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First Aid for Common Emergencies. LEQ…  How can I help someone who has a sprain, bruise or broken bone?

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid for Common Emergencies. LEQ…  How can I help someone who has a sprain, bruise or broken bone?"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid for Common Emergencies

2 LEQ…  How can I help someone who has a sprain, bruise or broken bone?

3 Words to Know  Fracture – a break in a bone  First-degree burn – only the outer layer of skin is burned and turns red  Second-degree burn – serious burn in which burned area blisters  Third-degree burn – very serious burn where deep layers of the skin and nerve endings are damaged

4 What are Common Emergencies?  Broken bones  Sprains  Burns  Nosebleeds  Insect bites & stings

5 Broken Bones  Body contains 206 bones – many protect organs  Breaks commonly result from falls or playing contact sports  If you think someone has a broken bone, do not move that body part  Could cause broken bone to go through skin

6 First Aid for Broken Bones  Tell person not to move injured body part  Put a cold pack on the injured area  Get medical assistance  Keep any injured area immobilized

7 Sprains and Bruises  Sprain results from a joint being suddenly and violently stretched  A bruise comes from a blow to a body part  Both are very common and usually not serious  Usually painful and become swollen

8 First Aid for Sprains and Bruises  Do not use the sprained or bruised part of the body  Elevate the sprained body part  Apply cold packs for the first 24 hours  If pain and swelling do not stop, see a doctor

9 Insect Bites and Stings  Can cause pain and possibly swelling  If rash develops or person shows signs of shock, get help right away  Could be a sign of an allergic reaction

10 First Aid for Insect Bites & Stings  Wash the bite  Apply special lotion/ointment for bites  Scrape against stinger with credit card or fingernail to remove stinger  Apply cold pack to reduce swelling/pain  Watch for signs of allergic reaction

11 Burns  Vary widely in extent of damage and discomfort  May be caused by fire, hot objects or liquids, electricity, the sun or chemical  First aid differs depending on the degree of injury

12 First Degree Burns  Usually heal quickly  Common type is sunburn

13 Second Degree Burns  Intense redness, pain and swelling  Usually heals without scarring

14 Third Degree Burns  Burned areas may be white or charred and pay will be intense

15 First Aid for Burns  First Degree  Submerge burned area in cold water 10-30 min  Wrap loosely in clean, dry dressing  Second Degree  Submerge burned area in cold water  Do not pop blisters or remove loose skin  Wrap loosely in clean, dry dressing  Elevate burned area

16  Third Degree  Call for medical help  Cover burned area with clean dressing  Elevate victim’s arms and feet  If possible, have victim drink small amounts of fluids

17 Objects in the Eye  Can cause pain and irritation  Do not rub the eye  Can cause more damage  If object is under upper lid, pull lid over cotton swab  If object under lower lid, pull lid down  If you cannot remove object or pain/irritation continues, cover eye with loose, dry, clean bandage and get medical help


19 Nosebleeds  Often occur without warning  Can be caused by injury or being in a dry place for too long  Usually not serious or hard to stop  Sit down, lean head forward and firmly pinch nose for about 5 minutes  If bleeding continues, get medical help

20 Fainting  Occurs when blood supply to brain is cut off for short amount of time  Temporarily loses consciousness  DO NOT lift victim  Raise victim’s legs  Loosen any tight clothing  Check ABC’s  If victim does not gain consciousness, get help

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