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By: Maksim Surguy & Cesar Acosta require 'sinatra‘ get ‘/' do "Hello World!" end.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Maksim Surguy & Cesar Acosta require 'sinatra‘ get ‘/' do "Hello World!" end."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Maksim Surguy & Cesar Acosta require 'sinatra‘ get ‘/' do "Hello World!" end

2 Web application framework in Ruby DSL* for defining RESTful HTTP actions Fast Fun! Not Rails Not MVC *Domain specific Language

3 gem install sinatra vi my_app.rb set :port, 3000 require ‘sinatra’ get ‘/’ do ‘Hello World’ end ruby my_app.rb

4 Gems More Condensed Changes to the App require to restart the server gem install shotgun Run => shotgun my_app.rb

5 vi my_app2.rb require ‘sinatra’ set :port, 3000 get '/hello/:name' do "Hello #{params[:name]}" end ruby my_app2.rb

6 get '/' do.. show something.. end post '/' do.. create something.. end put '/' do.. update something.. end delete '/' do.. annihilate something.. end options '/' do.. appease something.. end

7 Supports practically every template engine in Ruby: HAML ERB Erubis Builder Nokogiri Sass Less Liquid And many, many more !!! ( require ‘haml‘ get ‘/' do haml :index end Renders./views/index.haml

8 APIs Web services (fast !!!) Quick minimal applications Lean web development (Largely static sites with some dynamic content) Deploy on Heroku!

9 Heroku GitHub services Engine Yard Apartment Therapy Many Others More examples at :

10 sinatra/ sinatra/ services-with-sinatra-and-heroku-6882369 services-with-sinatra-and-heroku-6882369


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