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1 Fair Trade Towns - Ten years of age. Welcome!  Where we came from  Where we are now  Where we are going.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Fair Trade Towns - Ten years of age. Welcome!  Where we came from  Where we are now  Where we are going."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Fair Trade Towns - Ten years of age

2 Welcome!  Where we came from  Where we are now  Where we are going

3 Where we came from

4 “The beacon that has started in Garstang can spread like wildfire through the whole country” George Foulkes – past Under Secretary of State, June 2000 Garstang to the world

5 The UK Five Goals Council passes a Resolution supporting Fairtrade A range of Fairtrade products are readily available in the area’s shops & catering establishments Fairtrade products are used by a number of work places & community organisations Attract media coverage & popular support for the campaign A local Fairtrade steering group is convened to ensure commitment to Fairtrade Town status

6 Involving the community

7 Benefits to running a Fair Trade Town campaign  For the Producers  For the community  For the Local Authority

8 Where we are now

9  UK Fairtrade sales in 2009 were £799m  There are over 4,500 products carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark in the UK  74% recognition of the FAIRTRADE Mark  In the UK there are 500 Fairtrade Towns, over 6,000 Fairtrade Churches, 39 Fairtrade Synagogues, 1 Fairtrade Mosque, 1 Fairtrade Hindu Temple, 129 Fairtrade Universities and almost 500 Fairtrade Schools. UK Fairtrade success

10 UK Fairtrade Towns

11  Of the 21 countries with Fairtrade Labelling Initiatives 17 have Fairtrade Town campaigns  Almost 900 Fair Trade Towns worldwide incl. the cities of London, Paris, Rome, Brussels, Copenhagen, and San Francisco  It is estimated that more than 7.5 million people across 58 developing countries, benefit from the international Fairtrade system Global Fairtrade success

12 Global Fair Trade Towns


14 Campaigning together

15 Where we are going

16 16 DAS ENDE

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