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Prim. Mr. Sc. Dr. Nediljko Pivac Interna klinika, KBC Split

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1 Prim. Mr. Sc. Dr. Nediljko Pivac Interna klinika, KBC Split
KARDIOVASKULARNE BOLESTI Prim. Mr. Sc. Dr. Nediljko Pivac Interna klinika, KBC Split

2 Ukupna smrtnost u svijetu 2002
Smrtnost (milijuni) Kardiovaskularne bolesti Maligne bolesti Povrede Respiracijske infekcije KOPB i astma HIV/AIDS Perinatalne bolesti Bolesti probavnog sustava Crijevne bolesti Tuberkuloza Dječje bolesti Malarija Dijabetes According to 2002 mortality figures compiled for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Report 2003: Shaping the Future, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) (mainly ischaemic heart disease and stroke) were the leading global causes of death, accounting for approximately 16.6 million deaths, followed by cancer (7.1 million deaths), intentional and unintentional injuries (5.2 million), upper and lower respiratory infections (3.8 million), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma (2.9 million), and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) (2.8 million). WHO. The World Health Report 2003: Shaping the Future Reference 1. World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2003: Shaping the Future. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2003.

3 Uzroci smrtnosti u SAD 959.2 544.7 93.8 32.7 Smrtnost (tisuće) KB
Malignomi Nesreće HIV/AIDS 959.2 544.7 93.8 32.7 American Heart Association. Heart and Stroke Statistical Update 2007.

4 Uzroci smrti u Hrvatskoj 2001. godine
Izvor podataka: Državni zavod za statistiku, Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo

5 Kardiovaskularna smrtnost 1980-2004
Data recently published by American Heart Association shows almost similar trends with a much higher reduction in CHD related mortality in men all the way from 70 to 2004, whereas in women the trend has been stable and only shown a decline after around 2000. American Heart Association 2007 5

6 Bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava
Angina pektoris Infarkt miokarda Zatajenje srca Nagla smrt TIA Ishemijski udar Hemoragijski udar Renovaskularna bolest Zatajenje bubrega Klaudikacije Aneurizma aorte

7 Primarni čimbenici rizika za razvoj KVB
Nepromjenjivi Hipertenzija Dob Promjenjivi KVB Šećerna bolest Obiteljska povijest KVB / genetika Pušenje Dislipidemija NCEP. Circulation 1994;89:1329–1445. Eur Heart J 1994;15:1300–1331. Wood D i sur. Eur Heart J 1998;19:1434–1503.

8 INTERHEART: utjecaj životnih navika na nastanak infarkta miokarda
Čimbenik Pušenje Dijabetes INTERHEART is a large international study of MI risk factors with 15,152 cases (patients) and 14,820 controls. It was conducted in 52 countries and includes every inhabited continent.1 The study objective was to determine the relation of smoking, history of hypertension or diabetes, waist/hip ratio, dietary patterns, physical activity, consumption of alcohol, blood apolipoproteins (Apo), and psychosocial factors (stress, depression) to MI. Participants were followed for 4 years. Collectively, these nine risk factors accounted for 90% of the risk for a first MI in both sexes and at all ages throughout the world. As shown, INTERHEART recorded similar odds ratios in men and women for the association of acute MI with smoking, elevated lipid levels, abdominal obesity, composite of psychosocial variables, and vegetable and fruit consumption. However, the increased risk associated with hypertension and diabetes was greater in women than in men. Women seemed to benefit more than men from the protective effects of exercise and alcohol. These findings support the importance of lifestyle modification in CV risk reduction. Hipertenzija Žene Pretilost Muškarci Psihosocijalni č. Voće/povrće Tjelovježba Alkohol 0.25 0.5 1.0 2 4 8 16 Odds ratio (99% CI) Yusuf S et al. Lancet. 2004;364: 1. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Dans T, Avezum A, Lanas F, et al. Effect of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): Case-control study. Lancet. 2004;364:

9 Kumulativni učinak čimbenika rizika u nastanku KV bolesti
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 HTN DM Pušenje BMI >27 Kol >5,7 Pojedinačni čimbenici Multipli čimbenici Odds ratios Pušenje + BMI + kol>5,7 3 + kol >5,7 + DM + DM + HTN 5 This slide illustrates the cumulative effect of risk factors and illustrates that risk factors are more than additive; the total risk is higher than just the sum of the individual risk factors. Monitoring of a USA population cohort in the town of Framingham, Massachusetts, USA, for the period of 12 years led to the identification of the major CVD risk factors, including high blood pressure, high total blood cholesterol, smoking, obesity and diabetes. Odds ratio for each of these risk factors alone ranges from around 1.2 to 2.2. When more than one factor is present, odds ratios are increased by more than an additive rate, so that all five (BMI>27, smoking, high total cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension) led to an approximate 7-fold increased risk compared to any one risk factor alone. 1. Wilson PWF, D’Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB. Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories. Circulation. May 1998;97:1837–1847 Wilson PWF et al. Circulation. 1998;97:1837–1847. 9

10 Hipertenzija združena s ostalim KV čimbenicima rizika povećava rizik nastanka IM
Odds Ratio (95% CI) 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 (1) ŠB (2) HTN (3) ApoB/A1 (4) 1+2+3 (1) svi 4 +deblj +PS Svi ČR 2.9 ( ) 2.4 ( ) 1.9 ( ) 3.3 ( ) 13.0 ( ) 42.3 ( ) 68.5 ( ) 182.9 ( ) 333.7 ( ) INTERHEART was a case-control study of acute myocardial infarction (MI) in 52 countries of 15,152 cases and 14,820 controls. The INTERHEART data show the association of risk factors with acute MI in men and women after adjustment for age, sex, and geographic region. Each of the major risk factors individually, eg, current smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia (ApoB/A1), was associated with an odds ratio of having an acute MI event of approximately 2. The effects of these risk factors are consistent across both sexes. The concomitant presence of 3 of the major risk factors increased the odds ratio to 13.1, and accounted for 53% of the attributable risk for MI. The presence of all 4 major risk factors increased the odds ratio to 42.3 and accounted for 75.8% of the attributable risk. If, in addition to the major risk factors, abdominal obesity, psychosocial factors, lack of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, regular alcohol consumption, and lack of regular activity are considered, altogether these accounted for 90% of the attributable risk in men and 94% of the attributable risk in women. PŠ=pušenje; ŠB=šećerna bolest, deblj=abdominalna debljina; PS=psichosocijalni čimbenici, ČR=čimbenici rizika IM=srčani udar. Yusuf. Lancet. 2004; 364: Reference 1. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ôunpuu S, et al, on behalf of the INTERHEART Study Investigators. Effect of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): case-control study. Lancet. 2004;364:

11 Kardiovaskularni niz Koronarna bolest Ruptura plaka Ateroskleroza
Infarkt miokarda Disfunkcija endotela Dilatacija/ Remodeliranje The many pathophysiologic effects of angiotensin II, mediated by stimulation of the AT1 and AT2 receptors, have diverse consequences. It is reasonable to suggest that most of these pathophysiologic effects of angiotensin II (through the stimulation of AT1 receptors) will result in pivotal, and potentially deleterious effects throughout the cardiovascular continuum. Čimbenici rizika Zatajenje srca Hipertenzija Hiperlipidemija Dijabetes Krajnji stadij/ smrt 11

12 Ishemijska bolest srca

13 Ishemijska bolest srca
Iznenadna smrt Infarkt miokarda Nestabilna angina pektoris Stabilna angina pektoris Zatajenje srca

14 Infarkt miokarda ili iznenadna smrt: prvi znak koronarne bolesti
Muškarci Žene 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 42 62 Bolesnici sa KB (%) Murabito et al, Circulation 1993 14

15 ishemija (stanični “Ca overload”) pritisak na nutritivne krvne žile
Patofiziologija koronarne bolesti- neravnoteža između potrošnje i opskrbe kisikom! ishemija (stanični “Ca overload”) ↑ potrošnja O2 frekvencija arterijski tlak vol. opterećenje kontraktilnost ↓ opskrba O2 ateroskleroza-ishemija posljedice ishemije električna nestabilnost disfunkcija miokarda (↓ sist. funkcija/ ↑ dijastolička “krutost”) pritisak na nutritivne krvne žile (Stone, 2004)


17 Suzbijanje čimbenika rizika
pušenje arterijska hipertenzija hiperkolesterolemija šećerna bolest tjelovježba pretilost

18 Mediteranska dijeta u bolesnika sa koronarnom bolesti
1989 Diet and Reinfarction Trial (N = 2000)  29% ukupna smrtnost  27% IM 1997 Indian Experiment of Infarct Survival Trial (N = 360)  50% kardijalna smrt  48% IM 1999 GISSI-Prevenzione (N = 11,324)  20% ukupna smrtnost  30% KV smrtnost The Lyon Diet Heart Study randomized 605 post-MI subjects to prudent Western-style diet or to diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish, and incorporating an alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)-based margarine.1 After 46 months, there was 68% risk reduction in cardiac death and nonfatal MI (P = ). The GISSI-Prevenzione study randomized 11,324 post-MI patients to placebo or 1 g/d omega-3 fatty acid fish-oil supplements.1 After 3.5 years, there was a 20% risk reduction in all-cause mortality (95% CI, 6%–33%) and 30% risk reduction in CV death (95% CI, 13%–44%). The Indian Experiment of Infarct Survival Trial randomized 360 post-MI patients to placebo, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) supplement, or ALA supplement.1 After 1 year, the EPA supplement was associated with 50% risk reduction in cardiac death (P < 0.05) and 48% risk reduction in nonfatal MI (P < 0.05). The ALA supplement was associated with 40% risk reduction in cardiac events (P < 0.05) (data not shown). The Indo-Mediterranean Diet Heart Study randomized 1000 patients with angina, MI, or multiple risk factors to a National Cholesterol Education Program Step 1 diet or to a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, walnuts, mustard seed, and soybean oil.1 After 2 years, the Mediterranean-style diet was associated with a 33% risk reduction in MI (P < 0.001). The Diet and Reinfarction Trial randomized 2000 post-MI men to their usual diet or to a diet with fish consumption twice weekly (300 g total).1 After 2 years, there was 29% risk reduction in all-cause mortality and 27% risk reduction in fatal MI. 1999 Lyon Diet Heart Study (N = 605)  68% kardijalna smrt, IM 2002 Indo-Mediterranean Diet Heart Study (N = 1000)  33% smrtni IM Parikh P et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005;45: 1. Parikh P, McDaniel MC, Ashen D, Miller JI, Sorrentino M, Chan V, et al. Diets and cardiovascular disease: An evidence-based assessment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005;45:

19 Medikamentno liječenje koronarne bolesti
antitrombocitni lijekovi (ASK, klopidogrel)  blokatori (selektivni, neselektivni, vazodilatacijski) nitrati kalcijski antagonisti (DHP, verapamil, diltiazem) ACEI, ARB hipolipemici (statini, fibrati, ezetimib) novi lijekovi (ivabradin, trimetazidin, ranolazin, omega 3- nezasićene masne kiseline)

20 Koronarna bolest- mjesta dijelovanja lijekova
posljedice ishemije električna nestabilnost disfunkcija miokarda (↓ sist. funkcija/ ↑ dijastolička “krutost”) ishemija (stan.“Ca overload”) ↑ potrošnja O2 frekvencija arterijski tlak vol. opterećenje kontraktilnost ↓ opskrba O2 ateroskleroza-ishemija hemodinamski lijekovi (+ASK): ß blokatori nitrati Ca++ blokatori ACEI metabolički lijekovi (trimetazidin, ranolazin, omega -3) pritisak na nutritivne krvne žile (Stone, 2004)

21 Učinak ASK-e u visokorizičnih bolesnika
Patrono C et al. N Engl J Med. 2005;22:

22 Učinak različitih doza ASK-e na KV događanja u visokorizičnih bolesnika
doza ASK-e # studije RR(%) relativni rizik 500–1500 mg 160–325 mg 75–150 mg <75 mg sve doze The Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration compared data from 65 aspirin trials to examine the effects of aspirin dose on vascular events in high-risk patients (in some trials, the doses of aspirin used were in more than one of the comparisons).[1] Serious vascular events (the primary measure of outcome) included nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, death from vascular causes, and death from unknown causes. They found that all doses of aspirin studied reduced the risk for vascular events. The greatest number of trials (34) examined high aspirin doses (500 mg to 1500 mg) and revealed a proportional reduction in vascular events of 19%. Aspirin doses of 160 mg to 325 mg were associated with a 26% proportional reduction in vascular events, whereas 75 mg to 150 mg and <75 mg were associated with reductions of 32% and 13%, respectively. Antithrombotic Trialists’ collaboration. Collaborative meta-analysis of randomised trials of antiplatelet therapy for prevention of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in high risk patients. BMJ. 2002;324:71-86. 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 ASK-bolje ASK-gore Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration. Brit Med J. 2002;324:71-86. *smanjenje rizika učinak - p < 0,0001.

23 Učinak klopidogrela u bolesnika nakon PCI-e
PCI – CURE* CREDO 15 15 12.6% Placebo‡ Klopidogrel‡ Placebo* Klopidogrel* 31% RRR 11.5% 27% RRR 10 8.8% 10 KV smrt ili IM (%) 8.5% IM, CVI ili smrt (%) 5 5 P=0.02 P = N = 2658 100 200 300 400 3 6 9 12 Dani Mjeseci Slide source: Lipids online †do12 mjeseci ‡plus ASK i ostali lijekovi Mehta et al. Lancet 2001;358: Steinhubl S et al. JAMA. 2002; 288:

24 Nitrati: upozorenja čuvanje: hladna i tamna prostorija, suha i tamna posuda uzimanje: NTG u sjedećem stavu, peckanje nuspojave: glavobolja, crvenilo, halitoza, sinkopa, hipotenzija, tahikardija, methemoglobinemija interakcije: beta blokatori (+); etanol, sildenafil (-) kontraindikacije: IHSS, hipotenzija! tolerancija (nejasni, složeni mehanizmi) ustezanje (“monday morning angina”)

25 Utjecaj  blokade na ishemijsko srce
MVO2 opterećenja

26 Efekt  blokade na smrtnost nakon infarkta
Kumulativna smrtnost (%) 25-30%

27 Učinci kalcijskih antagonista
nedihidropiridini: jednako učinkoviti na miokard, provodni sustav i arterije -uravnoteženi hemodinamski učinak dihidropiridini: selektivni vazodilatatori usporavaju ritam ubrzavaju ritam i povećavaju potrošnju kisika periferni i koronarni dilatatori SA periferni i koronarni dilatatori SA AV AV SA=sino-atrijski čvor AV= atrio-ventrikulski čvor slabe inotropiju Ferrari R i sur., Cardiovasc Dugs Ther 1994; 8 (Suppl 3):

28 Kalcijski antagonisti u koronarnoj bolesti
kao lijek prvog izbora (DHP) u Prinzmetalovoj angini, u stabilnoj AP nakon  blokatora (DHP) te u sekundarnoj prevenciji koronarne bolesti u bolesnika u kojih su  blokatori kontraindicirani!

29 CAMELOT: Smanjenje primarnih ishoda uz enalapril i amlodipin
0.25 HR (95% CI) A vs P: 0.69 (0.54–0.88) E vs P: 0.85 (0.67–1.07) A vs E: 0.81 (0.63–1.04) P = 0.16 0.20 P = 0.003 P = 0.1 The primary outcome occurred in 23.1% of placebo-treated patients, 16.6% of amlodipine-treated patients HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.54–0.88; P = vs placebo), and 20.2% of enalapril-treated patients (HR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.67–1.07; P = 0.16 vs placebo).1 The difference in primary outcome for amlodipine versus enalapril was not significant (HR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.63–1.04; P = 0.10). 0.15 Kumulativni KV događaji 0.10 Placebo Enalapril 0.05 Amlodipin Mjeseci 6 12 18 24 Br. bolesnika Placebo 655 588 558 525 488 Enalapril 673 608 572 553 529 Amlodipin 663 623 599 574 535 Primarni ishod= učestalost KV događaja Nissen et al. JAMA. 2004;292: 1. Nissen SE, Tuzcu EM, Libby P, Thompson PD, Ghali M, Garza D, et al, for the CAMELOT Investigators. Effect of antihypertensive agents on cardiovascular events in patients with coronary disease and normal blood pressure: The CAMELOT Study: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2004;292:

30 Vjerojatnost događaja
SAVE AIRE TRACE 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1 2 3 0.35 0.4 4 Ukupna smrtnost Placebo ACE-I Vjerojatnost događaja Placebo: 866/2971 (29.1%) SAVE, AIRE and TRACE represent the 3 placebo-controlled trials that tested an ACE inhibitor in higher risk MI patients and maintained the therapy beyond 6 months. The survival advantage occurred early and increased to approximately 60 lives saved per thousand treated with long-term therapy. In this meta-analysis, ACE inhibitor use reduced the odds ratio for death by approximately 26%. With over 1500 deaths, the confidence intervals were narrow and the results considered sufficiently robust so that no further placebo-controlled trials are warranted Flather MD, et al. Lancet:2000;355: ACE-I: 702/2995 (23.4%) OR: 0.74 (0.66–0.83) God ACE-I Placebo Flather MD, et al. Lancet. 2000;355:1575–1581

31 Smrtnost i veliki KV događaji
SAVE AIRE TRACE Smrtnost i veliki KV događaji (0.67 – 0.83) 0.75* Događaji (%) 10 20 30 40 Placebo (n = 2971) ACE-I (n = 2995) Hospitalizacija zbog zatajenja srca n = 460 n = 355 (0.63 – 0.85) 0.73* Reinfarkt n = 324 n = 391 (0.69 – 0.95) 0.80* In addition to the survival benefit shown in the three post-infarction trials with ACEIs, rates of readmission for heart failure were lower than with placebo, as were rates of reinfarction or the composite of these events. The benefits were observed early after the start of therapy and persisted long term. The benefits of treatment on all outcomes were independent of age, sex, and baseline use of diuretics, aspirin, and beta-blockers. The use of ACE inhibitors in these patients was also associated with important reductions in the risk of major nonfatal CV events, such as hospital admission for the management of heart failure and experiencing a recurrent myocardial infarction. Indeed, in the meta-analysis with over 2200 events, there was a 25% reduction in the risk of death, non-fatal MI or heart failure in those randomized to an ACE inhibitor as compared to placebo plus conventional medical therapies. Flather MD, et al. Lancet:2000;355: 1. Flather MD, Yusuf S, Kober L, et al. Long-term ACE-inhibitor therapy in patients with heart failure or left-ventricular dysfunction: a systematic overview of data from individual patients. Lancet. 2000;355:1575–1581. n = 1049 n = 1244 Smrt/IM ili hospitalizacija zbog zatajenja srca Flather MD, et al. Lancet. 2000;355:1575–1581

32 In the HOPE study, relative risk of the composite outcome of MI, stroke, or death from CV causes in the ramipril group as compared with the placebo group was 0.78 at five years. In EUROPA the relative risk reduction of CV death, MI, or cardiac arrest was 20%.

33 LDL-C i koronarna bolest
30 4S-Rx 4S-PI 25 2° prevencija 20 % sa KB događajem 15 LIPID-Rx LIPID-PI CARE-Rx CARE-PI 1° prevencija HPS-Pl 10 HPS-Rx AFCAPS-Rx AFCAPS-PI WOSCOPS-PI WOSCOPS-Rx 5 1,8 2,3 2,8 3,4 3,9 4,4 4,9 5,4 PI=placebo Rx=liječenje LDL-C (mmol/l)) HPS. Lancet. 2002;360:7. Downs. JAMA. 1998;279:1615. LIPID. N Engl J Med. 1998;339:1349. Sacks. N Engl J Med ;335: S. Lancet. 1995;345:1274. Shepherd. N Engl J Med. 1995;333:1301.

34 LDL kolesterol i KV bolesti
smrtnost KB % * * *Confidence interval (CI) not reported. †95% CI, 14%-41%. ‡95% CI, 16%-37%. §95% CI, 12%-31%. Hebert PR et al. JAMA. 1997;278:

35 Kardiovaskularni učinci lijekova koji usporavaju učestalost bila
verapamil diltiazem β-blokatori ivabradin® srčana frekvencija kontraktilnost Ø provodljivost Da zaključimo ovaj dio o farmakološkim svojstvima Corlentora: za razliku od drugih lijekova koji usporavaju srčanu frekvenciju Corlentor pruža isključivo usporavanje srčane frekvencije. Osim što ovo isključivo usporavanje srčane frekvencije nudi anti-ishemični učinak, ono je zaslužno i za očuvanje ostalih kardiovaskularnih parametara kao što su kontraktilnost, provodljivost, podražljivost i krvni tlak. Sve je ovo potrđeno kliničkim programom Corlentora. Ø podražljivost Ø Ø arterijski tlak Ø

36 Sekundarna prevencija nakon AIM: GISSI-Prevenzione Trial
GISSI = Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell´Infarto miocardico bolesnika s preboljelim IM, liječeni su kroz prosječno 3,5 godine visoko pročišćene omega-3 nezasićene masne kiseline(1 g/dan) značajno su smanjile kombinirane ishode - smrtnost, nefatalni IM i CVI (p< 0,05) značajno je smanjena sveukupna smrtnost posebice iznenadna srčana smrt! Slide 14 The principal finding from GISSI-Prevenzione was that highly purified omega-3 PUFAs save lives in post-MI patients when added to a contemporary standard secondary prevention regimen. The GISSI-Prevenzione study is examined in detail in the next part of this slide lecture set. Reference GISSI-Prevenzione Investigators. Lancet 1999;354: GISSI-Prevenzione Investigators. Lancet 1999;354:

37 Stabilna AP: PCI prema medikamentnom liječenju
optimalna medikamentna terapija (OMT) 1,0 0,9 0,8 PCI + OMT 0,7 relativni rizik: 1.05 95% CI (0,87-1,27) p = 0,62 0,6 0,5 0,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 godine broj rizika medikamentno PCI N Engl J Med. 2007; 356:

38 Smanjenje smrtnosti nakon IM
100% RRR = 70% NNT (5g.) = 7 ? % 20% ASK - blokatori statini ACEI ??? ASK - blokatori statini 64% 25% ASK - blokatori smanjenje smrtnosti 55% 25% ASK - blokatori 40% trimetazidin omega-3 ivabradin ? 25% ACEI - blokatori statini 25% 25% 0% 1970. 1980. 1990. 2000. 2008. Fonarow GC. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2003;4(suppl 3):S37-46.

39 Temeljno (“BASIC”) medikamentno liječenje KB
beta-blokatori A ASK S statini I inhibitori ACE C kontrola čimbenika rizika

40 Sniženje koronarne smrtnosti u zadnjih 20 godina: primjer SAD
1980: 263,3/ 2000: 134.4/ ↓49% 1980: 542.9/ 2000: 266,8/ ↓51% 9% N Engl J Med 2007;356:

41 Sniženje koronarne smrtnosti u zadnjih 20 godina: primjer SAD
Ovi bi rezultati bili i bolji da nije malignog porasta MS i šećerne bolesti: ova stanja odnose isti broj života koje spašava sekundarna prevencija IM, inicijalno liječenje ACS i IM te revaskulariziranje SAP! 9% N Engl J Med 2007;356:

42 Kronično zatajenje srca

43 Kronično zatajivanje srca - vodeća zloćudna bolest današnjice
PREVALENCIJA 1% - 2% opće populacije oko10% iznad 60 godina PROGNOZA Prosjek smrtnosti 50% /4 g. Teška dekomp. Smrtnost 50% /1 g.

44 Prevalencija zatajenja srca

45 Predisponirajući čimbenici zatajenja srca
Framingham Heart Study 60 Hypertension is the most common risk factor for HF. In a population-based sample followed for up to 20 years, investigators for the Framingham Heart Study determined that hypertension antedated the development of HF in 91% of cases.1 Hypertension carried the greatest population-attributable risk for development of HF of all risk factors: 39% in men and 59% in women. The risk for developing HF is ~2 greater in hypertensive men and ~3 greater in hypertensive women compared with normotensive subjects. Overall, hypertension is present in ~60% of men and women with HF. In addition, the risk of HF is ~6 greater in men and women who have had a myocardial infarction (MI). Angina, valvular heart disease, left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, and diabetes also were predictive of increased risk for HF in both sexes. 40 PAR (%) 20 HTN IM Angina Valv. HLK Dijabetes HR M 2.1 6.3 1.4 2.5 2.2 1.8 Ž 3.3 6.0 1.7 2.8 3.7 Muškarci Žene Levy D at al. JAMA. 1996;275: 1. Levy D, Larson MG, Vasan RS, Kannel WB, Ho KKL. The progression from hypertension to congestive heart failure. JAMA. 1996;275:

46 Kumulativni rizik nastanka zatajenja srca
14 12.8 The HERS study demonstrated that women with coronary heart disease (CHD) and diabetes who also have an elevated body mass index (BMI) or depressed creatinine clearance were at highest risk for developing HF, with an annual incidence of 7% and 12.8%, respectively.1 Diabetic women with CHD who did not have renal insufficiency and were not obese had a 2.8% annual incidence of HF, which was more than double the rate for women with CHD who were not diabetic. 12 10 Godišnja incidencija (%) 8 7.0 6 4 2.8 2 1.2 KB KB + DM KB + DM + BMI >36 KB + DM + CrCl <42.8 CrCl (ml/min) = klirens kreatinina Bibbons-Domingo K et al. Circulation.2004;110: 1. Bibbins-Domingo K, Lin F, Vittinghoff E, Barrett-Connor E, Hulley SB, Grady D, Shlipak MG. Predictors of heart failure among women with coronary disease. Circulation. 2004;110:

47 Čimbenici koji pridonose zatajenju srca
Infarkt miokarda Povećani unos soli Povećani unos tekućine Nepoštivanje preskripcije Aritmije Interkurentne bolesti (infekcije npr.) Stanja sa povećanim metaboličkim potrebama (trudnoća, hipertireoza npr.) Lijekovi koji djeluju negativno inotropno ili dovode do zadržavanja tekućine u tijelu (kortikosteroidi, NSAR) Alkohol

48 Prognoza zatajivanja srca je kao u malignih bolesti
The figure shows the one year survival rates for heart failure and the main cancers in England and Wales for the mid-1990s. (All grades of heart failure) Petersen S, Rayner M, Wolstenholme J. Coronary heart disease statistics: heart failure supplement. London: British Heart Foundation, 2002. Jednogodišnje preživljavanje (%) British Heart Foundation, 2002 48

49 Prognoza zatajenja srca
202 Prognoza zatajenja srca 50 <30 Poslije IM n=196 40 Smrtnost (%) 30 31-35 20 Prognosis. Hemodynamic factors The ejection fraction of the left ventricle (LVEF) is one of the few objective and easily reproducible parameters which are closely related to prognosis. Even in patients with subclinical ventricular dysfunction, the decrease in LVEF implies a poor prognosis. In this slide, the relationship between LVEF and cardiac mortality in a group of patients post-myocardial infarction is shown. Note the exponential increase in mortality when the LVEF is less than 40%. An interesting finding is that pharmacologic interventions which improve prognosis in the subgroup of patients with severe depression of ventricular function do not serve the patients with asymptomatic ventricular dysfunction as well. This points up the important clinical role of defining the LVEF. Brodie B et al. Am J Cardiol 1992;69:1113 10 36-45 46-53 54-60 >60 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 EF (%) Am J Cardiol 1992;69:1113

50 Nastanak zatajenja srca
HLK Dijastolička disfunkcija Pretilost Dijabetes Hipertenzija Zatajenje srca Krajnji stadij Pušenje Dislipidemija Dijabetes Sistolička disfunkcija IM The development of heart failure is a complex, continuous and progressive process usually associated with cardiovascular disease which results from classic risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, smoking and dyslipidaemia. In many instances these are present as co-morbidities and, in some instances, there is a synergistic interaction between the various risk factors. Although it is well recognised that heart failure is the final stage of cardiovascular disease resulting from these risk factors, the exact nature of the development process has not been fully elucidated. However a model for the progression from hypertension to heart failure has been proposed by Vasan and Levy (1) and has subsequently been modified by Himmelman (2). This model provides a single unified hypothesis that effectively links hypertension to heart failure. The model acknowledges that cardiovascular disease is a continuous and progressive disease, with a disparate timescale. In the early stages in the process of progression to heart failure, the left ventricular structure and function will typically be normal, however, with time the pathologic effects of one or more cardiovascular risk factor will result in the development of structural and functional changes with or without left ventricular hypertrophy and myocardial infarction. This may result in left ventricular remodelling and the development of systolic or diastolic dysfunction which in turn often leads to heart failure. (1) Vasan RS, Levy D. The Role of Hypertension in the Pathogenesis of Heart Failure: A Clinical Mechanistic Overview. Arch Intern Med, 1996;156: (2) Himmelman A. Hypertension: an important precursor of heart failure. Blood Press 1999;8: Normalna struktura i funkcija LK Subklinička disfunkcija lijeve klijetke Remodeliranje lijeve klijetke Manifestno zatajenje srca Vrijeme: decenije Vrijeme: mjeseci

51 Patofiziologija zatajenja srca
Bubrezi/ nadbubrezi Renin- angiotenzin Retencija vode i soli Aldosteron Disfunkcija LK tahikardija Baroreceptori (karotide i LA) Simpatički živčani sustav vazokonstrikcija

52 Zatajenje srca – klinička slika
Simptomi Zapuha Umor Nepodnošenje napora Slab apetit Kašalj Znakovi Otežano disanje Edemi Proširene vene vrata Hropci na plućima Pleuralni izljev hepatomegalija Ascites Uvećano srce Protodijastolički galop

53 Klasifikacija zatajenja srca
D Refraktorni, krajnji stadij zatajenja srca C Simptomatska strukturna bolest srca B Asimptomatska strukturna A Visoki rizik za nastanak IV Simptomi u mirovanju III Simptomi uz minimalni napor II Simptomi uz veći napor I Bez simptoma ACC-AHA stadiji NYHA klasifikacija JAMA 2002;287:

54 Liječenje zatajenja srca nekada ...

55 Ciljevi liječenja zatajenja srca
poboljšati kakvoću života (simptomi!) smanjiti pobol i smrtnost usporiti progresiju bolesti (potaknuti “regresiju” bolesti!) 55

56 Nefarmakološko liječenje zatajenja srca
Smanjiti unos soli i tekućine Na+ – 2-3 g/d (1g Na = 2.5g NaCl) Mjerenje tjelesne mase dnevno Tjelovježba Blago do umjereno aerobno vježbanje Ukloniti čimbenike rizika Hipertenzija, pušenje, dijabetes, ... 28 28 48 48 43

57 Angatonist aldosterona
Kontrola volumena Smanjenje smrtnosti Diuretik ACE inhibitor Beta- blokator Angatonist aldosterona Digoksin CRT I C D ± CRT Liječenje ostatnih simptoma

58 Liječenje zatajenja srca
Stadij A Visoki rizik, bez bolesti srca Stadij B Asimptomatska bolest srca Stadij D Refraktorno zatajenje srca Liječenje Antihipertenzivi Hipolipemici Tjelovježba Zabrana alkohola Kao stadij A ACE inhibitori Beta-blokatori Diuretici Digitalis Restrikcija soli Kao A, B, C Mehaničke pomoćne naprave Transplatacija srca Trajna infuzija inotropa Hospitalna skrb Stadij C Simptomatska bolest srca 58

59 klinički učinci u zatajenju srca
Digitalis: klinički učinci u zatajenju srca ublažava simptome smanjuju učestalost hospitalizacija ne poboljšavaju preživljavanje Treatment of Heart Failure. Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Mechanisms of action ACE-inhibitors cause arteriovenous vasodilatation. Venodilation is accompanied by reduction in PAD, PCWP, and LVEDP. Arterial vasodilatation decreases SVR and MAP and increases cardiac output, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. Heart rate and contractility do not change, and, thus, double product and myocardial oxygen demand are decreased. These effects are more noticeable in patients with low sodium levels, in whom there is an increased plasma renin activity. Vasodilatation is seen in various vascular territories: renal, coronary, cerebral, and musculoskeletal (increasing exercise capacity). Additionally, ACE-inhibitors cause diuretic and natriuretic effects that are a consequence of the inhibition of angiotensin II and aldosterone synthesis, as well as the increase in cardiac output and renal perfusion. It is now known that the magnitude and duration of blood pressure reduction correlates better with the activity of ACE in certain tissues (heart, vessels, kidney, adrenal, etc.) than with its plasma levels, which indicates that ACE-inhibitors act by inhibiting local tissue production of angiotensin II. Plasma levels of ACE are not good predictors of the magnitude of hemodynamic effects of ACE-inhibition.

60 Indikacije u zatajenju srca
Digitalis: Indikacije u zatajenju srca tahiaritmije u sklopu fibrilacije atrija protodijastolički galop slab odgovor na temeljno liječenje (diuretik + BB + ACEI) Treatment of Heart Failure. Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Mechanisms of action ACE-inhibitors cause arteriovenous vasodilatation. Venodilation is accompanied by reduction in PAD, PCWP, and LVEDP. Arterial vasodilatation decreases SVR and MAP and increases cardiac output, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. Heart rate and contractility do not change, and, thus, double product and myocardial oxygen demand are decreased. These effects are more noticeable in patients with low sodium levels, in whom there is an increased plasma renin activity. Vasodilatation is seen in various vascular territories: renal, coronary, cerebral, and musculoskeletal (increasing exercise capacity). Additionally, ACE-inhibitors cause diuretic and natriuretic effects that are a consequence of the inhibition of angiotensin II and aldosterone synthesis, as well as the increase in cardiac output and renal perfusion. It is now known that the magnitude and duration of blood pressure reduction correlates better with the activity of ACE in certain tissues (heart, vessels, kidney, adrenal, etc.) than with its plasma levels, which indicates that ACE-inhibitors act by inhibiting local tissue production of angiotensin II. Plasma levels of ACE are not good predictors of the magnitude of hemodynamic effects of ACE-inhibition.

61 Digitalis u zatajenju srca
50 40 30 20 10 Smrtnost % Placebo n=3403 p = 0.8 N=6800 NYHA II-III Treatment of heart failure. Digoxin: Effect on survival The results obtained from 3 controlled studies which included patients at low risk (The German and Austrian Xamoterol Study Group, 1988; The Captopril-Digoxin Multicenter Research Group, 1988; DiBianco et al., 1989) indicate that the mortality was similar in the group of patients with placebo. The results of the Digitalis Investigator Group-DIG study, which included 7788 patients with heart failure in sinus rhythm, functional class II-III and LVEF < 45%. The patients were treated with digoxin or placebo, in addition to conventional therapy over a mean of 37 months ( months). No differences in mortality were observed between the two treatment groups. Am Coll Cardiol 1996 Digoksin n=3397 DIG N Engl J Med 1997;336:525 12 24 36 48 Mjeseci

62 ACE inhibitori: mehanizam djelovanja ACE Kininaze II VAZOKONSTRIKCIJA
VAZODILATACIJA ALDOSTERON PROSTAGLANDINi VAZOPRESIN Kininogen tPA SIMPATIKUS Kalikrein Angiotenzinogen RENIN BRADIKININ Treatment of Heart Failure Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) :Mechanisms of action ACE-inhibitors competitively block the converting enzyme that transforms angiotensin I into angiotensin II. The reduction in angiotensin II levels explains its arteriovenous vasodilatory actions, as angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor that augments sympathetic tone in the arteriovenous system. Additionally, angiotensin causes vasopressin release and produces sodium and water retention, both through a direct renal effect and through the liberation of aldosterone. Since converting enzyme has a similar structure to kinase II that degrades bradykinin, ACE-inhibitors increase kinin levels that are potent vasodilators (E2 and F2) and increase release of fibrinolytic substances such as tPA. Angiotensin I ACE Inhibitor Kininaze II ANGIOTENZIN II Inaktivni fragmenti

63 klinički učinci u zatajenju srca
ACE inhibitori: klinički učinci u zatajenju srca Ublažavaju simptome Smanjuju remodeliranje/progresiju Smanjuju učestalost hospitalizacija Poboljšavaju preživljavanje Treatment of Heart Failure. Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Mechanisms of action ACE-inhibitors cause arteriovenous vasodilatation. Venodilation is accompanied by reduction in PAD, PCWP, and LVEDP. Arterial vasodilatation decreases SVR and MAP and increases cardiac output, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. Heart rate and contractility do not change, and, thus, double product and myocardial oxygen demand are decreased. These effects are more noticeable in patients with low sodium levels, in whom there is an increased plasma renin activity. Vasodilatation is seen in various vascular territories: renal, coronary, cerebral, and musculoskeletal (increasing exercise capacity). Additionally, ACE-inhibitors cause diuretic and natriuretic effects that are a consequence of the inhibition of angiotensin II and aldosterone synthesis, as well as the increase in cardiac output and renal perfusion. It is now known that the magnitude and duration of blood pressure reduction correlates better with the activity of ACE in certain tissues (heart, vessels, kidney, adrenal, etc.) than with its plasma levels, which indicates that ACE-inhibitors act by inhibiting local tissue production of angiotensin II. Plasma levels of ACE are not good predictors of the magnitude of hemodynamic effects of ACE-inhibition.

64 ACE inhibitori u zatajenju srca
0.8 0.7 Placebo 0.6 Vjerojatnost smrti p< 0.001 0.5 0.4 p< 0.002 0.3 Enalapril Treatment of Heart Failure. Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Survival CONSENSUS. Prolonged administration of ACE-inhibitors reduces mortality in symptomatic heart failure. The first study to demonstrate this effect was CONSENSUS I. This graph shows the cumulative mortality curves of the treatment and placebo group in this randomized, double-blind trial. The study analyzed the effect of enalapril on prognosis of 253 patients with class IV heart failure, who also received digitalis, diuretics, and conventional vasodilators. At the end of 6 months of treatment, there was a clear-cut improvement in functional class, a reduction in the need for medications, and a 40% reduction in mortality (p<0.002). After 12 months the mortality reduction was 31% (p<0.001). Nonetheless, there were no differences in the incidence of sudden death between the two groups, or in the sub-group that received other conventional vasodilators. Another characteristic of this study was variability of the dose that was used for each patient (adjusted for tolerance and symptoms): mg/day. This aspect shows the importance of individualized treatment for heart failure patients. The CONSENSUS Trial Study Group. N Engl J Med 1987;316:1429. 0.2 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CONSENSUS N Engl J Med 1987;316:1429 Mjeseci

65 ACE inhibitori % Smrtnost 50 40 30 20 10 n=1284 n=1285 6 12 18 24 30
p = Placebo n=1284 % Smrtnost Enalapril n=1285 Treatment of Heart Failure Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) : Survival SOLVD study-symptomatic heart failure. Mortality curves in patients with clinical heart failure in the SOLVD treatment study. In this study, 2589 symptomatic heart failure patients with EFs<35% (90% in functional class II – III) were randomized to receive enalapril or placebo. Mortality over a 41 month follow-up period was 39.7% in the enalapril arm and 35.2% in the placebo arm (p<0.004). The mortality reduction was chiefly mediated through less progression of heart failure; deaths due to arrhythmia were not reduced. Additionally, the enalapril group required fewer hospitalizations for heart failure. The SOLVD Investigators. N Engl J Med 1991;325:293 n = 2589 CHF - NYHA II-III - EF < 35% 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 SOLVD (Treatment) N Engl J M 1991;325:293 Mjeseci

66 ACE inhibitori Smrtnost % Godine SAVE 30 Asimptomatska disfunkcija LK
poslije IM Placebo n=1116 20 Smrtnost % Kaptopril n=1115 Treatment of Heart Failure Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Survival SAVE (Survival and Ventricular Enlargement). Mortality curves in the SAVE study in patients with varying degrees of post-infarct ventricular dysfunction. In this study, 2231 patients with EF < 40% were randomized to receive captopril or placebo between 3 to 16 days after experiencing a transmural infarct. After 42 months, the captopril group had a significant reduction in overall mortality (-19%), number of reinfarctions (-25%), hospitalizations (-22%), and in the number of patients who developed clinical congestive heart failure. The mortality reduction appeared after 1 year of treatment. Pfeffer MA et al. Survival and Ventricular Enlargement (SAVE) Study. NEngl J Med 1992;327:669. 10 n = 2231 dana poslije IM EF < 40% mg/dan -19% p=0.019 SAVE N Engl J Med 1992;327:669 1 2 3 4 Godine

67 ACE inhibitori AIRE Smrtnost % Placebo 30 20 Ramipril 10 p = 0.002
HF after AMI 6 12 18 24 30 AIRE Lancet 1993;342:821 Mjeseci

68 Antagonisti angiotenzinskih receptora u zatajenju srca
The Val-HeFT paper cited here is a sub-group analysis of study participants not on an ACE inhibitor (N=366); they were not defined as ACE-intolerant. This table shows a reduction in all-cause mortality from 27.1% in the placebo group to 17.3% in the group treated with valsartan. CHARM-Alternative enrolled 2028 patients not receiving ACEI due to previous intolerance. Primary outcome was composite of cardiovascular death or hospital admission for HF. At median follow up of 33.7 months, 33% of the patients in the candesartan group and 40% of the patients in the placebo group had CV death or HF hospitalization

69 ACE inhibitori vs sartani
25 Losartan (n = 499 događaja) Kaptopril (n = 447 događaja) 20 15 KV događaji (%) 10 5 Relativni rizik = 1.13 (0.99–1.28); P = 0.069 Mjeseci 6 12 18 24 30 36 Losartan Kaptopril

70 ACE inhibitori, sartani i kombinacija u zatajenju srca
0.3 Kaptopril Valsartan 0.25 Valsartan + Kaptopril 0.2 Vjerojatnost događaja 0.15 0.1 Mary Ann Sellers and Sue Edwards. 0.05 Valsartan vs. Kaptopril: HR = 1.00; P = 0.982 Valsartan + Kaptopril vs. Kaptopril: HR = 0.98; P = 0.726 Mjeseci 6 12 18 24 30 36 Kaptopril Valsartan Valsartan + Kap Pfeffer, McMurray, Velazquez, et al. N Engl J Med 2003;349

71 Zatajenje srca: nitrati + hidralazin
0.75 n = 804 HZ + ISDN 0,54 Vjerojatnost smrti 0.50 0.47 p = 0.016 0,48 0.36 0.42 Enalapril 0.25 0.31 0.25 0.13 0.18 0.09 p = 0.08 60 V-HeFT II N Engl J Med 1991; 325:303 12 24 36 48 Mjeseci

72 mehanizam učinka u zatajenju srca
Beta blokatori: mehanizam učinka u zatajenju srca gustoću β1 receptora kardiotoksičnost katekolamina neurohumoralni učinak antiishemijski učinak antiaritmijski antioksidacijski, antiproliferacijski Treatment of Heart Failure. Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Mechanisms of action ACE-inhibitors cause arteriovenous vasodilatation. Venodilation is accompanied by reduction in PAD, PCWP, and LVEDP. Arterial vasodilatation decreases SVR and MAP and increases cardiac output, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. Heart rate and contractility do not change, and, thus, double product and myocardial oxygen demand are decreased. These effects are more noticeable in patients with low sodium levels, in whom there is an increased plasma renin activity. Vasodilatation is seen in various vascular territories: renal, coronary, cerebral, and musculoskeletal (increasing exercise capacity). Additionally, ACE-inhibitors cause diuretic and natriuretic effects that are a consequence of the inhibition of angiotensin II and aldosterone synthesis, as well as the increase in cardiac output and renal perfusion. It is now known that the magnitude and duration of blood pressure reduction correlates better with the activity of ACE in certain tissues (heart, vessels, kidney, adrenal, etc.) than with its plasma levels, which indicates that ACE-inhibitors act by inhibiting local tissue production of angiotensin II. Plasma levels of ACE are not good predictors of the magnitude of hemodynamic effects of ACE-inhibition.

73 klinički učinci u zatajenju srca
Beta blokatori: klinički učinci u zatajenju srca ublažavaju simptome remodeliranje/progresiju učestalost hospitalizacija preživljavanje učestalost nagle smrti Treatment of Heart Failure. Angiotensin Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI): Mechanisms of action ACE-inhibitors cause arteriovenous vasodilatation. Venodilation is accompanied by reduction in PAD, PCWP, and LVEDP. Arterial vasodilatation decreases SVR and MAP and increases cardiac output, ejection fraction, and exercise tolerance. Heart rate and contractility do not change, and, thus, double product and myocardial oxygen demand are decreased. These effects are more noticeable in patients with low sodium levels, in whom there is an increased plasma renin activity. Vasodilatation is seen in various vascular territories: renal, coronary, cerebral, and musculoskeletal (increasing exercise capacity). Additionally, ACE-inhibitors cause diuretic and natriuretic effects that are a consequence of the inhibition of angiotensin II and aldosterone synthesis, as well as the increase in cardiac output and renal perfusion. It is now known that the magnitude and duration of blood pressure reduction correlates better with the activity of ACE in certain tissues (heart, vessels, kidney, adrenal, etc.) than with its plasma levels, which indicates that ACE-inhibitors act by inhibiting local tissue production of angiotensin II. Plasma levels of ACE are not good predictors of the magnitude of hemodynamic effects of ACE-inhibition.

74 Beta blokatori u zatajenju srca
Godišnja Smrtnost %


76 Učinak beta blokatora u dijabetičara sa zatajenjem srca
Ukupno randomizirani Smrtnost (n) Placebo/-blokatori CIBIS II Dijabetes 312 33/27 Bez dijabetesa 2335 195/129 Pooled mortality data from three major beta-blocker trials, including CIBIS-II, COPERNICUS, and MERIT-HF, showed similar survival benefits with beta-blockade in patients with or without diabetes.1 Treatment with beta-blockade reduced the risk of death by 25% in patients with diabetes and by 36% in patients without diabetes (data not shown). Svi 2647 228/156 MERIT-HF Dijabetes 985 61/50 Bez dijabetesa 3006 156/95 Svi 3991 217/145 COPERNICUS Dijabetes 589 Bez dijabetesa 1700 Svi 2289 190/130 Sve 3 studije Dijabetes 1886 Bez dijabetesa 7041 All 8927 635/431 0.0 1.0 1.8 RR (95% CI) Deedwania PC et al. Am Heart J. 2005;149: 1. Deedwania PC, Giles TD, Klibaner M, Ghali JK, Herlitz J, Hildebrandt P, et al. Efficacy, safety and tolerability of metoprolol CR/XL in patients with diabetes and chronic heart failure: Experiences from MERIT-HF. Am Heart J. 2005;149: 76

77 Učinak beta blokatora u starijih osoba za zatajenjem srca
-blokator bolji Placebo bolji Hazard ratio COPERNICUS 0.75 (0.58–0.98) A meta-analysis of all-cause mortality data in elderly and non-elderly patients with HF from five major beta-blocker trials showed that elderly HF patients derived considerable benefit from treatment.1 These five trials included >12,000 HF patients, including 4617 patients (36%) who were elderly. Patients classified as elderly ranged in age from 59 years in the Carvedilol US study, to 65 years in COPERNICUS and BEST, and 71 years in CIBIS-II. In MERIT-HF, patients in the upper-age tertile were classified as elderly. The composite data show that elderly patients who received beta-blocker therapy had a significant 24% reduction in total mortality (P = 0.002). There was no significant difference in mortality reduction between elderly and younger patients. The analysis challenges the idea that beta-blocker therapy should be withheld from patients on the basis of age. The findings suggest that all patients with systolic HF should receive beta-blockers, unless absolutely contraindicated or not tolerated by the patient. Carvedilol (U.S.) 0.45 (0.24–0.86) CIBIS-II 0.70 (0.49–0.99) MERIT-HF 0.70 (0.52–0.95) BEST 0.91 (0.78–1.05) Svi 0.76 (0.64–0.90) P = 0.002 –1 1 10 Risk ratio (95% CI) Dulin BR et al. Am J Cardiol.2005;95:896-8. 1. Dulin BR, Haas SJ, Abraham WT, Krum H. Do elderly systolic heart failure patients benefit from beta blockers to the same extent as the non-elderly? Meta-analysis of >12,000 patients in large-scale clinical trials. Am J Cardiol. 2005;95: 77

78 - Inhibitori aldosterona u zatajenju srca Spironolakton ALDOSTERON
Kompetitivni antagonist aldosteronskih receptora (miokard, krvne žile, bubrezi) Retencija Na+ Retencija H2O Izlučivanje K+ Izlučivanije Mg2+ Odlaganje kolagena Fibroza - miokard - krvne žile Edemi Treatment of congestive heart failure. Aldosterone inhibitors: Mechanism of action Aldosterone acts directly on specific receptors. At the renal level it produces retention of sodium and water, resulting in an increase in preload and afterload, edema formation and the appearance of symptoms of pulmonary and systemic venous congestion. In addition, it increases the elimination of potassium and magnesium, creating an electrolyte imbalance which may be responsible in part for cardiac arrhythmias. At the tissue level, aldosterone stimulates the production of collagen, being in large part responsible for the fibrosis that is found in hypertrophied myocardium and in the arterial walls of patients with heart failure. The beneficial effects of spironolactone derive from the direct and competitive blockade of specific aldosterone receptors. Aldosterone inhibitors therefore have three types of effects: - Diuretic effect, which is most noticeable when fluid retention and increased levels of aldosterone are present. - Antiarrhythmic effect, mediated by the correction of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia. - Antifibrotic effect. This effect, demonstrated in animal models, can contribute to a decrease in the progression of structural changes in patients with heart failure. Aritmije

79 Antagonisti aldosterona u zatajenju srca

80 Antikoagulacija u zatajenju srca
Niska istisna frakcija (<30%) Teško zatajenje srca Tromb u lijevoj klijetki Prethodne tromboembolije Fibrilacija atrija Eur Heart J 2007;28:

81 Peroralni antikoagulansi – neke važnije interakcije
Pojačan učinak Smanjen učinak amiodaron barbiturati acetilsalicilna kiselina ciklosporin eritromicin karbamazepin fluoksetin kolestiramin kotrimoksazol omeprazol levotiroksin rifampicin metromidazol tireostatici nesteroidni antireumatici alkohol

82 Interakcije nekih pripravaka sa varfarinom
Pojačavaju učinak Bijeli luk Ginko biloba Sok od grejpa Glukozamin/hondroitin Smanjuju učinak Ginseng Gospina trava

83 Lijekovi koje valja izbjegavati u liječenju kroničnoga zatajivanja srca
Blokatori kalcijskih kanala Antiaritmici (osim BB i amiodarona) NSAR Tiazolidinedioni (rosiglitazon, pioglitazon) Metformin

84 Zatajenje srca i mogućnosti liječenja
Current ACC/AHA chronic HF guidelines emphasize that each stage of HF is associated with unique options for treatment.1,2 Stage A: Treatment should include risk-factor reduction and patient and family education. Hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes should be targeted, and ACE inhibitors or ARBs are also recommended in appropriate patients. Stage B: ACE inhibitors or ARBs are recommended in all patients; -blockers are recommended in appropriate patients. Stage C: All patients should receive ACE inhibitors and -blockers. Other treatments may include dietary sodium restriction, diuretics, and digoxin. – Additional options in appropriate patients include cardiac resynchronization (if bundle-branch block is present), revascularization and mitral-valve surgery, and aldosterone antagonists and nesiritide. – A multidisciplinary team approach may be useful. Stage D: Refractory symptoms require special interventions, which may include inotropes, ventricular assist device (VAD), heart transplantation, and hospice care. Jessup M, Brozena S. N Engl J Med. 2003;348: 1. Hunt SA, Baker DW, Chin MH, Cinquegrani MP, Feldman AM, Francis GS, et al. ACC/AHA guidelines for the evaluation and management of chronic heart failure in the adult: Executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Revise the 1995 Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Heart Failure). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001;38: 2. Jessup M, Brozena S. Heart failure. N Engl J Med. 2003;348: 84

85 “Faze” u liječenju zatajivanja srca
Farmakološka Digitalis Diuretici Neurohormonski zahvati Umjetno srce Ksenotransplantacija Matične stanice Genski inženjering ???? Ne-farmakološka Mirovanje Inaktivnost Ograničenje tekućine (digitalis, diuretici) prije1980’ 1980’s 1990’s 2000’s 2020’s  Farmakološka Digitalis Diuretici Vazodilatatori Inotropi Uređaji CRT ICDs LVADs Ostali? Abraham WT, 2002

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