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Joelyn K. Foy Research Associate Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Vernon, Texas Why Natural Resources? What do natural resources have to do with.

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Presentation on theme: "Joelyn K. Foy Research Associate Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Vernon, Texas Why Natural Resources? What do natural resources have to do with."— Presentation transcript:


2 Joelyn K. Foy Research Associate Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Vernon, Texas Why Natural Resources? What do natural resources have to do with the producer?

3 Part A Introduction Why Natural Resources? What do natural resources have to do with the producer?

4 Source: Jenny, p. 358 Over time, soil and vegetation develop … unless

5 Source: Jenny, p. 358 … the process is disturbed

6 Ecosystem ForestPine beetle invasion Lack of natural fire Catastrophic fire Not harvesting Clear-cutting Drought Floods **cropping** Disturbance

7 Ecosystem RangeExotic plant invasion Brush invasion Lack of natural fire Catastrophic fire Not grazing Overgrazing Drought Floods **cropping** Disturbance

8 EcosystemDisturbance Crop or Agroecosystem Weed invasion Insect invasion Drought Floods

9 common brome impenetrable mesquite

10 fuel for fire – but no prescription!

11 end of part a

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