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Congressional Basics #1 As of 1-1-12. Congressional Basics #1.

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Presentation on theme: "Congressional Basics #1 As of 1-1-12. Congressional Basics #1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congressional Basics #1 As of 1-1-12

2 Congressional Basics #1

3 What does Congress do? Congress decides what the (federal) government will do and makes (federal) laws.

4 Congressional Basics #1 What does Congress look like? How is structured and organized?

5 Congressional Basics #1 U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate Bicameral Legislature Lower HouseUpper House

6 Congressional Basics #1 U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate 242 Republicans – 193 Democrats47 Reps – 51 Dems – 2 Inds

7 Congressional Basics #1 Why bicameral? Historical Parliament Colonial legislatures Practical: Connecticut Compromise Checks and balances

8 Congressional Basics #1 Reapportionment (House) 1 st Congress: 65 members (1:37,000) Census every 10 years; ratio maintained House grows to 435 in 1910 1920 – no reapportionment Reapportionment Act of 1929 “permanent” size of 435 Seats rearranged based on population 1:700,000

9 Congressional Basics #1 According to 2000 Census

10 Congressional Basics #1 Districts (House) We the People only get to elect one of our 9 Representatives. We elect a candidate from our district. 9 Representatives = 9 Districts Each district has it’s own “issues” The state legislature has to “redraw” district lines when we get a new number of reps – called redistricting.

11 Congressional Basics #1 U.S. Representative from Indiana’s District 4 Todd Rokita - R

12 Congressional Basics #1 Indiana’s Congressional Delegation Red – R Blue - D

13 Congressional Basics #1 I.Redistricting (redrawing district lines) takes into consideration 2 things: A.Population (each district has approx. 700,000 inhabitants) 1.This insures “1 person 1 vote” B.Political Party 1.Gerrymandering – drawing district lines to benefit a particular party.

14 Congressional Basics #1


16 At Large (Senate) We the People get to elect both of our 2 Senators (100 total) They represent the entire state “at large” together (not just a small area) Before the 17 th Amendment, state legislatures chose our Senators The 17 th Amendment allowed us to directly elect our Senators “Continuous Body” because they don’t all come up for re- election in the same year.

17 Congressional Basics #1 Indiana’s Congressional Delegation Senior Senator Richard Lugar -R Junior Senator Dan Coats -R

18 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” Term of Congress (2 years) 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st Session

19 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” Term of Congress (2 years) Term of a member of the House (2 years) 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st 435 65

20 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” Term of a member of the Senate (6 years) 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st 435 65 33 34

21 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” Term of a President (4 years) 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st 435 65 33 34 ObamaBush

22 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st 435 65 33 34 ObamaBush Election

23 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st 435 65 33 34 ObamaBush “Off-year” Election

24 Congressional Basics #1 “Term” 2012 2011201020092008 2007 20062005 2004 2003 2002 20011790 1789 112th 111th110th109th108th 107th1st 435 65 33 34 ObamaBush Election

25 Congressional Basics #1 How many U.S. Senators went on to become President of the U.S.?  15 How many members of the Senate have been convicted of crimes?  4 What was the salary of a Senator in 1789? What is the current salary?  $6/day Roughly $168,000 How many women currently serve in the U.S. Senate?  16 What is the number of physicians who have served in the Senate?  47 SENATE TRIVIA

26 Congressional Basics #1 How many U.S. Senators have participated in the Olympic games? 33 How many U.S. Senators are foreign born? From how many different countries have they come?  58  18 different countries What is the greatest length of time served thus far by any U.S. Senator?  48 years What was the age of the oldest Senator while still in office?  100 How many African Americans have served in the U.S. Senate? 55 SENATE TRIVIA

27 Congressional Basics #1 Congress is older, better educated, more white, more male, and richer than the rest of the United States… There are 43 African-Americans in the House. There are 26 Hispanic-Americans in the House. Ten Members of the House and Senate are of Asian or Native Hawaiian ancestry. There is one Native American in the House. The total number of women in Congress is 95. There are 17 in the Senate and 78 in the House, three of whom are non-voting delegates from Washington, DC, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

28 Congressional Basics #1 JOBS OF CONGRESSMEN

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