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Austrian English Teachers and the EFL/ESL site Walter Steinkogler

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Presentation on theme: "Austrian English Teachers and the EFL/ESL site Walter Steinkogler"— Presentation transcript:

1 Austrian English Teachers and the EFL/ESL site Walter Steinkogler

2 and its users Who are the users? Teachers!? Pupils? Students? What are they looking for? (needs) Re-usable LOs for print? For interactive exercises? For LMS? For which level of the CEFR? A1, A2, B1, B2 … For which types of school?

3 and its users For teaching ideas? For links to other EFL/ESL-sites? (lose users) Presentations at eL meetings => thank you! My users, the unknown species! Feedback: 4 emails/year => really uncool site! => online questionnaire – limesurvey How to ask questions => questionnaire method How to get interpretable results! Discussed questions with critical friends!

4 End of school-year (final exams) Small sample IT-sceptics rather not fill in online survey Survey – 14 items 2 text boxes „Temperature-scale“ questions 1-4 to avoid the average 3

5 Open Source Different types of questions Online-creation and evaluation Data-export in Excel

6 Male or female? Language Teachers are female!

7 Where do you teach?

8 I have been teaching for so many … years 15 to 30 years of experience

9 How did you find ??

10 How often do you visit

11 Learning Management System Which LMS do you use?

12 In the platform I am looking for (1) applies totally does not apply at all (4) Yes /rather yes : Rather no/ no QU: I am looking for (teaching) ideas …95% … Material for print 92%.... interactive LOs for use in class 71%.... LOs for the LMS 41%.... interactive LOs for use at home 52%.... LOs for private coaching/tutoring 24%.... didactics & methodology 61%

13 In the platform I am looking for (1) applies totally does not apply at all (4) Yes /rather yes : Rather no/ no LOs in addition to topics of coursebook 92% ***** of LOs by users would be useful 78% I would be ready to do that myself 80% I use the search-box of the platform 75% the tree (of categories) is ok for me 80% thematic link collections very valuable 83%

14 In the platform I am looking for (1) applies totally does not apply at all (4) Yes /rather yes : Rather no/ no I would like … more pictures & images 73% … more listening & podcasts 88% … more videoclips 76% I would register for a regular newsletter 54,5%

15 In the platform I am looking for (1) applies totally does not apply at all (4) Yes /rather yes : Rather no/ no I want to get in touch with colleagues via social software tools => 34% I am ready to share my digital ressources with colleagues in a password-protected area => 63% !!! All in all I am satisfied with 80,5%

16 Money, money, money... Public funding is dwindling. I can imagine other forms of financing free educational content of high quality. Sponsoring => 80,5% Ads of edu-related companies like publishers etc. => 86% Schools should pay => 41,5% Teachers should pay => 21%

17 I would like a personalized starting page into => 45% Verbal feedback: very positive CEFR has to be implemented Bench marks (A2, B2) Film reviews More material for (academically) weak children Criticizing e-learning resistant teachers

18 Conclusions Biggest usergroups: Sec.Modern + Higher Voc. Majority are middle-aged teachers Majority does not use LMS (62%)... looks for print material (92%)... material in addition to coursebooks (92%)... appreciates special thematic link collections 83%... willing to rate LOs (80%)

19 Conclusions More than half would like a newsletter (54,5%) 2 thirds would be ready to exchange digital ressources in a pw-protected platform (63%) Search engine of the platform has to be improved (used by 75%) More media (podcasts, videos, images) Sponsoring and advertising is ok (80,5 – 86%) Majority of users appreciates platform (80,5%) How do we address those who don't come?

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