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Recognition of Isle of Man Driving Licences and On-line Developments EReg 2012 Richard Pearson – Director of Highways Andy Williams – Head of Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognition of Isle of Man Driving Licences and On-line Developments EReg 2012 Richard Pearson – Director of Highways Andy Williams – Head of Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognition of Isle of Man Driving Licences and On-line Developments EReg Richard Pearson – Director of Highways Andy Williams – Head of Business Systems

2 Purpose of presentation
To explain the Isle of Man legal position. IoM residents hold EU Passports and can work and reside in Europe IoM has an obligation under Article 4 of Protocol 3 to apply the same treatment to all natural and legal persons of the Community IoM exchanges all EU and EEA driving licences Propose that IoM is treated on an equal basis to other EU/EEA countries for vehicle and driving licence purposes.

3 Manx people are British Citizens with European Union passports
The Isle of Man is an internally self-governing dependent territory of the Crown and not part of the United Kingdom. Tynwald, the Island’s 1000 year old Parliament, makes its own laws and oversees all internal administration, fiscal and social policies. The UK Government administers external issues, such as foreign representation and defence, on the Island’s behalf for which services the Island makes an annual payment. However, as a British Crown dependency, the ultimate responsibility for the Island’s good government is vested in the Crown by long-standing convention. The relationship of the Isle of Man with the European Union is a special relationship set out in Protocol 3 to the Act of Accession annexed to the Treaty of Accession 1972, by which the United Kingdom became a member of the EEC. The Isle of Man is not a member state of the European Union and is not an associate member of the European Union. The Island’s relationship with the European Union cannot be changed unless Protocol 3 is changed and that would require the unanimous decision of all member States of the EU. Protocol 3 to the Act of Accession requires Community rules on customs matters and quantitative restrictions, to apply to the Isle of Man (and the Channel Islands). In particular, customs duties and charges have equivalent effect between those territories and the Community. Article 4 requires the authorities in the Channel Isles and the Isle of Man to apply the same treatment to all natural and legal persons of the Community. The effect of this article is that there are no special restrictions on access to the Island by EU persons, other than the requirement of a work permit.

4 Isle of Man driving licence
IOM REGULATIONS INCLUDE – Driver testing - theory, hazard and practical Driver examiners trained by UK DSA Register of approved driving instructors Vehicle testing Standards are continually under review to reflect best practice Mutual recognition with all EU/EEA countries and other countries with robust testing standards Countries recognising IoM driving licences Czech Republic Eire Gibraltar Malta Netherlands Norway Poland UK Jersey and Guernsey France

5 Summary IoM residents hold EU Passports and can work and reside in Europe. IoM has an obligation under Article 4 of Protocol 3 to apply the same treatment to all natural and legal persons of the Community. IoM exchanges 1000 EU and EEA driving licences a year. We hope that you will allow exchange of IoM driving licence. Questionnaire

6 A presentation to Isle of Man Post Office November 2009
Presentation to Ereg Conference, May 2012 Andy Williams Head of On-line Services A presentation to Isle of Man Post Office November 2009

7 ISD’s context Full reach and range of ICT shared services across IOM Government Day in the life of … Network users 8,000 s ,000 Helpdesk Remote ,200 Desktops ,900 Applications ,200 Network sites Live projects

8 Government Online Services – European Measure 2010/11
“The Isle of Man clearly shows progress towards customer centric service provision, but needs continuous focus to achieve policy goals”

9 Core technology components…

10 Government Online Services
Outline software that enables Isle of Man Government to connect online to its customers, be they citizens or businesses; a single secure way for these customers to access the full reach and range of Isle of Man Government services online; A common approach to service and access standards at lower cost.

11 One “front door” for customers …

12 Transactions handled:
Growth Some numbers...since 2006 Registered users: 24,839 28.8% of Population Payments: 86,303 > £284 million 29% of Yearly payments Secure Messages: 70,236 Transactions handled: 179,616

13 DOI Online Services … Vehicle tax online Vehicle insurance checking
Coming next ... Driving Licence renewal Driving Licence Administration Dealer Vehicle Registration Parking Permit Administration Parking Payment Book a Driving test Book a Vehicle test Buy number plate Vehicle/Driver Checks

14 Thank you

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