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Organophosphate Transition: Challenges to Stored Products Frank ArthurTed Rogers USDA-ARS-GMPRCUSDA-OPMP Manhattan, KSWash. DC.

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Presentation on theme: "Organophosphate Transition: Challenges to Stored Products Frank ArthurTed Rogers USDA-ARS-GMPRCUSDA-OPMP Manhattan, KSWash. DC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organophosphate Transition: Challenges to Stored Products Frank ArthurTed Rogers USDA-ARS-GMPRCUSDA-OPMP Manhattan, KSWash. DC

2 Background Information In 1998 EPA proposed new risk mitigation strategies for phosphineIn 1998 EPA proposed new risk mitigation strategies for phosphine USDA-OPMP established the USDA phosphine task forceUSDA-OPMP established the USDA phosphine task force Industry coalitions were also formedIndustry coalitions were also formed

3 Background Information These various groups interacted with EPAThese various groups interacted with EPA Agreements reached on new risk mitigation measuresAgreements reached on new risk mitigation measures Process led to increased interest regarding stored product pest managementProcess led to increased interest regarding stored product pest management

4 Problems in Post-Harvest Already limited registrations of insecticides that can be used in various arenasAlready limited registrations of insecticides that can be used in various arenas Existing products are facing increased scrutinyExisting products are facing increased scrutiny Few options for new registrationsFew options for new registrations

5 Current Issue: FQPA 1996 Food Quality Protection act1996 Food Quality Protection act Targets organophosphates with common modes of action (carbamates too)Targets organophosphates with common modes of action (carbamates too) Some applications of minor-use products may be sacrificed to retain primary marketsSome applications of minor-use products may be sacrificed to retain primary markets

6 Review Status of Stored-Product OPs Chlorpyrifos-methyl (Reldan)Chlorpyrifos-methyl (Reldan) Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic)Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) Dichlorvos (Vapona, DDVP)Dichlorvos (Vapona, DDVP)

7 Chlorpyrifos-methyl (Reldan) Time linesTime lines StatusStatus Current philosophy and approach: “It’s not over until its over”Current philosophy and approach: “It’s not over until its over”

8 Initial Stage 12/99 Public comment period completed12/99 Public comment period completed 4/12/00 Conference call with users, registrants, scientists, EPA4/12/00 Conference call with users, registrants, scientists, EPA 4/14/00 Dow AgroSciences issues voluntary cancellation letter to EPA4/14/00 Dow AgroSciences issues voluntary cancellation letter to EPA

9 Second Stage 4/28/00 Release of revised risks4/28/00 Release of revised risks 6/01/00 Initiation of 60-day public comment6/01/00 Initiation of 60-day public comment 8/16/00 Dow and EPA begin negotiations on Reldan phase-out8/16/00 Dow and EPA begin negotiations on Reldan phase-out

10 Negotiations for Phase-Out EPA recommends 2 years continued use, 1 yr for depletion of existing stocksEPA recommends 2 years continued use, 1 yr for depletion of existing stocks 12/20/00 Conference Call with various parties12/20/00 Conference Call with various parties Further negotiations and rebuttalsFurther negotiations and rebuttals

11 Proposal for Final Agreement Sale of Reldan ceases on 12/31/03Sale of Reldan ceases on 12/31/03 Final cancellation on 12/31/04Final cancellation on 12/31/04 The Reldan dust formulation will be off the market in the next several monthsThe Reldan dust formulation will be off the market in the next several months 1/30/01 Voluntary cancellation agreement1/30/01 Voluntary cancellation agreement

12 Reldan Transition Strategy 3/29/01 First meeting in Kansas City3/29/01 First meeting in Kansas City Discussion with EPA, scientists, user groups, registrantsDiscussion with EPA, scientists, user groups, registrants 5/25/01 Meeting with USDA-OPMP, registrants, and EPA (part of ongoing process)5/25/01 Meeting with USDA-OPMP, registrants, and EPA (part of ongoing process)

13 Primary Discussion Topics Possible extension of chlorpyrifos-methyl registration in Storicide (cyfluthrin + CM)Possible extension of chlorpyrifos-methyl registration in Storicide (cyfluthrin + CM) Extension may be contingent on a viable replacement product registered by 12/31/04Extension may be contingent on a viable replacement product registered by 12/31/04 Storicide is now used on wheat in S. Dakota under Section 18, Section 3 label pendingStoricide is now used on wheat in S. Dakota under Section 18, Section 3 label pending

14 Future Outcome? Interim risk management decision (IRED) issued, withdrawn temporarily for correctionsInterim risk management decision (IRED) issued, withdrawn temporarily for corrections As of now, the 01/31/01 voluntary agreement standsAs of now, the 01/31/01 voluntary agreement stands Conversations continue, other stakeholder meetings may be forthcomingConversations continue, other stakeholder meetings may be forthcoming

15 Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) Time lines and statusTime lines and status Process of deliberationsProcess of deliberations Seemingly fewer problems than with chlorpyrifos-methylSeemingly fewer problems than with chlorpyrifos-methyl

16 Initial Stage 3/99 Public comment on preliminary risks3/99 Public comment on preliminary risks 2/01/00 USDA and Land-grant University comments to EPA2/01/00 USDA and Land-grant University comments to EPA 2/15/00 USDA and Willfarm (registrant) meet with EPA, Willfarm to do additional tox work2/15/00 USDA and Willfarm (registrant) meet with EPA, Willfarm to do additional tox work

17 Second Stage 3/29/00 Revised risk assessments released3/29/00 Revised risk assessments released 4/20/00 USDA-OPMP sends out information regarding assessment and comments4/20/00 USDA-OPMP sends out information regarding assessment and comments 5/31/00 Public comment period completed5/31/00 Public comment period completed 6/00 Willfarm merges to become Agriliance6/00 Willfarm merges to become Agriliance

18 Final Stage 8/00 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) date moved to fiscal 018/00 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) date moved to fiscal 01 1/11/01 IRED conference call1/11/01 IRED conference call 1/19/01 USDA expresses concern regarding EPA requirements for closed system for mixing and loading for on-farm applications1/19/01 USDA expresses concern regarding EPA requirements for closed system for mixing and loading for on-farm applications

19 Conclusion 2/08/01 USDA meets with EPA to discuss an inexpensive closed system for mixing2/08/01 USDA meets with EPA to discuss an inexpensive closed system for mixing 4/11/01 USDA arranges for demonstration4/11/01 USDA arranges for demonstration EPA has stated that the system will be acceptable, IRED signed but not publishedEPA has stated that the system will be acceptable, IRED signed but not published

20 Dichlorvos (Vapona, DDVP) Time lines and statusTime lines and status Used primarily in food warehouses, with the exception of stored peanuts in SE USAUsed primarily in food warehouses, with the exception of stored peanuts in SE USA Chemical has been under discussion for 12-15 yearsChemical has been under discussion for 12-15 years

21 First stage 11/17/00 USDA-OPMP conference call11/17/00 USDA-OPMP conference call 12/00 Public comment on preliminary risk assessments completed12/00 Public comment on preliminary risk assessments completed 1/31/01 Informal DDVP stakeholders group created1/31/01 Informal DDVP stakeholders group created

22 Second Stage AMVAC (technical and primary registrant) meets with EPA to discuss CalEPA approach for pest strips onlyAMVAC (technical and primary registrant) meets with EPA to discuss CalEPA approach for pest strips only Suggestions include retention of pest strip uses in residential unoccupied spaces and commercial applicationsSuggestions include retention of pest strip uses in residential unoccupied spaces and commercial applications 4/24/24 USDA Stakeholder conference call4/24/24 USDA Stakeholder conference call

23 Current Stage 5/17/2001 USDA Stakeholder meeting with EPA5/17/2001 USDA Stakeholder meeting with EPA Issues discussed include role of DDVP in IPM programs, resistance management, food protection, and minor usesIssues discussed include role of DDVP in IPM programs, resistance management, food protection, and minor uses Technical briefing possible for October, triggers comment, IRED not until FY2002Technical briefing possible for October, triggers comment, IRED not until FY2002

24 Final Comments USDA-OPMP actively working with stakeholders and user groupsUSDA-OPMP actively working with stakeholders and user groups Continued dialogue with EPAContinued dialogue with EPA Need participation from users, trade associations, commodity groups, and pest management professionals to help with processNeed participation from users, trade associations, commodity groups, and pest management professionals to help with process

25 Contacts Ted Rogers, USDA-OPMPTed Rogers, USDA-OPMP, (202), (202) Contact Ted to get e-mail distribution list for insecticides and other stored product issuesContact Ted to get e-mail distribution list for insecticides and other stored product issues

26 More Contacts and Resources Frank Arthur, USDA-ARSFrank Arthur, USDA-ARS, (785), (785) Web site for Biological Research Unit is bru.gmprc.ksu.eduWeb site for Biological Research Unit is

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