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Vocabulary Review Ch 36 – Arthropods.

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1 Vocabulary Review Ch 36 – Arthropods

2 A member of the phylum Arthropoda, which includes invertebrate animals such as insects, crustaceans, and arachnids; characterized by having segmented bodies and paired appendages Arthropod

3 A structure that extends from the main body, such as a limb, tentacle, fin, or wing

4 A carbohydrate that forms part of the exoskeleton of arthropods and other organisms, such as insects, crustaceans, fungi, and some algae Chitin

5 An eye composed of many light detectors separated by pigment cells
Compound eye

6 The shedding of an exoskeleton, skin, feathers, or hair to be replaced by new parts

7 A member of the class Trilobita; an extinct type of arthropod that is characterized by many body segments each of which had one pair of appendages Trilobite

8 In arthropods, a structure that is composed of several fused body segments and that is typically specialized for a specific function (plural, tagmata) Tagma

9 In some arthropods, a jawlike mouthpart used to pierce and suck food

10 In some arthropods, either of a pair of pincer-like appendages used to attack prey

11 The free-swimming larva of most crustaceans

12 In arthropods, one of several long, curved, hair-shaped appendages (plural, cirri)

13 A crustacean that has seven pairs of identical legs and no carapace; examples include sowbugs and pill bugs Isopod

14 A crustacean that has five pairs of legs; examples include shrimp, crabs, and lobsters

15 In arachnids and some crustaceans, the body part made up of the head and the thorax

16 In arthropods, the mid-body region

17 A shield-like plate the covers the cephalothorax of some crustaceans and reptiles

18 In arthropods, the posterior tagma

19 A feeler that is on the head of an invertebrate, such as a crustacean or an insect, and that senses touch, taste, or smell Antenna

20 In crustaceans, a second pair of antennae, usually smaller than the first

21 In arthropods, one of the pair of appendages that have claws

22 In some crustaceans, an abdominal appendage modified to allow movement, respiration, or the carrying of eggs Swimmeret

23 The unpaired, terminal abdominal segment of crustaceans

24 A flattened posterior appendage in some crustaceans

25 Any gland that secretes a substance to help transform food into substances that the body can use
Digestive gland

26 An excretory organ of some crustaceans that is located at the base of the antennae
Green gland

27 An arthropod that has eight legs and no wings or antennae; a spider, scorpion, mite, or tick

28 One of the second pair of appendages that are beside the mouth of an arachnid and that are used for chewing and handling prey Pedipalp

29 An organ that spiders and certain insect larvae use to produce silky threads for webs and cocoons

30 In spiders and scorpions, an organ for respiration that has parallel folds that resemble the pages of a book Book lung

31 In insects, myriapods, and spiders, one of a network of air tubes

32 An external opening in an insect or arthropod, used in respiration

33 An excretory tube that opens into the back part of the intestine of most insects and certain arthropods Malpighian tubule

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