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Switzerland  Economic and geographic problems  Relationship to Holy Roman Empire  Rural, forest, and urban cantons  Mercenaries and patriotism (Zwingli.

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2 Switzerland  Economic and geographic problems  Relationship to Holy Roman Empire  Rural, forest, and urban cantons  Mercenaries and patriotism (Zwingli was a chaplain)

3 Zwingli and his Reform  Education in humanist tradition (unlike Luther)  Claimed to preach reformed Gospel before Luther  Accepted basic Lutheran message  Took Reformation further in style  Wins over Zurich thru disputation

4 Zwingli’s Contributions  Iconoclasm and purity of worship  2 sacraments and their meaning  Marburg Colloquy (1529)—break with Luther  Rejects relics, indulgences, celibacy, Pope  Predestination and theocratic Zurich

5 Zwingli’s End and Assessment FFFFear of Holy Roman Emperor AAAAttempted alliance w/German Lutherans DDDDies in Kappel War AAAAssessment: a “left- wing” reformer more radical than Luther HHHHelped spread Reformation in Switz., a center of movement

6 John Calvin: Soldier of God  Second Generation Reformer (1509-64)  Studied to be a lawyer and humanist education in France  Agreed with Luther’s reform  More consistent reformer than Luther  Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)

7 The Old Testament God  Absolute sovereignty of God and absolute depravity of man  Predestination as central—the “elect” and “visible saints”  3 tests: conversion experience, sacraments of Church, live out Gospel  The paradox of predestination  Weber Thesis—relation to capitalism

8 Geneva: “Most Holy City” KKKKicked out in 1541 over excommunication EEEEcclesiastical Ordinances: pastors, doctors, elders, deacons CCCConsistory and “blue laws” VVVView of Church and state GGGGenevan Academy FFFFocus on individual churches (Congregationalism) RRRReligious Tolerance? Michael Servetus and Puritans

9 Influence  Picked up momentum when Lutheranism lost steam  More militant group to battle post-Trentine Catholicism  Spread to Netherlands, France, Poland, Hungary, Scotland, Germany

10 Assessment JJJJohn Knox brought Calvin’s ideas to Scotland (English Civil War) SSSStereotype: stern, pious, zealous, righteous SSSSelf-assured “soldiers of God” SSSStrong among nobles, artisans, burghers and where anti- clericalism was strong

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