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Focus of Forensic Entomology January 23, 2009. Definitions Forensic: Pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law Entomology: The branch of.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus of Forensic Entomology January 23, 2009. Definitions Forensic: Pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law Entomology: The branch of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus of Forensic Entomology January 23, 2009

2 Definitions Forensic: Pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law Entomology: The branch of zoology dealing with insects Forensic entomology: Interaction between arthropod science and judicial system

3 3 Major Areas: Urban Entomology Human Environment Stored Products Entomology Insects in food Medicocriminal Entomology Usually violent crime

4 Urban Entomology Human environments pests in the home/other environments Rural entomology Myiasis Mortuary neglect

5 Pests in Human Environments Roaches Termites Fleas Bedbugs Nuisance flies

6 Cockroaches 3,500 species of roach 55 occur in US 5 troublesome in Texas German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) Brownbanded Cockroach (Supella longipalpa) American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) Oriental Cockroach (Blatta orentalis) Smokybrown Cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa)

7 Termites Social insects Live in colonies or groups in soil, wood Cause major damage--more than $2 billion per year in US


9 Fleas Small, wingless insects Feed on blood of humans and animals Most expensive pest for pet owners $9 billion per year Cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) most common in Texas

10 Bed Bugs Nocturnal blood feeders Dwell where hosts live Been around since ancient times numbers dropped for awhile, now back Recent lawsuit: $20 million Several setteled for over $100,000


12 Nuisance Flies (Urban Areas)

13 Myiasis Animal or human disease Fly larvae feeding on necrotic or living tissue “Fly-strike”

14 Mortuary Neglect Cases where bodies not embalmed properly Maggots and decomposition present before burial

15 Stored Product Entomology Insects found in food Stored in warehouses In grocery stores In eating establishments In home Determine if accidental, purposeful

16 FDA Food Defect Action Levels Level of defect in food regulated by FDA Defect=natural or unavoidable damage, foreign substance in foods for human use that isn’t harmful to humans Levels set “because it is economically impractical to grow, harvest, or process raw products that are totally free of non- hazardous, naturally occurring, unavoidable defects” If defect action level reached, FDA may prosecute

17 Insect Parts cannot EXCEED: Ketchup -- 30 fruit fly eggs per 100 grams Canned corn -- 2 insect larvae per 100 grams Blueberries -- 2 maggots per 100 berries Peanut butter -- 50 insect fragments per 100 grams Curry powder -- 100 insect fragments per 100 grams Wheat -- 1% of grains infested Hops -- 2,500 aphids per 10 grams Chocolate--80 insect fragments per 100 grams

18 Bread: 38 insects/parts Oregano: 300 insects/parts Tomato Sauce: 25 insects/parts Mushrooms : 20 insects/part s Spaghetti: 225 insects/part Pepper: 150 insects/part s Italian seasoning: 100 insects/parts

19 Bread: 38 insects/parts Oregano: 300 insects/parts Tomato Sauce: 25 insects/parts Mushrooms : 20 insects/part s Spaghetti: 225 insects/part Pepper: 150 insects/part s Italian seasoning: 100 insects/parts Total: 858 insects/parts


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