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9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO1 Industrial and Custom Front-End solutions for Process Controls.

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Presentation on theme: "9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO1 Industrial and Custom Front-End solutions for Process Controls."— Presentation transcript:

1 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO1 Industrial and Custom Front-End solutions for Process Controls

2 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO2 Schematic Structure rbarille: This figure has to be updated rbarille: This figure has to be updated

3 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO3 Fieldbuses OverviewOverview CERN recommendationCERN recommendation SupportSupport

4 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO4 Overview What is a fieldbus? –A low level data transmission mechanism. –It is not a LAN. Purpose –Access to distributed I/Os or devices. –Reducing the number of cables.

5 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO5 Fieldbuses within the industry

6 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO6

7 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO7

8 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO8

9 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO9

10 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO10 Choosing a fieldbus A large number of available fieldbuses –More than 120 –Some are based on open standards –Specific purposes and characteristics –Tools: devices, chip sets, analysis tools CERN recommendation –Three fieldbuses: CAN, Profibus, WorldFip –In house support What about Ethernet?

11 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO11 The CERN recommendation CAN: Custom developments Profibus: Stronger industrial support WorldFip: Real-time features Ethernet: Not yet recommended but: –Front end computers (PLC,PC,…) integration. –Remote I/Os when Ethernet infrastructure available.

12 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO12 Details

13 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO13 Domains of applications Industry like control systems –Gas, liquid cooling, cooling and ventilation, racks, etc... Experiment magnets Sub-detector controls –Temperatures (e.g. through ELMBs) –Others?

14 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO14 Connecting Equipment Fieldbus-ready devices –Mass Flow Controllers, PID, Pressure transmitters,... Via fieldbus controllers –0-10 V, 0-24 V, 4-20 mA, TTL, RSxxx... Via additional cards –To be integrated in the equipment Chip sets –When the needs are very specific (e.g. ELMB)

15 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO15 Integrating Fieldbuses within Experiment Controls Possible levels –In the front end computers or in the SCADA computers Hardware –PLC: manufacturer modules, dedicated to its fieldbus –PC: Fieldbus manufacturers or third parties cards –VME: Cards or modules Software –Drivers or libraries –Higher level applications (e.g. DDE or OPC servers)

16 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO16 Support CERN wide support IT-CO first line support –Advices / collaboration –Spare devices –Hands on

17 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO17 Example with WAGO modules - analog and digital I/Os and serial lines (RS232, RS485). - supports PROFIBUS (DP, FMS), CanOpen, Interbus S. - standard electrical interfaces (4-20 mA, 0-10V).

18 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO18 Example with HMS AnyBus

19 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO19 Example with Applicom cards APPLICOM card PROFIBUS link WAGO modules BridgeVIEW or SCADA tool

20 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO20 PROS and CONS Pros –Good support from industry –Simplifies the cabling –Devices interchangeability Cons –Less flexible than LAN –Throughput (proportional to segment length) –Scalability –(Radiation hardness)

21 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO21 Direct I/Os PLC modules for standard industrial signalPLC modules for standard industrial signal PC cardsPC cards –Issues Cards selectionCards selection Software integrationSoftware integration

22 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO22 PLC OverviewOverview PurposePurpose SupportSupport

23 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO23 What is a PLC A compact front end computer –Proprietary OS –Standardized programming languages Cyclic execution Connected to fieldbus Industrial I/O modules Well integrated into SCADA

24 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO24 SoftPLC OverviewOverview PurposePurpose SupportSupport

25 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO25 What is a SoftPLC PLC control under PC-NT (software solution) connect to fieldbus, home made drivers, etc. NT task (thread) executes PLC software or downloaded on a external card cyclic execution:

26 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO26 Purpose For local control –Close loop, interlock, safety. Independent of SCADA –Reliability,performances. Domain of application –Gas control –Cooling and ventilation –Temperature control (thermal screens) –DSS

27 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO27 Choosing a PLC CERN recommended PLCs –Siemens and Schneider (UNICOS) –“Full” PLCs Wide range of CPUs Large connectivity CERN wide support uPLC –Wago and Beckhoff –Not as powerful but cheaper IT-CO first line support –Advices / collaboration –Spare devices –Hands On

28 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO28 UNICOS An application frameworkAn application framework –For process control oriented application –Schneider PLCs, PCVue32 -> PVSS FunctionalitiesFunctionalities –Objects for I/O, Devices and process control; –Control model –Alarms, Events and Interlocks –Simulation of input/Overwritting of output.

29 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO29 Integration of PLCs Communication –COTS OPC servers Field bus TCP-IP based –SCADA drivers E.g. UNICOS in PVSS Configuration –Proprietary dev. environments –Automatically extracted configuration files

30 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO30 SLiC A custom solution to Front End control Overview Purpose Status

31 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO31 SLiC overview C++ front end control application framework for –Devices access –Process control Set of ready to use classes. Guideline to add user specific ones. VME/Linux; PC/Linux; PC/NT

32 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO32 Why SLiC? When no COTS solution is usable –Unsupported devices or electrical interfaces: Custom devices HEP specific devices (CAEN PS) TTL signals –Large number of I/Os. Advantage of a framework: –Common kernel; –Re-usable user extentions

33 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO33 Controllers and Devices

34 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO34 SLiC status Released –Devices: CAEN PS, Can, Wiener –Integrated with PVSS: DIM/XML –Used by COMPASS and HARP Next releases –New devices –New communication mechanisms –Complete user documentation.

35 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO35 Integration with supervision A possible standard interface: OPC –Overview –Concepts –Evaluation –

36 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO36 OPC Client/Server

37 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO37 OPC Data Model

38 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO38 OPC Data Access mechanisms Three kind of access –Read/Write Synchronous/Asynchronous Device/Cache –Subscription Update rate Dead band –Refresh Flags –Time stamp and quality

39 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO39 OPC Support Commercial OPC servers Simulation OPC servers OPC toolkit

40 9th September 2001R. BARILLERE - IT-CO40 Covered Topics

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