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Developing undergraduate students’ understanding of historical enquiry and research through flexible online learning and feedback. What next at UoR and.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing undergraduate students’ understanding of historical enquiry and research through flexible online learning and feedback. What next at UoR and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing undergraduate students’ understanding of historical enquiry and research through flexible online learning and feedback. What next at UoR and EHU? practical inferences The aim of the afternoon session is to examine briefly some emerging data. We hope to explore some practical inferences we might make from this to inform the design of the next iteration.

2 To help us with this, if you have a smart phone, tablet or lap top, please visit the link below now, a voting site (no cost and no need to login in): all accessed from this link We will open up a series of polls for voting as we go through the afternoon, all accessed from this link. Ali Messer Alessandra Abbattista

3 UoR Moodle site usage data 43 43 students accessed the site 5,113 5,113 visits between them Most visited single item: research questions discussion forum 20 students responded to questionnaire (EHU students given very similar questionnaire)

4 Visits to Moodle

5 Contrast to be seen with EHU? There was a digital task as the outcome for the module. Perhaps this encouraged students to revisit content? Poll everywhere (voting software) question Do you agree that the use of Mahara for the assessed task probably encouraged students to re visit Moodle content?

6 Actions

7 Forum actions

8 Forum posting

9 Forum viewing


11 Forum posting

12 Poll everywhere question: Do you agree usage data suggests that students find it useful to revisit discussion forums? You might like to tweet any other ideas you have about WHY this might be the case!

13 Resources

14 Lectures slides

15 UoR undergraduate perceptions Responses to questionnaire

16 Mahara

17 Discussion boards posting

18 Videos and resources

19 How students used the site

20 I used the Moodle site mainly to prepare for taught sessions

21 I used the Moodle site mainly to follow up on taught sessions by revisiting lecture slides

22 I used the discussions on the Moodle site mainly to receive feedback on my posts

23 I used the discussions on the Moodle site to view the feedback that other students had received

24 I used the discussions on the Moodle site to give feedback to other students

25 I used the discussions on the Moodle site to see what other students had to say

26 Poll everywhere question the UoR discussion in the NEXT iteration could be more interactive? Do you agree the questionnaire responses suggest that the UoR discussion in the NEXT iteration could be more interactive? You might like to tweet any ideas you have about HOW this might be done...

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