies – he was put on trial and _________

337 * some fellow citizens found him annoying – he made enemies – he was put on trial and found guilty

338 (a) had the chance to change his beliefs to save his own life, but he chose _______________ (b) drank __________ (a poison) rather than change his ideas

339 (a) had the chance to change his beliefs to save his own life, but he chose to die for his ideas (b) drank __________ (a poison) rather than change his ideas

340 (a) had the chance to change his beliefs to save his own life, but he chose to die for his ideas (b) drank hemlock juice (a poison) rather than change his ideas

341 The Death of Socrates

342 (2) ____ * was a student of _______ * recorded all of _______ _____ (_______ never wrote anythingdown) * also believed that the purpose of life was _____________

343 (2) Plato * was a student of _______ * recorded all of _______ _____ (_______ never wrote anythingdown) * also believed that the purpose of life was _____________


345 X


347 (2) Plato * was a student of Socrates * recorded all of _______ _____ (_______ never wrote anythingdown) * also believed that the purpose of life was _____________

348 (2) Plato * was a student of Socrates * recorded all of Socrates’ lessons (_______ never wrote anythingdown) * also believed that the purpose of life was _____________

349 (2) Plato * was a student of Socrates * recorded all of Socrates’ lessons (Socrates never wrote anythingdown) * also believed that the purpose of life was _____________

350 (2) Plato * was a student of Socrates * recorded all of Socrates’ lessons (Socrates never wrote anythingdown) * also believed that the purpose of life was to seek the truth

351 * founded __________ in Athens – first ______________________ in the western world

352 * founded the Academy in Athens – first ______________________ in the western world

353 * founded the Academy in Athens – first institution of higher learning in the western world

354 * believed that a perfect state (___ ________) was possible (a) wrote about the perfect state in a book called __________ – first ever book written about ____________

355 * believed that a perfect state (ideal government) was possible (a) wrote about the perfect state in a book called __________ – first ever book written about ____________

356 * believed that a perfect state (ideal government) was possible (a) wrote about the perfect state in a book called The Republic – first ever book written about ____________

357 * believed that a perfect state (ideal government) was possible (a) wrote about the perfect state in a book called The Republic – first ever book written about political science


359 (3) _______ * was _____ brightest student – studied under Plato for _______

360 (3) Aristotle * was _____ brightest student – studied under Plato for _______

361 (3) Aristotle * was Plato’s brightest student – studied under Plato for _______

362 (3) Aristotle * was Plato’s brightest student – studied under Plato for 20 years And you thought it was tough to be in Mr. Mellor’s class for one year!

363 * improved _________________ by adding the 3rd step - ____________

364 * improved the scientific method by adding the 3rd step - ____________

365 * improved the scientific method by adding the 3rd step - experimentation

366 * first to classify ______________ – his system is ____________

367 * first to classify plants and animals – his system is ____________

368 * first to classify plants and animals – his system is still used today

369 Business Extra credit videos? Collect take-home tests Tonight’s homework Today’s lesson

370 * developed the science of reasoning called logic (a) created the syllogism

371 Please look at the syllogisms in your notes, and see if you can complete them.

372 * developed the science of reasoning called logic (a) created the syllogism Would you like to see an example of a faulty syllogism?

373 * developed the science of reasoning called logic (a) created the syllogism

374 * promoted “____________” = moderation in everything

375 * promoted “the golden mean” = moderation in everything

376 Why were they important? They laid the foundations for _____________________!

377 Why were they important? They laid the foundations for western philosophy!

378 ______________________ _______________________ ______________ _____________ ________________________ _____________ ________________________

379 How can I get at the Truth? _______________________ ______________ _____________ ________________________ _____________ ________________________

380 How can I get at the Truth? What is the best way to live? ______________ _____________ ________________________ _____________ ________________________

381 How can I get at the Truth? What is the best way to live? What is beautiful? _____________ ________________________ _____________ ________________________

382 How can I get at the Truth? What is the best way to live? What is beautiful? What is justice? ________________________ _____________ ________________________

383 How can I get at the Truth? What is the best way to live? What is beautiful? What is justice? What is the best way for us to govern ourselves? ________________________

384 How can I get at the Truth? What is the best way to live? What is beautiful? What is justice? What is the best way for us to govern ourselves? How do I really know anything?


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