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Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Hazardous Materials Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Hazardous Materials Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Hazardous Materials Transportation

2 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Overview –Who we are –What we do –Who our customers are –How we determine training needs and priorities –How we reach our customers

3 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) –Created under the Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement Act (P.L. 108-426) of 2004 –Established PHMSA for pipeline safety and hazardous materials transportation safety operations

4 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Federal Hazmat Law – “protect against the risks to life, property, and the environment which are inherent in the transportation of hazardous materials in intrastate, interstate, and foreign commerce.”

5 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Responsibilities –PHMSA is responsible for formulating, issuing, enforcing, and revising hazardous materials regulations (HMR) and issuing exemptions and approvals under the Federal hazmat law –The HMR (49 CFR Parts 171-180) govern the packaging and safe transportation of hazardous materials by air, highway, rail, and water (except bulk transportation onboard vessels)

6 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Responsibilities (cont’d) –PHMSA enforces regulations – emphasizing: –Packaging Manufacturers, Retesters and Reconditioners –Multimodal shippers of hazmat –Modal administrations (FAA, FMCSA, and FRA) enforce the regulations respective to their mode –U.S. Coast Guard (Department of Homeland Security) enforces the respective to maritime operations

7 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n PHMSA’s Office of Hazardous Materials Safety –Hazmat Standards –International and Interagency Coordination –Special Permits and Approvals –Inspection and Enforcement –Planning, Analysis and Technical Support –Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grants –Training and Information Dissemination

8 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Who Are Our Customers? –Hazardous Materials Carriers –Hazardous Materials Shippers –Package Manufacturers, Retesters, and Reconditioners –State and Local Governments –Law Enforcement –Emergency Responders and Planners –The Public

9 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Determining Training Needs and Priorities –Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety and Security Reauthorization Act 2005 a Legacy for Users (SAFTEA-LU) –Agriculture –HMR rule changes –Cylinder requalification –Infectious Substance –Wetlines –Safety advisories –E85

10 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n How We Reach our Customers

11 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Training and Information Dissemination –Enhance hazardous materials transportation safety through the development and dissemination of instructional and education materials –Maintain liaisons with the hazmat transportation community –Provide outreach and technical assistance through Hazardous Materials Safety Assistance Team (HMSAT)

12 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n PHMSA Outreach for a Typical Year –Distribute over 2 million training and information publications –Receive and respond to more than 12,000 requests for assistance –Assist more than 31,000 callers requesting information, clarification, or interpretation of the regulations –Train more than 14,000 in the hazmat community

13 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Hazardous Materials Safety Assistant Team (HMSAT)

14 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Hazardous Materials Safety Assistance Team Offers... –Training, advice, recommendations to enhance safety compliance with the HMR and understanding of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) –Conduct and/or participate in seminars, workshops and meetings on hazmat transportation ­ Multimodal Seminars ­ One-day Hazmat Transportation Workshops ­ International Association of Fire Chiefs ­ Many more... –Aid in the development of compliance assistance materials

15 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Presentations For the Regulated Community... –Overview of PHMSA’s hazmat program –Use of the HMR –Training Requirements –Package Selection, Marking and Labeling –Shipping Papers and Emergency Response Information –Placarding –Security Requirements

16 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n For the Emergency Response Community... –Overview of PHMSA’s hazmat program –How to Use the ERG –Hazard Communication Requirements – What an Emergency Responder Should Know from the HMR

17 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n FY 2007 Upcoming Events Information –Multimodal Hazmat Transportation Seminars –Workshops

18 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Training and Information Products –Training Modules on CD-ROM –General Hazmat –Security Awareness –Hazmat Marking, Labeling and Placarding Guide (Chart 12) –Training Videos –Materials of Trade –Responding to Incidents Involving Commercial Explosives

19 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Emergency Response Guidebook –Provides emergency response guidance to first responders of incidents involving hazardous materials –Published every 3 – 4 years –In 2004, PHMSA produced and distributed more than 2.1 million copies at no cost to the nation’s first responders

20 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Hazardous Materials INFO-LINE 1-800-HMR49-22 (1-800-467-4922) Hours of Operation: 9 am – 5 pm EST E-mail: –Obtain answers to HMR questions –Request copies of Federal Register, exemptions or training materials –Report HMR violations –Fax on Demand

21 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Informational Resources

22 Hazardous Materials Transportatio n Got A Question?

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