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Volunteer Training Northeast Ohio Bible Bee Contest Day August 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Training Northeast Ohio Bible Bee Contest Day August 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Training Northeast Ohio Bible Bee Contest Day August 23, 2014

2 Mission and Vision of the Bible Bee MISSION To help families strengthen their personal relationships with the Lord and dynamically impact the world as ambassadors of Jesus Christ. VISION To encourage parents as they disciple their children through in-depth study of the Word of God, Scripture memorization, and prayer.

3 Contest Day Schedule 8:30-9:00 Arrive at Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church 9:00-9:30 Welcome Assembly (Activity Center) 9:30-11:00 Written Test Round 11:00-11:30 Break 11:30-12:30 Lunch (Gathering Room) 12:30-2:30 Recognition and Closing Ceremony

4 “Age Division Commanders” Administer the Written Test to one of 3 age divisions: Primary (age 7-10), Junior (11-14), & Senior (15-18) with the help of Assistant Commanders. Follow the script exactly as read, according to standardized instructions. Supervise youth during the test. Sign each Written Test scan sheet and return them to Operation Center.

5 “Assistant Commanders” Assist the Age Division Commander in administering the Written Test Round. Bring attendance sheet to Operations Center. Supervise youth during the test. Clean up the room after the round is completed. Take name cards and place on designated chairs in Activity Center (alphabetical order) for Closing Ceremony seating.

6 Additional instructions Age Division Commanders please arrive at 8:30 a.m. Sign in (Commons Area), pick up nametag, sign the Volunteer Affidavit, and pick up your folder (includes Instructions and Script). Check your assigned room to be sure all materials are in place. Meet together in the School Lobby to pray. Join us for the Welcome Assembly at 9:00 a.m.

7 “Registration Volunteers” Please arrive at 8:00 a.m. and report to the Commons Area. Meet together to pray. Welcome each contestant and family. Ensure that each contestant signs in. Pass out family folders, which include everyone’s name tag and Contest Day Schedule. Have additional guests fill out a name tag and collect extra money for lunch if applicable. Point out reception area and answer any questions.

8 Thank you! Thank you so much for volunteering for the Bible Bee! This day would not be possible without your dedication to God’s Word and love for His children, by His grace! We thank God for you, and pray that He will bless you abundantly, in Jesus’ name! For His glory alone!

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