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Hungry? They are-> By: Zach Kramer, Omar Duran, and Brant Boczek.

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5 Hungry? They are-> By: Zach Kramer, Omar Duran, and Brant Boczek


7 Malnourished People 17 kids in Albuquerque malnourished No food or working bathroom Children had infections needed antibiotics Kids needed emergency dental care Kids behind in school

8 The Problem of World Hunger More affected by hunger: People lack economic, political power People who live on bad land Unstable cities 1,003,000,000 starve to death each year

9 The Problem of World Hunger (Con.) 3 billion people live on $2 dollars or less 1/12 of people in the world are malnourished 5 percent of the people who die are children Every 5 seconds people die hunger death

10 Political Causes for World Hunger War slows down food production Food goes overseas Public left with less food

11 Economic Causes for World Hunger No money to buy food Africa is the poorest nation Most malnourished people USA growing starvation problem Developing countries have most starvation

12 Environmental Causes for World Hunger Water, land, forests losing their resources Being overused

13 Fight For Hunger Fight For Hunger helps AAH raise money Held at the L’Anima L’Anima owned by Francesco Mazzei L'Anima is located in London Exquisite dishes at a low price Francesco believes nobody should starve

14 Fresh Food Vouchers for Refugees Dadaab refugee camps in northeastern Kenya Kids malnourished even with food Only basics beans, sugar, and maize No vitamin A, E, iron, or vegetables Mothers go to market buy fresh food Better diet, less sickness

15 Hunger knows no friend but its feeder


17 Bibliography "ACF Expands Cholera Response in Haiti amidst Crisis | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "ACF Launches Emergency Response to Tropical Storm Agatha | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Action Against Hunger." Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Action Against Hunger | ACF International | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Charity Navigator Rating - Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA." Charity Navigator - America's Largest Charity Evaluator | Home. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Charity Review of Action Against Hunger." United States and Canada BBB Consumer and Business Reviews, Reports, Ratings, Complaints and Accredited Business Listings. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. york-ny-636. york-ny-636 "Food Security & Livelihoods | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Hunger Quotes." Find the Famous Quotes You Need, Quotations. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Main Causes of World Hunger." Freehold Township Elementary and Middle Schools. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. [[ grade webquest/threecauses.htm]]. "Nutrition | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "One in Four Children's Lives at Risk from Malnutrition in Western Chad | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Poverty and World Hunger - Bing Videos." Bing. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. [[ hunger/35928d112c5104bba1e735928d112c5104bba1e7-294470549506?q=world hunger&FORM=VIRE1]]. hunger/35928d112c5104bba1e735928d112c5104bba1e7-294470549506?q=world "17 Kids Found Malnourished, Neglected | Albuquerque, New Mexico." Severe Winter Weather Coverage for Green Bay, Appleton, WI, Northeast Wisconsin | FOX 11 Online. Web. 13 Dec. 2010. "Who We Are | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA. Web. 13 Dec. 2010..

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