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Published byColin Horn Modified over 9 years ago
1 Sustainable urban mobility in cohesion policy Raluca IONESCU ISAKSEN Programme Manager European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO)
2 EU and sustainable urban mobility EU current and future financing –2007 – 2013 –EU 2020 –2014 – 2020 Sustainable urban mobility plans
3 Sustainable urban mobility: EC policy documents Green Paper on Urban Mobility (2007), the Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2009) calls for an increase in the take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Europe the White Paper "Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system" (March 2011): the linkage between Cohesion Policy on the one hand and sustainable urban mobility on the other hand is highlighted.
4 2007 – 2013 EU Urban mobility financing 2007 – 2013: urban transport and the promotion of clean urban transport 7,82 billion euro 9,63% of the total ERDF and CF funding for transport
5 Program operaţional Contribuţia comunitarǎ Data aprobǎrii de cǎtre CE Creşterea Competitivitǎţii Economice2,554 2007 Transport4,565 Mediu4,512 Regional 3,726/ app 800 million Asistenţǎ tehnicǎ170 Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane3,476 Dezvoltarea Capacitǎţii Administrative208 TOTAL CSNR 2007-201319,213 2007 – 2013 EU Urban mobility financing in Romania
6 integrated projects (i.e. streets, swege, light system) or not Rehabilitation of streets –Target 411 km/ contracted 291 km/ finalised 123 km Construction of by-passes –Target 219 km/ contracted 91 km/ finalised 22 km Urban infrastructure: for instance rehabilitation of tramways in Cluj, Iasi –60 projects/ submitted to MA 325/ finalised 60
7 UE 2020 Strategia pentru ocuparea fortei de munca si de crestere economica 1.) Crestere inteligenta : dezvoltarea unei economii bazate pe cunoastere si inovare 2.) Crestere economica durabila : promovarea unei economii mai eficiente, verzi si competitive 3.) Crestere incluziva : dezvoltarea unei economii cu un grad crescut de ocupare a fortei de munca care sa asigure o coeziune sociala si teritoriala
8 Europe 2020 headline targetsCurrent situation in Romania National 2020 target in the NRP 3% of expenditure on research and development0,47%2% 20% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction compared to 1990 +9% (2010 emissions compared to 2005) -7% (2020 emissions compared to 2005 +19% (national binding target for non ETS sectors compared to 2005) 20% of energy from renewables23,424% 20% increase in energy efficiencyUnder revision10 Mtoe 75% of population aged 20-64 should be employed62,8 (2011)70% The share of early school leavers should be under 10% 17,5% (2011)11,3% At least 40% of 30-34 years old should have completed a tertiary or equivalent education 20,4% (2011)26,7% Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or exclusion by 20 mill. In the EU -788,000 (2011)-580,000 Europe 2020
9 Cohesion Policy 2014 - 2020 The development of sustainable multi-modal mobility is one of the key challenges for European cities and functional urban areas in the coming programming period 2014-2020.
10 Sustainable mobility dimensions and components: sustainable, energy-efficient, accessible for all and affordable public transport systems; a friendly environment for soft transport modes: cycling and walking; easy access to all neighbourhoods, on foot, by bike, by public transport; local transport networks that need to be well connected to regional networks; peri-urban networks that need to be planned within the context of overall land-use and spatial development; transport nodes that need to be well integrated with social, cultural and economic activities
11 Sustainable urban mobility : Urban mobility: one of the components of an urban integrated approach, –conditions of access to services (health, education, culture) –mobility from home to work or to education and training places. Urban transport: core of sustainable urban mobility plan, which can be embedded in the integrated strategy for sustainable urban development. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: set of interrelated measures designed to satisfy the current and future mobility needs of people and businesses
12 Cohesion Policy 2014 - 2020 ESI 2014-2020 Funds for Romania: EUR23 bln
13 Next steps: the way forward Negotiation process for Partnership Agreement (PA) in Romania Position paper sent to Romania Launch event Informal dialogue with Romania (working groups) Romania sends PA through SFC observations sent to Romania 20122013
14 Low labour market participation Underdeveloped infrastructure endowment Low competitiveness and weak RDI system Inefficient use of natural resources Weak administration and public governance Main Challenges:
15 Optimising the use and protection of natural resources and assets Increasing energy efficiency Supporting sustainable urban transport strategies and infrastructures Promoting carbon sequestration through agro- forestry systems 1. Funding priority: Promoting energy efficiency and low- carbon economy and strategies Inefficient use of natural resources
16 Romania's priorities Promoting the rehabilitation and renewal of mass transit systems within the framework of sustainable urban mobility plans, where these will make significant contribution to air quality and energy efficiency: –investments based on urban mobility plans for : public transport infrastructure and rolling stock; special infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists
17 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans Key objectives: Ensuring the accessibility of the transport system to all; Improving safety and security; Reducing air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption; Improving the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the transportation of persons and goods; Enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and urban design
18 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
19 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans analyse the actual mobility situation understand the current situation, and likely future developments, in issues relating to mobility (congestion, emissions, safety, quality of urban environment); formulate mobility policy objectives and targets; identify/define alternative solutions/projects serving the policy objectives; appraise the impact of the various projects/policies/scenarios; list of priority interventions and categorise each one as either a short, medium or long term intervention.
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