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Pioneering the Comprehensive Approach: How Germany’s Partners do it Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich Wittkampf | ZIF Analysis Partnership for Peace.

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1 Pioneering the Comprehensive Approach: How Germany’s Partners do it Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich Wittkampf | ZIF Analysis Partnership for Peace Workshop | Bratislava, 03 July 2013

2 Overview Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations 1.Implementing the Comprehensive Approach Assessments and Debates in Germany 2.How Germany’s Partners Do It  United Kingdom  The Netherlands  USA  Sweden

3 Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations Pro: The glass is almost full!  Germany is far ahead in implementing the Compre- hensive Approach.  Ministries promote compre- hensive action by means of personnel rotation, liaison officers, common activities, joint trainings.  Further improvements are possible but there are clear limits of what a comprehensive approach can achieve. Contra: The glass is fairly empty!  Germany falls far behind of what would be possible. Achievements are fairly modest with a high input of resources.  In spite of all rhetorical changes, Ministries stick maximally to stove piping, which hinders working level cooperation.  There is no political will to engage substantive amounts of resources in the development of more efficient forms of comprehensive action. 1 | The State of Affairs in Germany: Opinions

4 1 | Consensus  Progress, in particular caused by peace operations in Balkans, Afghanistan.  Ad hoc cooperation often pragmatic and good.  Broad demand for leadership and common purpose.  Lack of political guidance and implementing concepts.  Challenge to link up national and international levels. Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

5 1 | Contested Issues  What is further enabling comprehensive action? Optimized intra-agency clearance? liaison, interfaces, procedures, networking? Joint institutions? inter-ministerial units, task forces Joint instruments? common strategies, funds, assessments, evaluations joint trainings, skills and knowledge Center for International Peace OperationsDr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich Wittkampf

6 1 | Core Topic: Managing Networks How do we conceive leadership in complex networks? By trawling … … or by enabling self-organizing drift? Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

7  UK: Yes, we can!  The Netherlands: Let’s do it!  Sweden: March separately, strike together  USA: Elevating civilian power 2 | Partner Countries’ Approaches Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

8 Partners put different emphasis in developing further the CA … 2 | Partner Countries: Variety of Approaches Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations GBR: system of strategies, guidelines and evaluations; regular adjustments of instruments and institutions; Stabilisation Unit as cross-governmental center of competency. NLD: culture of pragmatic cooperation; informal, institutionalized networking on the highest policy levels. SWE: improvement of coordinated division of labor; maintenance of separate roles in the field. USA: elevating civilian power to par with Pentagon resources; in support of global leadership role.

9 … but also show communalities:  Political will to find an optimum between integrating and coordinating activities, under active involvement of the highest political level.  Overarching national security strategies or sub-strategies which provide guidance for implementing the comprehensive approach and for developing further its institutional architecture.  Joint inter-agency units which facilitate comprehensive activities.  Joint conflict analyses and strategic planning in order to improve coherent comprehensive action and an effective division of labor.  Joint funds which provide incentives and flexibility for joint efforts. Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations 2 | Partner Countries: Cross-cutting issues

10 That’s all, folks ! (almost)

11 a) | UK: Yes, we can! „Integrated Approach“: Joint institutions  Stabilisation Unit of DfID, FCO, MoD (2004):  Assessment missions, evaluations, trainings.  Civilian Stabilisation Group (ca. 1.000 men and women).  Governed by Building Stability Overseas Board.  Since 2010: National Security Council (meets weekly). Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

12 a) | UK: Yes, we can! „Integrated Approach“: Joint instruments  National Security Strategy.  Building Stability Overseas Strategy (2011).  Guidance for an Integrated Approach to Strategic Planning for conflict and Stability (2012).  Joint Assessments on Conflict and Stability.  Conflict Pool for cross-governmental conflict transformation projects.  Regular reviews and evaluations. Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

13 „Comprehensive Approach“: Joint institutions  MFA unites diplomacy, development and foreign trade.  Coordinator for Security Issues / Comprehensive Approach (MFA).  Inter-agency working groups on acute conflicts.  Steering Group on Military Operations (weekly informal meetings: directors for foreign affairs, development, defence, office of the PM, chief of general staff).  Steering Group on Civilian Missions (quarterly informal meetings: directors as above plus directors for economy, finance, justice). b) | Netherlands: Let's do it! Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

14 „Comprehensive Approach“: Joint instruments  National Security Strategy in progress.  Guideline on the Comprehensive Approach in progress.  HGIS (Homogeneous Group of International Cooperation) as inter-ministerial budget frame. Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations b) | Netherlands: Let's do it!

15 „Comprehensive Approach“: Joint institutions  National Security Council.  Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (Department of State).  monitoring of 55 fragile states.  concentration of activities on 6 fragile states.  Civilian Response Corps comprised of staff from 9 ministries. NB: DoD has an additional Civilian Expeditionary Workforce. c) | USA: Elevating Civilian Power Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

16 „Comprehensive Approach“: Joint instruments  National Security Strategy.  Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review.  launched in 2010 through Department of State and USAID.  goal:strengthening the civilian contribution to conflict management.  Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework.  Mission Strategic Resource Plans of US Embassies.  Joint Funds DoS-USAID and DoD-DoS. c) | USA: Elevating Civilian Power Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

17 „Allomfattande ansats“: Joint institutions  MFA unites diplomacy, development and foreign trade.  Regular meetings of state secretaries on international crisis management (every 2-3 weeks).  Joint Council on Missions and Operations (monthly, includes the relevant ministries and implementing agencies).  Specific inter-agency working groups. d) | Sweden: March separately, strike together Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

18 „Allomfattande ansats“: Joint instruments  National Strategy for Swedish Participation in International Peace- Support and Security-Building Operations (2008).  Guidance Operationalizing the allomfattande ansats.  Policy for Security and Development in Swedish Development Cooperation 2012-14  Separation of military and civilian roles.  Afghanistan-Strategy (2010) as only overarching country strategy. d) | Sweden: March separately, strike together Dr. Andreas Wittkowsky / LTC Ulrich WittkampfCenter for International Peace Operations

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