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DOL Disability Employment App Challenge U.S. Department of Labor.

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1 DOL Disability Employment App Challenge U.S. Department of Labor

2 DOL Disability Employment App Challenge Background Nearly twenty-two years after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act and thirty-nine years after the passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - two of the most significant disability employment-related pieces legislation in American history - people with disabilities continue to be employed at much lower levels than people without disabilities/the general population. Not only do people with disabilities have a significantly higher unemployment rate than the general population, they also have a much lower labor force participation rate.

3 DOL Disability Employment App Challenge Background According to the most recent statistics from the Bureau of Labor statistics (April 2012), people with disabilities had a 20.3% labor force participation rate compared to 69.1% for their non-disabled peers. 20.3% vs. 69.1% 12.5% vs. 7.6% For minorities with disabilities, these disparities are even greater. This represents a loss of significant willing and able talent to the American workforce, a loss of income for people without jobs, and an economic loss to the American economy. People with disabilities had an unemployment rate of 12.5% compared to 7.6% for their non-disabled peers.

4  Launch Date: May 23 rd, 2012  Event: First ever disability-related app challenge/code-a-thon of its kind at DOL.  Partners: Department of Education and Social Security Administration.  Supporters: FCC, Craigslist, IBM, Microsoft and the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA).  Mission: DOL launched the Disability Employment App Challenge to promote the development of innovative tools to improve employment opportunities and outcomes for people with disabilities.  Each submission was asked to achieve at least one of the following goals:  Promote Recruitment Resources for Employers  Develop Job Training and Skill-Building Tools for Job Seekers  Facilitate Employment-Related Transportation Options  Expand Web and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility DOL Disability Employment App Challenge Contest Overview

5 DOL Disability Employment App Challenge By The Numbers 3 Winning Applications! Public collaboration + Entrepreneur Spirit 2,400+ Supporters 40+ Applications

6 Innovation Award: Access Jobs Prize: $5,000 & Showcase Application at 2012 FCC Developing With Accessibility Expo DOL Disability Employment App Challenge Contest Winners People’s choice Award: VoisPal – Speak As Your Think! Prize: $3,000 & Showcase Application at 2012 FCC Developing With Accessibility Expo Above and Beyond Accessibility Award: AccDC Accelerated Dynamic Content Prize: $2,000, showcase Application at 2012 FCC Developing With Accessibility Expo & 1 hour session hosted by leaders from government to showcase the winning app. 6

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