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24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council1 Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility & Multi Purpose Detector (NICA/MPD) Nuclotron-based Ion.

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1 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council1 Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility & Multi Purpose Detector (NICA/MPD) Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility & Multi Purpose Detector (NICA/MPD) project status report JINR 106 Scientific Council, Dubna  Introduction  Physics Motivation – White Book  Nuclotron-M  Collider NICA  MPD  Resource Profiles  Conclusions V.Kekelidze

2 2  Project NICA/MPD is dedicated to study of hot & dense baryonic matter and development of the home accelerator facility providing relativistic heavy ions & polarized beams  all these allow to start a new strategic course of JINR towards the leading role in the relevant fields of high energy physics  the Project is initiated & led by A.N.Sissakian & A.S.Sorin Introduction 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

3 3 Physics tasks for MultiPurpose Detector  event-by-event fluctuation in hadron productions (multiplicity, Pt etc.)  HBT correlations indicating the space-time size of the systems involving π, K, p, Λ  directed & elliptic flows for various hadrons  multi-strange hyperon production: yield & spectra (the probes of nuclear media phases)  photon & electron probes  search for P- & CP violation as a charge asymmetry 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council should be studied for different ions (from p to Au) by scanning in b & energy (in the range  S NN = 4 - 11 GeV/u)

4  MMT-DY processes with L&T polarized p & D beams: - extraction of unknown (poor known) PDF - PDFs from J/y production processes  Spin effects in baryon, meson & photon productions  Spin effects in various exclusive reactions & diffractive processes  Cross sections, helicity amplitudes & double spin asymmetries (Krisch effect) in elastic reactions  Spectroscopy of quarkoniums  Polarimetry 24 September 20094V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council Physics tasks for Spin Physics Detector

5 Round Table IV & the NICA White Paper JINR Dubna Lebedev Institute, Russia Kurchatov Institute, Russia St.Petersburg SU, Russia ITEP, Russia LBNL, USA Ohio SU, USA University of Illinois, USA BNL, USA INR, Russia University of Barselona, Spain University of Florence, Italy University of Cape Town, South Africa INFN, Italy University of Giessen, Germany National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator, China Institute of High Energy Physics, ChinaVariable Energy Cyclotron Centre, India Jan Kochanovski University, Poland University of Frankfurt, Germany University of Coimbra, Portugal Wayne SU, USA BITP, Ukraine Tel Aviv University, Israel Weizmann Institute, Israel University of Catania, Italy Mateja Bela University, Slovakia Institute of Applied Science, Moldova GSI, Germany MEPhI, Russia 39 scientific centers 15 Countries (8 JINR members) in University of Oslo, Norway INP MSU, Russia University of Bielefeld, Germany 86 authors from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China SISSA, Italy University of Trento, Italy Arizona State University, USA Wroclav University, Poland Los Alamos National Laborator 9 September 2009 24 September 20095V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

6 6 NICA/MPD –competitive & complimentary to  running experiments - STAR, Phenix at RHIC - NA49/NA61 at CERN - HADES at GSI  in preparation: - ALICE at CERN - CBM at GSI 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council NICA / MPD advantages - optimal energy range for max baryonic density - close to 4 pi geometry - homogeneous acceptance & resolution functions versus measured & scanned parameters (kinematics, b, energy etc.)

7 7 Nuclotron-M - the 1st stage of the NICA project 2010 an upgrade of existing SC accelerator Nuclotron New Linac operational 2013 Booster in operation 2013 Nuclotron-M beam to NICA 2013 NICA collider first beam 2014 MPD min configuration ready for the beam 2015 NICA / MPD major milestones 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

8 8  The goal – Nuclotron parameters to be reached in 2010 necessary for the NICA complex: - accelerated heavy ions A~200, - beam intensity ~ 10 9 A/cycle (0.2-0.4 Hz) - energy ~ 4.5 GeV/u for 197 Au 79+  Major tasks: Development of new injection complex Modernization of RF system Upgrade of diagnostics & beam control systems Modernization of the vacuum system Modernization of the electric- and cryo- supply systems Development of the minimum required infrastructure Nuclotron-М for NICA 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

9 9 main results of the runs #38 (2008) & #39 (2009): essential improvement of accelerator performance in addition, several shifts were provided for the physics experiments 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council Nuclotron-М - the first stage of NICA project The decision was taken to carry out the physical runs only in case of guaranteed stable & reliable work of accelerator -Plans: -Run #40: November 2009 (400-900 hours). Run #42: February 2010 (400-900 hours).

10 - ring vacuum – improvement for 2 order of magnitude (x10 -9 ) -RF system: trapping & bunching systems, controls & diagnostics; adiabatic capture (x2 intensity) - slow extraction system for accelerated heavy ions at maximal energies ( new HV PS for the electro-static septum) - automatic control system, diagnostics & beam orbit detection & correction system - successfully commissioned cryogenics after full-scale modernization (10-15% less consumption of N & LHe) - Injector (fore-injector & LU-20): geodesy, new PS; -> for heavy ions; - 4 runs KRION-2: C Н 4, N 2, O 2, Ar -> Xe 44+ 24 September 2009 10 V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council MODERNIZATION of: -->x10 -10 - KRION 6T; - SPD

11 11 Nuclotron upgrade: achievements & open questions Stable operation of beam intensity 2*10 10 ppc at 1Tesla = 2.5 GeV/n The magnetic field - reached 1.5T & the deutron beam up to 3.8 GeV/n Modern quench detection system & new energy evacuation systems -are under commissioning 24 September 200911V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council The goal for beam dynamics improvement: minimization of the beam losses at all stages from injection to acceleration & to extraction of the beams -not more then 15-20% (it is now ~ 50-80%)

12 12 Leaders: I.Meshkov, A.Kovalenko, G.Trubnikov,  Machine advisory committee (MAC) Boris Sharkov, ITEP, chairman Pavel Beloshitsky, CERN Sergei Ivanov, IHEP Thomas Roser, BNL Markus Steck, GSI Norbert Walker, Desy  1-st report on Nuclotron-M Jan 2009  1-st review on NICA June 2009  The next meeting is foreseen in DubnaJan 2010 Accelerator Facility 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

13 13 Accelerator Facility NICA working scheme Booster (25 Tm) 1(2-3) single-turn injections, storage of 2 (4-6)×10 9, acceleration up to 100 MeV/u, electron cooling, acceleration up to 600 MeV/u Nuclotron (45 Tm) injection of one bunch of 1.1×10 9 ions, acceleration up to 1  4.5 GeV/u max. Collider (45 Tm) Storage of 17 (20) bunches  1  10 9 ions per ring at 1  4.5 GeV/u, electron and/or stochastic cooling IP-1 IP-2 Stripping (80%) 197 Au 32+  197 Au 79+ Two superconducting collider rings 2 х 17 injection cycles Bunch compression (RF phase jump) Injector: 2×10 9 ions/pulse of 197 Au 32+ at energy of 6.2 MeV/u 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

14 14 Collider Collider – general parameters 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council Ring circumference, [m]251.52 B  max [ T  m ]45.0 Ion kinetic energy (Au79+), [GeV/u]1.0  4.56 Dipole field (max), [ T ]4.0 Free space at IP (for detector)9 m Beam crossing angle at IP0 Vacuum, [ Torr ]10 -11 Luminosity per one IP, cm -2 ∙s -1 0.75÷11 ∙10^26

15 15 NICA CDR Jan 2008 MPD LoIFeb 2008 NICA TDRMay 2009 MPD CDR (first version) May 2009 White book (first version) June 2009 NICA / MPD project documents 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

16 NICA: Concept and TDR 16 Ускорительно-накопительный комплекс NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) Технический проект Том I Дубна, 2009 Ускорительно-накопительный комплекс NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) Технический проект Том II Дубна, 2009 August 2009 NICA TDR (volumes I & II) 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

17 17 NICA Cooperation 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council GSI/FAIR SC dipoles for Booster/SIS-100 SC dipoles for Collider Budker INP Booster RF system Booster electron cooling Collider RF system Collider SC magnets (expertise) HV electron cooler for collider Electronics (?) IHEP (Protvino) I njector Linac FZ Jűlich (IKP) HV Electron cooler Stoch. cooling Fermilab HV Electron cooler Stoch. cooling All-Russian Institute for Electrotechnique HV Electron cooler Corporation “Powder Metallurgy” (Minsk, Belorussia): Technology of TiN coating of vacuum chamber walls for reduction of secondary emission BNL (RHIC) Electron & Stoch. Cooling ITEP: Beam dynamics in the collider

18 18 R&D on superferric magnets (requested for SIS100) module production for SIS100 – to be funded by European grant developed technology could be used for booster & collider rings in case of 2T field Quadrupole Dipole 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

19 19 2009201020112012201320142015 KRION LINAC + Channel Booster + Channel Booster: magnet syst. Nuclotron-M Nuclotron-NICA Transfer ch. to Collider Collider Diagnostics PS systems Control systems Infrastructure R & DDesignmanufacturemountingmount+comcommis/oproperation NICA: works schedule 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

20 The MPD Collaboration  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research  Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, RF  Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS, Ukraine  Nuclear Physics Institute of MSU, RF  Institute Theoretical & Experimental Physics, RF  St.Petersburg State University, RF  Institute of Applied Physics, AS, Moldova  Institute for Nuclear Reseach & Nuclear Energy BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria  Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkov, Ukraine  State Enterprise Scientific & Technology Research Institute for Apparatus construction, Kharkov, Ukraine  Particle Physics Center of Belarussia State University 2024 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council MPD Collaboration Members of the Collaboration  JINR ~ 100  Other institutes 47 Institutions  JINR  10 institutes from 5 countries The Collaboration is permanently growing New members – are welcome

21 21 Progress of the MPD project preparation The first MPD concept was presented in LoI issued in February 2008 - it is now modified The first version of MPD CDR was issued in June 2009 Now the version 0.6 is available It will be developed until ~ mid of 2010 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council Editorial board  Golovatyuk V.  Kekelidze V.  Madigozhin D.  Murin Yu.  Nikitin V.  Rogachevsky O.  Toneev V. Referee board  Gorbunov N.  Kolesnikov V.  Meshkov I.  Olchevski A.  Potrebenikov Yu.  Topilin N.  Tyapkin I.  Zanevsky Yu.

22 22 CDR developmen Responsibilities  Physics coordination - Sisakian A., Sorin A.,Toneev V.  Technical coordinator - Golovatyuk V.  Software, MC & tracking coordinator - Rogachevsky O. 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council  Kolesnikov V.I.  Krumshtein Z.V.  Lednicky R.  Lokhtin I.P.  Malinina L.V.  Musulmanbekov G.J.  Murin Yu.A.  Nikitin V.A.  Olchevski A.G.  Stavinskiy A.V.  Toneev V.D.  Tyapkin I.A. Main contributors to the physics tasks

23 23 R&D groups  TPC prototyping - Yu.Zanevski et. al.  ECal - I.Tyapkin, A.Olchevsky  TOF- V.Golovatyuk  Straw wheels- V.Peshekhonov  ZCal - A.Kurepin  CPC- Yu.Kiryushin  FFD- V.Yurevich  BBC- R.Zulkarneev  DAQ- V.Slepnev, S.Bazylev  IT- Yu.Murin, V.Nikitin 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council The CBM-MPD SST consortium: GSI - JINR – IHEP - … in IT silicon module development is well progressing

24 24 3D view of the MPD (conceptual design) SC Solenoid Forward spectrometer-B Toroid 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council 3 stages of putting into operation 1-st stage barrel part (TPC, Ecal, TOF) + ZDC, BBC, S-SC, … 2-nd stage IT,EC-subdetectors 3-d stage F-spectrometers (optional ?)

25 CD η-regions 25 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

26 Energy Scan: CD parts in the η-regions 26 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

27 New technologies for 27  Max transparency (low X 0 ) of end cap structure  New electronics providing the rate of ~ 6 kHz 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council TPC construction - Straw Wheels Design

28 Neutral kaon & Hyperon detection 28 Neutral kaon & Lambda decays invariant mass reconstruction V 0 reconstruction 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

29 Particle identification TPC using ionization TPC (ionization) & TPC+TOF (mass reconstruction) 29 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council pion kaon proton

30 Integration & services 30 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

31 Installation sequence & support structure Solenoid + ECal ECal Solenoid + ECal +TOFSolenoid + ECal +TOF+TPC 3124 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council rails

32 Timetable of the MPD works 32 the first colliding beams for MPD is expected in 2015 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

33 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council33 Resources for NICA & MPD, in k$

34 34 Physics motivation & competitiveness are well proven by the White Book & Round Table -4 Realization of the first stage - Nuclotron-M is going well - should be completed in 2010 Other stages of the NICA complex are well defined & proposed for construction in the NICA TDR The MPD design & R&D are progressing well -the first version of the CDR is available The corresponding collaboration is growing New members are welcome Conclusions 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

35 35 Thank you 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

36 36 Spare 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

37 37  the study of hot & dense baryonic matter would provide us with relevant information on - in-medium properties of hadrons & nuclear matter equation of state - de-confinement and chiral symmetry restoration, - phase transition, mixed phase & critical end-point - possible strong P- & CP violation Physics motivation  It is indicated in series of theoretical works -A. Sissakian, A. Sorin, V. Toneev, G. Zinovjev et al. -M. Gazdzicki, M. Gorenstein, -.... that an optimal way to reach the highest possible baryon density in the lab is heavy ion collision at  S NN = 4 - 11 GeV/u 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

38 38 Phase diagram NICA 24 September 200938V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

39 39 Physics Motivation LE-RHIC scan LE-RHIC scan NICA energy range NICA energy range 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

40 40 2008200920102011201220132014 LHe refrigerator upgrade 50480 Additional He liquefier 3000500 piston compressor repl-ment 180 Additional screw compressor 1430 He gaseous tank repl-ment 4590315 LHe tank (10 000 l) 200 LN tanks, pumps & pipelines 660 Satellite refr. Coll / Booster 320 LHe vessels 60 Control systems 80 LHe pipe-l, valves, vacuum eq. 80 Total = 11 490 50480116524204965233080 He plant: works schedule & resources, k$ fulfilledto be done Prof. N. Agapov 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

41 41 NUCLOTRON BOOSTER Synchrophasotron basement two single-turn injections storage 3×10 9 of 197 Au 31+ electron cooling at 50-100 MeV/u acceleration up to 577 MeV/u extraction & stripping Booster: B  = 25 T  m, C = 216 m I.Meshkov, A.Kovalenko, G.Trubnikov 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

42 42 Collider I.Meshkov, A.Kovalenko, G.Trubnikov 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council 42 MPD RF SPD x,y kicker 10 m Injection channels Spin rotator Beam dump Long. kicker S_Cool PU x, y, long E_cooler Upper ring

43 43 Collider Collider – general parameters 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council Energy, GeV/u1.03.5 Ion number per bunch1E9 Number of bunches per ring17 Rms unnormalized beam emittance,  ∙mm mrad3.80.25 Rms momentum spread1E-3 Rms bunch length, m0.3 Luminosity per one IP, cm -2 ∙s -1 0.75E261.1E27 Incoherent tune shift  Q bet 0.0560.047 Beam-beam parameter  0.00260.0051 IBS growth time, s 65050

44 М5: НИКА-инновация сверхпроводящие магниты 44 Уникальная технология, разработанная в Дубне, востребована крупнейшими научными центрами мира Пилотный полномасштабный дипольный магнит СИС 100 после испытаний 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

45 CD assembly (without IT) completed Rails TOF Solenoid ECal 4524 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

46 46 SPD: Spin Physics Detector (preliminary) Leaders: A.Nagaitsev, I.Savin, O.Shevchenko Requirement to the detector: 4  geometry to enlarge MMTDY event statistics minimal X 0 – effective detection of lepton pairs good angular resolution – very important for azimuthal spin asymmetry measurements in the wide kinematical region 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

47 47 Resources evaluation: NICA + 50% MPD Aggressive profile requires special decisions Takes into account labor cost & its regular rising 235 802,8 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council

48 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council48 MPD financial profile in k$

49 24 September 2009V.Kekelidze, JINR, 106 Scientific Council49 Resource profiles in k$

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