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99 10 YEARS & BACK The CCS Batch 99 Reunion.

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Presentation on theme: "99 10 YEARS & BACK The CCS Batch 99 Reunion."— Presentation transcript:

1 99 10 YEARS & BACK The CCS Batch 99 Reunion

2 Central Committee Program (Lead: Earle Rabe)
Communications (Lead: Chiq Montes)

3 Central Committee Logistics (Lead: Marisse Lico)
Finance (Lead: Brinee Mercado)

4 Central Committee Food and Beverage (Lead: Vacant)
* Batchmates who want to be involved are encouraged to send in their suggestions or sign up in any committee. This is to manage communication channels efficiently.

5 Theme Theme: Modern Nostalgia
Feeling Evoked: “I walk into a modern/hip party, but I feel like highschool again” Theme/party Elements: Wall of Memories – a big wall of collage of fun photos from highschool Photo Booth – to be setup so old friends can have their pictures taken together Video Slumbook – to capture CCS Batch 99’ memories Goodie Bag/Souvenir – to commemorate the reunion Trivia Games – to provide moments to “reminisce” Raffle – to add a sense of excitement to the evening Open Bar – to keep fun conversations going all night long *Theme party elements based on suggestions from the previous meetings and from Manuel Roxas’ and Alfonso Marquez’ suggestions on the batch website

6 Program Flow

7 Program Flow

8 Program Details What: 99 – 10 Years & Back: The CCS Batch 99 10th Year Reunion Where: Fizz Bar (venue is ideal for the planned logistics setup) Time: 6:00PM – 1:00AM Program Hosts: Malvern Esparcia & (dapat sosyal na girl na lingaw para naay masa, naay sosyal.hehe) Dress Code: Come as you are in your best cocktail/smart casual attire Party is strictly for CCS 99 Batchmates only Guests will have to be required to bring BUSINESS CARDS; this is a reunion and in a way, also a networking party; aside from the ease in the registration process, the business card will also serve as a networking medium It is ideal that only finger food will be served during the event as it provides mobility; people will be mostly mingling with each other and a formal dinner will mostly get in the way of that. Food and beverage Comm just needs to ensure there’s more than enough finger food to last the night and preferably finger food that’s also filling. Can also serve food from highschool like Kikiam/Orlian, a sosi version of Ginganggang, etc Opening video will be composed of different highschool pictures, preferably those from as early as first year. It will basically chronicle our journey in highschool, document where we are now, and leave us wondering what’s in store for us in the next ten years

9 Program Details Highschool trivia/facts to be solicited from all batchmates to be ed to any of the comm heads for compilation. Committees will review trivia to be included in the program proper Prophecy is also a way for the batch to reminisce and see if what we aspired to back in highschool is really what we turned out to be or what we still aspire to until now Prizes for the raffle draw will be purchased using the budgets. However, if we get enough donations in kind, we will revert extra budgets to Food and Beverage List of awards to be given out will be drawn from suggestions from batchmates. Awards may range from the serious (Family Man/Woman award) to nonsensical (Batchmate Most Hardly Recognized Award) Outreach activity is optional but highly encourage. This will serve as another venue where we as batchmates can continue to interact and somehow be able to give back. If the batch decides, we can even sponsor an institution.

10 Program Details Suggested Venue Setup: Modern, Relaxed, Cozy; Logistics team to recreate look The Wall of Memories – actual wall will be horizontal in orientation. Souvenir Bag - contents to depend on sponsorship package; will contain a CD with all the pictures from the party

11 Cost Estimates

12 Cost Estimates Per pax contribution is based on a 100-person attendance vs total activity cost No cost for invitation as circulation will be done online Per person contribution is P1,320, taking into account all cost elements that are needed for the party, based on program details Option to save on Band Professional Fee if group decides to just compile good music and spend on a very good sound system instead Budget for raffle prizes may become smaller depending on sponsorship availability Contingency budget is allotted for unforeseen/tactical costs especially during the event day Option to peg per pax contribution to P1,500 to ensure enough budget resources Additional cost if we secure an events organizing team

13 Payment mode Contribution to be done thru BDO bank deposit
BDO account custodian is Brinee Mercado (Finance Head); signatories are Brinee Mercado and Marisse Lico (Logistics Head) Monthly reconciliation to be done and posted on CCS Batch 99 website to provide updates on the financial resources Sponsorship packages also available for those who want to avail or those who can secure sponsors. Last day of remittance on the 15th of November, so we can already pay all our service providers and make venue reservations

14 Moving Forward - Timelines
Numbers under months are Week # (for example, Final Draft of Program is Week 4 of September)

15 Moving Forward - Timelines

16 Thank You!

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