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The Horizon Report 1 Malcolm B. Brown, Dartmouth College Julie K. Little, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative 5 June 2008, E-Live!

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Presentation on theme: "The Horizon Report 1 Malcolm B. Brown, Dartmouth College Julie K. Little, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative 5 June 2008, E-Live!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Horizon Report 1 Malcolm B. Brown, Dartmouth College Julie K. Little, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative 5 June 2008, E-Live!

2 2 Today’s Session 1.History and Purpose 2.The Process 3.Inside the Horizon Report 4.Putting the Horizon Report to Work for You

3 1 History and Purpose of the Horizon Report

4 History 4 5 Annual Reports (2004-2008) Intended for Institutional Leadership (brief format) Released under Language translations introduced ‘07 (Spanish & Catalan) Evolution of Structure Key Trends & Critical Challenges (‘06) Metatrends (‘08) Horizon Project Community (wiki & tags)

5 5 Chris Lott: 5 Years of the Horizon Report

6 6 Purpose It’s a forecast targeting six emerging technologies considered on three different adoption "horizons." In the next year In 2-3 years In 4-5 years

7 2 Preparing the Horizon Report

8 8 Core Focus Teaching Learning Creative Expression

9 9 Core question What six emerging technologies or practices will likely enter into mainstream use in the next one to five years?

10 Step 1 Assemble Advisory Board Set up collaboratory 10

11 Variety of perspectives Adobe Systems Apple, Inc California State Monterey Bay Case Western CNI Cornell University Dartmouth College Educause Learning Initiative Forbes, Inc. Hong Kong U of Science and Tech IBM Almaden Research Center Information Week JISC (UK) MIT UC Berkeley Nagoya University (Japan) New Media Consortium New York University NITLE Ohio State Qatar Academy (Qatar) Stanford Texas State University U Maryland Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain) U of British Columbia (Canada) U of Mary Washington U of Missouri-Kansas City U of Queensland (Australia) U of Wollongong (Australia) Westwood Schools Camilla 11

12 12 Step 2 Systematic review of emerging technologies and practices

13 Step 3 13 Research questions: placing emerging technology into the T/L/CE context

14 14 What established technologies should be in use today? What established consumer technologies should be candidates for deployment? What are the key emerging technologies for the 3-5 year horizon? What are our key challenges over the next five years? What are the key trends that will shape us?

15 15 Step 4 Reponses and research results sorted into adoption horizons Near-term horizon (1 year or less) Medium- term horizon (2-3 years) Long-term horizon (4-5 years)

16 Step 5 Near-term horizon (1 year or less) Medium- term horizon (2-3 years) Long-term horizon (4-5 years) Short list of 12 Final 6 16 80 candidates

17 3 Inside the 2008 Horizon Report

18 18 2008 HR: Grassroots Video Grassroots Video Time to adoption: Within a year Tools for creating video are easer (and cheaper) to use Implications for HiEd Examples: –Faculty-created video: Mobius Transformations Revealed Arnold & Rogness, University of Minnesota Mobius Transformations Revealed –Student-created video: "What would your ideal education look like?" ELI 2008 Annual Meeting Student Content ShowcaseELI 2008 Annual Meeting Student Content Showcase

19 19 2008 HR: Social Operating Systems Social Operating Systems Time to adoption: 4-5 years Applications that bring together information and services based on a single contact Implications for HiEd Examples: –Team ORCA at Carnegie MellonTeam ORCA –Yahoo PrototypeYahoo Prototype

20 4 Putting the Horizon Report to Work for You

21 The HR is about innovation 21 Describes new and emerging practices and technology Describes “change forces”

22 22 You can participate; it’s 2.0 Comment on the 2008 Report: – Contribute to the ongoing research agenda: – Contribute to the tagging: – – – etc. Nominate someone for the Advisory Board – _Project_Advisory_Board _Project_Advisory_Board

23 23 Can jump start the innovation process Offers likely targets for innovation

24 24 Jump starting Analyze any of the highlighted technologies for its adoption potential at your institution

25 Jump starting 25 Take any one of the technologies and ask: –what is missing for this technology or practice to be implemented at your institution? –what kind of additional research needs to be done concerning this technology? –what would be the ramifications and opportunities for learning if this technology were adopted?

26 Spawn local HR-like processes 26 Local study groups Virtual study groups –K-12 student annotations –Flat classroom Follow up on the leads in the HR Participate in the tagging cloud

27 27 2008 Horizon Report for Museums 2008 Horizon Report for Australia and Australasia

28 28 Use to support proposals Local funding requests Foundations and funding agencies

29 29 Strategic planning Medium and longer term horizons Trends and challenges Example sites

30 30 Distribute locally Senior administrators Key partners Key planners

31 URLs and resources Download the Report –EDUCAUSEEDUCAUSE –New Media ConsortiumNew Media Consortium Web versionversion Horizon Project wikiwiki Horizon Report methodology methodology Short list for 2008 ReportShort list Localizations –Australia and AustralasiaAustralia and Australasia –MuseumsMuseums –K-12 annotation projectK-12 annotation project –Flat ClassroomFlat Classroom Horizon Project call to scholarshipcall to scholarship 31

32 Thank you! 32 Questions? Comments?

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