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REP DAY NOVA SCOTIA Political Trivia. FederalProvincialMunicipal 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "REP DAY NOVA SCOTIA Political Trivia. FederalProvincialMunicipal 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 REP DAY NOVA SCOTIA Political Trivia

2 FederalProvincialMunicipal 10 20 30 40 50

3 Federal – 10 Who is the current prime minister?

4 Answer Stephen Harper

5 Federal – 20 Which political party is the prime minister currently the leader of?

6 Answer The Conservative Party of Canada

7 Federal – 30 What is the title given to the elected representative at the federal level?

8 Answer Member of Parliament

9 Federal – 40 Name three responsibilities at the federal level

10 Answer Agriculture and Agri-Food; Canadian Heritage; Citizenship and Immigration; Environment; Finance; Fisheries and Oceans; Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development; Health; Human Resources and Skills Development; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development; Industry; Intergovernmental Affairs; International Cooperation and Development; Justice; Labour; National Defence; National Defence; National Revenue; Natural Resources; Public Safety; Public Works and Government Services; Transport, Infrastructure, and Communities; Treasury Board; Veterans Affairs; Western Economic Diversification

11 Federal – 50 Who is the local representative at the federal level? Which party do they belong to?

12 Answer Answers will vary by electoral district

13 Provincial – 10 Who is the current premier?

14 Answer Stephen McNeil

15 Provincial – 20 What political party is the premier currently the leader of?

16 Answer Nova Scotia Liberal Party

17 Provincial – 30 What is the title given to the elected representative at the provincial level?

18 Answer Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA)

19 Provincial – 40 Name three responsibilities at the provincial level

20 Answer Agriculture; Communities; Culture and Heritage; Community Services; Economic and Rural Development and Tourism; Education and Early Childhood Development; Energy; Environment; Finance; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Health and Wellness; Intergovernmental Affairs; Justice; Labour and Advanced Education; Natural Resources; Public Service Commission; Seniors; Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations; Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal

21 Provincial – 50 Who is the local representative at the provincial level? Which party do they belong to?

22 Answer Answers will vary by electoral district

23 Municipal – 10 Who is the head of the local council?

24 Answer Answers will vary

25 Municipal – 20 What is the title given to my local representative at the municipal level?

26 Answer Answers will vary by municipality

27 Municipal – 30 Name three responsibilities at the municipal level

28 Answer Animal Control; Business Licensing; Building Permits and Inspections; Community and Social Services; Cultural Services/Programs; Drainage; Economic Development; Fire Protection; Flood Control; Land Use Planning and Zoning; Libraries; Local Utilities; Parks and Recreation; Policing; Public Health and Inspections; Public Housing; Solid Waste Management; Transportation Systems; Water and Sewers

29 Municipal – 40 From which level of government do municipal governments receive responsibilities?

30 Answer The provincial government

31 Municipal – 50 Who is my local representative at the municipal level?

32 Answer Answers will vary by municipality

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