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Panoptes: Low-Power, Scalable Video Sensor Networking Technologies Wu-chi Feng, Ed Kaiser, Brian Code, Mike Shea, Wu-chang Feng, Louis Bavoil Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Panoptes: Low-Power, Scalable Video Sensor Networking Technologies Wu-chi Feng, Ed Kaiser, Brian Code, Mike Shea, Wu-chang Feng, Louis Bavoil Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panoptes: Low-Power, Scalable Video Sensor Networking Technologies Wu-chi Feng, Ed Kaiser, Brian Code, Mike Shea, Wu-chang Feng, Louis Bavoil Department of Computer Science and Engineering OGI School of Science and Engineering at OHSU

2 Motivation  Sensor networking technologies are great  Real-time in situ measurement of environments Habitat monitoring (UCLA) Columbia River forecasting (OGI) REINAS Monterey Bay system (UC Santa Cruz) Artic web cam (NOAA)  Video sensor networking technologies  Can add eyes to sensor data  Require significant computing and bandwidth resources beyond traditional sensor technologies

3 Motivation  The applications  Environmental monitoring Example: Video sensor every ¼ mile along the entire Oregon coast  Health care delivery Example: Privacy ensuring elderly health care  Emergency response  Habitat monitoring  Surveillance and security  Robotics

4 Motivation  Video sensor networking challenges  Low-power, power-aware video sensors PoE applications Environmental / autonomous deployment  Providing mechanisms that allow the sensor network to be tailored to specific applications “Programmability”  Managing information implosion (N  1) Buffering and adaptation  Making it easy to access both traditional scalar and video data within the sensor network

5 The Panoptes Project at OGI  The goal:  Flexible, extensible middleware that supports massively scalable video-based sensor networks  Short term  Low-power, programmable, adaptable, video sensor for experimental testbed  Buffering and adaptation algorithms for sensor  Bringing together a large number of flows  Longer term  Integration of traditional low-power sensors with video sensors  Application-specific extensions

6 The Rest of This Talk  The Panoptes platform  Hardware and software systems  Software architecture  Experimentation  A demonstration system  The Little Sister Sensor Networking Application  Conclusions and future work

7 The Panoptes Platform  Picking a platform  Berkeley Motes  COTS web cameras  General embedded CPU platforms USB-based video 206 MHz Intel StrongArm Embedded Linux 802.11 wireless 320x240 video 22 fps software compressed ~5.5 Watts maximum

8 The Panoptes Platform Video Sensor Architecture Buffering and Adaptation Supports disconnected or intermittent operation Priority mapping of streaming data elements Video 4 Linux Compression IPP-based Currently: JPEG, Diff JPEG, Cond. Replenishment Application-Specific Filtering Event-detection Time-elapsed images Computer vision Time Power Management

9 Buffering and Adaptation  Sensor streaming is different than video streaming today  Live streaming Late data useless Data unknown a priori Limited use of buffering in adaptation  Video-on-demand streaming Just in time delivery All data known a priori Streaming can take advantage of known data Buffering useful How long to keep data in the sensor buffer? How do you prioritized data between new/old?  Sensor streaming Any data might be good Buffering can be used Some data unknown a priori Inverse multicast

10 Experimentation  The USB bottleneck  Compression performance on Panoptes  Buffering and adaptation performance  Power measurements

11 USB Capture Performance Image size USB Comp. Frame Rate% Sys CPU 160x120 029.644 129.7722 329.8816 320x240 04.883 128.7267 329.6845 640x480 0-- 114.1484 314.7378

12 USB Capture Performance 6.9 Mbps Image size USB Comp. Frame Rate% Sys CPU 160x120 029.644 129.7722 329.8816 320x240 04.883 128.7267 329.6845 640x480 0-- 114.1484 314.7378

13 USB Capture Performance 111 Mbps Image size USB Comp. Frame Rate% Sys CPU 160x120 029.644 129.7722 329.8816 320x240 04.883 128.7267 329.6845 640x480 0-- 114.1484 314.7378

14 USB Capture Performance 27.6 Mbps Image size USB Comp. Frame Rate% Sys CPU 160x120 029.644 129.7722 329.8816 320x240 04.883 128.7267 329.6845 640x480 0-- 114.1484 314.7378

15 Software Compression Performance Image size IPP (ms) ChenDCT (ms) 320x240 26.6573.69 640x480 105.84291.28 Image size IPP (ms) ChenDCT (ms) 320x240 19.4152.96 640x480 77.42211.42

16 Capture / Compression Performance Image size IPP (ms) ChenDCT (ms) 320x240 29.2080.63 640x480 115.42319.71 Image size IPP (ms) ChenDCT (ms) 320x240 20.9557.31 640x480 83.95228.42

17 Buffering and Adaptation

18 Power Consumption Camera on (capturing) Camera standby Network connected Camera on/ net. connected All services running CPU loop System Idle Standby

19 A Demonstration System  The Little Sister Sensor Networking Application NetworkNetwork Camera Manager(s ) Query Manager Stream Manager NetworkNetwork

20 Future Work  Python-based experimentation  Power management  Developing a smaller (more stable) platform  Finding suitable radio technology to match applications  Making the access to video sensor data more useful  Integration with traditional sensor technologies  TinyDB for video sensors

21 Conclusions  Low-power video sensor networking technologies  Video sensor software design Dynamically adaptable software architecture Disconnected or intermittent operation  More information 



24 More information?

25 The Rest of This Talk  The Panoptes platform  Hardware and software systems  Software architecture  A demonstration system  The Little Sister Sensor Networking Application  Experimentation  System measurements  Buffering and adaptation  Power consumption  Conclusions and future work

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