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Green IT Practices Steps taken by businesses to reduce environmental impact of their IT infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Green IT Practices Steps taken by businesses to reduce environmental impact of their IT infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green IT Practices Steps taken by businesses to reduce environmental impact of their IT infrastructure.

2 2 Ways IT harms the environment 1. Consuming electricity - Servers, computers, data center cooling equipment consume a lot of electricity - Generating that electricity produces pollution

3 2 Ways IT harms the environment 2. Equipment disposal - Computer equipment contain toxic materials - Those materials harm the environment when dumped into landfills.

4 Solutions must address 4 paths 1.Green use 2.Green Disposal 3.Green Design 4.Green Manufacturing

5 Practices - Turn off computers when not in use - However, this process is a big hassle for large companies.

6 Practices Solution: Use IT energy management Software - Turn off computers when not in use - Automatically awake them for software updates and back-up.

7 Misconception - Turning computers on and off reduces their life - Life span of a computer depends on : Operational time, Temperature

8 Data Centers Rise of internet and web application leading to rapid growth of data centers 1)Lot of energy consumption 2)Cooling equipment accounts for most of the energy used.

9 3 measures to green Data centers 1)Energy Conservation Cooling systems consume lots of energy New technologies: - Liquid cooling - Nano-fluid cooling system - In server, in rack, and in row cooling

10 3 measures to green Data centers 2) Eco-friendly design - Energy efficient windows, skylights, skytubes - Carpet that contains low volatile organic compound - Tax incentives for green-design

11 3 measures to green Data centers 3) Virtualization Key strategy to reduce data center energy use - Few powerful servers which can host virtual servers.

12 Unwanted computers 1)Reuse -Using computers for longer period of time reduces environment impact caused by computer manufacturing

13 Unwanted computers 2) Refurbish - Companies can upgrade their old computers and servers to meet new requirements - Growing market for refurbished IT equipment

14 Unwanted computers 3) Recycle - Throwing away IT equipment creates e-waste. - Toxic materials in that waste harms the environment.

15 Designing Green Computers - Manufacturers trying to reduce environmental impact by using new techniques and materials. - Making green PC’s using non-toxic materials

16 3 Strategies 1)Tactical Incremental Approach -Preserves existing infrastructure -Takes small measures to achieve their green goals.

17 3 Strategies 2) Strategic Approach - Company develops a comprehensive plan to address green IT issues. - Example:- Deploying new environmentally friendly computing system

18 3 Strategies 3) Deep Green Approach - Adopting additional measures such as : Planting trees Buying carbon credits Using solar and wind energy

19 Benefits of Green IT - Lower energy cost - More customers demanding Green IT products - Competitive edge

20 Information 1) 2) 3)

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