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OPEN CLASSROOM SERIES | FALL 2011 The Role of Government in the 21 st Century Final Lecture Barry Bluestone Nonnie Burnes Michael Dukakis December 14,

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1 OPEN CLASSROOM SERIES | FALL 2011 The Role of Government in the 21 st Century Final Lecture Barry Bluestone Nonnie Burnes Michael Dukakis December 14, 2011


3 Major Functions of Federal Government  Provide for the National Defense  Establish and Adjudicate Private Property Rights  Ensure Compliance with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights  Establish a National Currency  Provide for National Economic Policy to maintain Economic Growth, Full Employment, and Stable Prices  Provide for National Infrastructure to assure Transportation and Communication  Assure Public Health  Collect Taxes to Pay for Federal Government Operations

4 Major Functions of State Government  Provide for Regional Transportation  Ensure Public Safety and Security  Provide for Higher Education  Assure K-12 Equity across Municipalities  Promote Economic Development  Ensure Public Health  Regulate Energy Sector  Protect the State Environment  Encourage the Production of Affordable Housing  Provide Unemployment Insurance  Provide Workers Compensation

5 Major Functions of Local Government  Ensure Public Safety – Police & Fire Protection  Promote K-12 Education  Promote Public Health  Regulate the Use of Property through Zoning Laws  Promote Local Economic Development  Provide Water and Sewer Services  Regulate Local Private Monopolies (e.g. Cable TV)

6 Federal Government Departments  Department of Agriculture (USDA)  Department of Commerce (DOC)  Department of Defense (DOD)  Department of Defense Inspector General  Department of Education (ED)  Department of Energy (DOE)  Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)  Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)  Department of Justice (DOJ)  Department of Labor (DOL)  Department of State (DOS)  Department of the Interior (DOI)  Department of the Treasury  Department of Transportation (DOT)  Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

7 State Government Departments  Administration and Finance  Education  Energy and Environment  Health and Human Services  Housing and Economic Development  Labor and Workforce Development  Public Safety and Security  Transportation

8 Boston City Departments (A-C)  Animal Control  Archives & Records  Arts, Tourism & Special Events  Assessing  Auditing  Boston Bikes  Boston Centers for Youth & Family  Boston Employment Commission  Boston Groundwater Trust  Boston Home Center  Boston Housing Authority  Boston Licensing Board  Boston Main Streets  Boston Public Health Commission  Boston Public Library  Boston Redevelopment Authority  Boston Residents Jobs Policy Office  Boston Water & Sewer Commission  Boston Youth Fund  B-SMART Initiative  Budget Management  Cable Communications  City Clerk  City Council  Civil Rights  Consumer Affairs and Licensing (D-O)  Disabilities Commission  Elderly Commission  Election Department  Emergency Management  Emergency Medical Services  Emergency Shelter  Emergency Storm Center  Environment Department  Environmental & Energy Services  Fire Department  Graphic Arts  Human Resources  Innovation and Technology  Inspectional Services  Intergovernmental Relations  Jobs and Community Services  Labor Relations  Law Department  Neighborhood Development  Neighborhood Services  Office of Business Development  Office of New Bostonians  Office of the Parking Clerk (P-Z)  Parks & Recreation  Police Department  Press Office  Property & Construction Management  Public Works Department  Purchasing / Bids  Registry Division  Rental Housing Resource Center  Retirement Board  School Department  Small & Local Business Enterprise Office  Suffolk County Registry of Deeds  Taxpayer Referral and Assistance Center (TRAC)  Transportation Department  Treasury  Veteran's Services  Women's Commission  Zoning Board of Appeal


10 Provide for the National Defense  Army, Navy, Air Force,, Marine Corps, Coast Guard  National Guard  Special Forces  CIA  Missile Defense Agency (MDA)  State Department  Agency for International Development (USAID)  Arms Control and International Security  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)  Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)  National Security Council

11 Assist the Private Economy  Establish Rules for Private Property  Copyright Office  Patent Office  Adjudicate property disputes Land, physical assets, intellectual property  Commerce Department  Federal Reserve System  Bureau of the Engraving and Printing (Money)  Antitrust Division  Federal Trade Commission (FTC)  Bankruptcy Courts  Court of Federal Claims  Economic Development Administration  Export-Import Bank of the United States  Farm Credit Administration  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)  Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)  Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)  Government National Mortgage Association  Federal Housing Finance Agency  Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

12 Provide for Basic Infrastructure  Federal Highway Administration  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  Federal Railroad Administration  Federal Transit Administration  Maritime Administration  AMTRAK  Railway Stations  Local Mass Transit  Commuter Rail  U.S. Postal Service  Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  Army Corps of Engineers  Bonneville Power Administration  Federal Maritime Commission

13 Enhance Human Capital & Culture  Public Schools  Office of Elementary and Secondary Education  Employment and Training Administration  Vocational Training Programs  Employment Services  Commission on Fine Arts  Holocaust Memorial Museum  John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts  Library of Congress  National Science Foundation

14 Provide for Health  National Institutes of Health (NIH)  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service  Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  Food Safety and Inspection Service  Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control Office  Indian Health Service  Nuclear Regulatory Commission

15 Protect the Natural Environment  Environmental Protection Agency  National Parks  National Forests  Bureau of Land Management (BLM)  Bureau of Reclamation  Fish and Wildlife Service  Forest Service  Migratory Bird Conservation Commission

16 Provide Information to Citizens  Food and Drug Administration  Vehicle Safety Information  Vehicle Efficiency Data  Agricultural Research Service  Agriculture Department  Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection  Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)  Bureau of Labor Statistics  Bureau of the Census  Bureau of Transportation Statistics  Congressional Budget Office (CBO)  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau  Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)  Government Accountability Office (GAO)  Government Printing Office (GPO)  Legal Services Corporation  National Weather Service (NOAA)

17 Provide for Domestic Safety  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)  Federal Bureau of Prisons  Police  Firefighters  EMTs  Building Inspectors  Courts  Jails  Prisons  Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau  Bureau of Prisons  Civilian Radioactive Waste Management  Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  Federal Law Enforcement Training Center  Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)  Federal Marshals Service  Mine Safety and Health Administration  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

18 Citizenship Services  Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)  Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)  Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)  Commission on Civil Rights  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)  Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO)  Federal Election Commission

19 So, What Does Government Do for You?  We fail to recognize more than 10% of all the things we ask government to do for us.  If citizens understood all the things government does for us, would they be as quick to criticize government and ask to see it shrink?  If citizens who argue for “cutting government” were given a choice, which agencies would they overwhelmingly wish to eliminate?


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