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The Holocaust By: Ryan, Brittany, and Trisha. What is the holocaust? The holocaust was a systematic,bureaucratic,state sponsored persecution and murder.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust By: Ryan, Brittany, and Trisha. What is the holocaust? The holocaust was a systematic,bureaucratic,state sponsored persecution and murder."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holocaust By: Ryan, Brittany, and Trisha

2 What is the holocaust? The holocaust was a systematic,bureaucratic,state sponsored persecution and murder of approximately 6 million Jews by the Nazi reign and its collaborators

3 How the holocaust started The holocaust started with Hitler running for president against Paul Von Hindenburg in 1932.hitler only got 30% of the votes so he lost the election. By this Hitler decided to enter the government as chancellor in January 1933. when Hindenburg died this put Hitler as the next or line or the successor.

4 When the holocaust was The holocaust took place in January 1933 almost immediately after Hitler was put in power due to Hindenburg's death. The holocaust lasted from january30, 1933 to may 8,1945. it ended by the allied forces defeating Nazi Germany and stopping the concentration camps one by one from July 1944 and onward.

5 Who was in the holocaust There were many people in the holocaust beside the Jews. Although the Jews were the primary victims of the Nazi racism because the Nazis were a priority danger to Germany. Some other people that were involved in the holocaust were roman gypsies, communists, socialists, Jehovah's witnesses, or mentally disabled patients.

6 Why the holocaust took place There was nothing specific that caused the holocaust. The best reason for the holocaust taking place is Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler and the Nazis believed in a “Master Race” so they intended on wiping out everyone that didn’t match that race. The master race that Hitler wanted everybody to be was blonde hair and blue eyes.

7 Where the holocaust took place The holocaust took place on January 30, 1933 until May 8, 1945 The Holocaust took place in mainly Europe and other citizens, mainly Jews deported to extermination camps Citizens of other countries like Poland and Russia and several other countries were being murdered by mobile shooting squads

8 Holocaust memorial This holocaust memorial is showing the arm of a Jew. This is noticeable for there is the tattoos the Nazis gave the Jews when they entered the concentration camps to prove that they were a Jew. This large hand is shown reaching for the heavens with many Jews climbing up as in help.

9 Holocaust facts By 1945 two out of every three Jews had been killed 1.5 million children had been murdered In a period of 11 years 11 million people were killed because of racism and hate There were two main phases of the holocaust: the period between 1933 to 1939 and the period of war

10 references 5Trruw 5Trruw http:// efurl= world/&usg=__Xs_763EoQqRhZ- DCGuKcOezzx8A=&h=434&w=401&sz=60&hl=en&start=8&um=1&tbnid=00GezdhLI3a3sM:&tbnh=126&tbnw =116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danne%2Bfrank%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26um%3D1 two.html&usg=___RafNrFOUGoA3g1MX8TLqfKP208=&h=525&w=375&sz=26&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid= s7XqVL5ajBRqrM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dadolf%2Bhitler%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Da ctive%26um%3D1 tar.jpg&imgrefurl= vpPSWliSs=&h=440&w=375&sz=102&hl=en&start=15&um=1&tbnid=6GOPsDnTDmNRYM:&tbnh=127&tbnw =108&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djews%2Bstar%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26um%3D1 ass_grave_belsen_kuiks_19886.jpg&imgrefurl= link/&usg=__8lYUzhv3_UyM150DsF27qOlnwsY=&h=374&w=400&sz=41&hl=en&start=13&um=1&tbnid=CvK QSlrQJKnlwM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dholocaust%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%2 6um%3D1 m8/SJFzIrtIysI/AAAAAAAAAzs/QCi3XCMG2sg/s400/aldershot_graves.gif&imgrefurl=http://lancasteruaf.blogs =en&start=12&um=1&tbnid=7Bexol80rcmuSM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djew%2Bgraves %26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26um%3D1

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