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Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Urban Transport for Disabled People Dr Philip Barham Transport & Travel Research Ltd Directorate-General for Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Urban Transport for Disabled People Dr Philip Barham Transport & Travel Research Ltd Directorate-General for Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Urban Transport for Disabled People Dr Philip Barham Transport & Travel Research Ltd Directorate-General for Energy and Transport EUROPEAN COMMISSION

2 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Context Mobility of Disabled People - Access for All Urban transport issues Benchmarking the topic

3 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Key Concepts The use of public transport Personal mobility Access to goods and services Fulfilment of needs Reducing social exclusion The benefits of reducing social exclusion

4 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Examples of Initiatives Demand Responsive Transport Light Rapid Transit Low-floor Buses / Kneeling Buses Les Compagnons du Voyage Taxi Voucher Schemes

5 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Examples of Measures Wheelchair ramps Hydraulic lifts Disabled seating Lower ticket and information desks Audio & visual PT information Clear signage at stations

6 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Opportunities Visit, discuss & learn Consider objectives of urban transport - from the viewpoint of disabled people Disseminate good practice Compare ideas Set the agenda for Benchmarking

7 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Challenges Agree on a set of aims for Yr3 Agree on an agenda for the year Produce an end-product from the benchmarking exercise Agree on a set of indicators Short timescale

8 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Suggested Theme The Evaluation of Outcomes What is the real impact of accessible urban transport on peoples lives? (How can we measure them?)

9 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Cities Involved Core Group:Aalborg Lisbon Mechelen Paris Santander Following Cities:Belfast Fife Uppsala London

10 Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Three Getting involved Contact Sam Roberts Working Group Rapporteur Phone: +44 (0) 1543 416 416

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