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Development of a Chemical Stain for Identifying Arsenic-Treated Wood Amy Omae August 18, 2005 Medley, FL.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of a Chemical Stain for Identifying Arsenic-Treated Wood Amy Omae August 18, 2005 Medley, FL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of a Chemical Stain for Identifying Arsenic-Treated Wood Amy Omae August 18, 2005 Medley, FL

2 Background Identification methods for arsenic-treated wood  Visual method  Augmentation methods XRF, LIBS, AA analysis  Arsenic test kits Arsine gas Wipe  Copper specific stains (PAN indicator) Alternative treated wood (ACQ, CBA, CC, CDDC) EXPENSIVE HAZARDOUS DAYS OR WEEKS INACCURATE IDENTIFIES COPPER NOT ARSENIC

3 Background Similarity of phosphate and arsenate Colorimetric identification methods  Ascorbic acid Unable to prevent phosphate interference  Vanadomolybdophosphoric acid Unable to achieve a noticeable color  Stannous chloride… PhosphateArsenate

4 Stannous Chloride Stain Standard Methods, 1995  Intended for the detection of phosphate, PO 4 3-  Colorimetric reaction  BLUE PO 4 3- +12(NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 +24H +  (NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 12MoO 3 +21NH 4 + +12H 2 O (NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 12MoO 3 + Sn 2+  (molybdenum blue) + Sn 4+  Interference: Arsenate, AsO 4 3- PhosphateArsenate

5 Stannous Chloride Stain Modifications  Reducing sensitivity to phosphate 1) Ammonium Molybdate 2) Stannous Chloride

6 Stannous Chloride Stain Modifications  Reducing sensitivity to phosphate 1) Ammonium Molybdate 2) Stannous Chloride Combined Reagent

7 Stannous Chloride Stain Reagents Separated Reagents Combined Arsenate Phosphate

8 Dissolution Method 20-mL sample vial  10 mL distilled water  9 drops combined reagent 8 parts ammonium molybdate 1 part stannous chloride  0.5 g sample (shredded wood or sawdust) Reaction time: 30-45 minutes Maximum intensity: ~5 hours

9 Dissolution Method ACZA-treated wood  Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate  Western U.S.  Maximum intensity: ~2 hours (4.0 kg/m 3 ) Untreated CC CDDC CBA ACQ Borate CCA

10 Dissolution Method None Faint Blue (0.025–0.070) Light Blue (0.071–0.220) Medium Blue (0.221–0.399) Blue (0.400–1.149) Intense Blue (>1.150) Untreated 4.0 kg/m 3 CCA 0m 0s 15m 0s 22m 30s 31m 40s 39m 15s53m 30s1h 8m 0s 2h 30m 0s 5h 30m 0s λ = 690 nm

11 Dissolution Method Field test  Recycled wood Sample Result Determined Chemical Treatment Preservative Reaction Time of Stannous Chloride Stain PAN Indicator (+/–) Elements Detected by XRF Unit (Average, ppm) CrCuAs A–<216.3174.7<10Boratenone B–<205.3<35.7<9.3Boratenone C+<284<34<10.3Untreatednone D+<241.7<51.3<11.7Untreatednone E+<261.310248<9.7Coppernone F+<253.31481<18Coppernone G+<2366013<10ACQnone H+9194.35412.36431.7CCA17 min 24 sec I+2526.31418.71476.3CCA37 min 42 sec

12 Dissolution Method Shelf life (6 months; ends August 26, 2005)  Reagents must be stored separately

13 Other Application Methods Interference with Untreated Wood Whole wood application

14 Other Application Methods Ash  Masking color of ash Wipes  Simulate human hand  Analyze wipe with dissolution method stannous chloride stain  New wood  Effective; similar reaction time  Weathered wood  Effective; reaction time ~4 hours UNTREATED4.0 kg/m 3 CCA40 kg/m 3 CCA

15 Future Objectives Additional field testing on playgrounds MDL for phosphate and arsenate Adjust pH to reduce reaction time Prepare consumer instructions Submit technical report to:

16 Thank you! Questions?

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