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Presentation on theme: "SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Chapter Four The Business Plan

2 Getting Started Establishing the Business
Advantages of Organizing a Business from Scratch Disadvantages of Organizing a Business from Scratch

3 Components of the Business Plan
There are ten components in a plan. 1. Prepare a Table of Contents 2. Executive Summary and background 3. Describe the Management Team 4. Describe the Business Objective 5. Plan the Marketing Approach

4 Components of the Business Plan
6. Describe the Selection of the Location 7. Determine the Physical Facilities 8. Plan the Financing 9. Plan the Personnel 10. Investigate the Legal Requirements

5 Components of the Plan 1. Prepare a Table of Contents
overview of the plan quick access to the various parts of the plan

6 Components of the Plan 2. Executive Summary and Background Statement
Completed at the end of the complete plan history of the project to date statement of the intended mission of the venture

7 Components of the Plan 3. Describe the Management Team
resume and background of those making the decisions for the organization

8 Components of the Plan 4. Establish the Business Objective
Business Size Production Levels Performance Levels

9 Components of the Plan 5. Plan the Marketing Approach
Have a clear concept of the target market. Understand the target market’s needs, wants and purchasing habits answer the following questions where, when, what, how much, why Be aware of any uncontrollable factors that might affect the marketing of the product or service

10 Components of the Plan Be aware of any uncontrollable factors that might affect the marketing of the product or service such as existing or pending legislation relevant to the business state of the economy in the market extent and strategies of the competition cultural norms of the market new technologies that might offset the business

11 Components of the Plan Plan the Marketing Program
the Product or Service the Distribution System the Promotion Plan the Pricing Plan

12 Components of the Plan 6. Describe the Selection of the Location
the Trading Area the Economic Base Attitude of the Trading Area towards New Businesses Competition Costs

13 Components of the Plan The Site the Buy-or-Lease Decision
accessibility, site costs, restrictions, site history, proximity to other businesses, physical characteristics the Buy-or-Lease Decision cost of the lease, length of the lease, restrictions, repairs and lease hold improvements, insurance coverage Running the Business from One’s Home

14 Components of the Plan 7. Determine the Physical Facilities
insurance types loss or damage to the property business interruption liability and disability life insurance insurance decisions what kind to purchase, how much to purchase, from whom to purchase the insurance

15 Components of the Plan 8. Plan the Financing
establish capital requirements make feasibility projections determine the sources of funding plan the accounting, bookkeeping and computer systems determine the financial evaluation measures

16 Components of the Plan 9. Plan the Personnel Administrative structure
Employee recruitment and training Personnel Policies

17 Components of the Plan 10. Investigate the Legal Requirements
Legal Structure (four styles) 1.Sole Proprietorship advantages and disadvantages 2. Partnership Limited, General 3. Cooperative one member-one vote vs each share a vote

18 Components of the Plan 4. Corporation
advantages and disadvantages of a corporation steps in incorporation selection of the business name development of the share structure, directors, restrictions on share transfers, etc. description of the company operations acquiring the necessary supports

19 Components of the Plan Joint Ventures Licenses and Taxes Patents
Federal Government income tax, goods and services taxes, excise tax Provincial Government income tax, licenses, sales tax Municipal Governments licenses, property taxes, business taxes Patents registration, search, application

20 Appendices Appendix A - Checklist for a Small Business Plan
Appendix B - Sample Business Plans (2) The Sock Hop, Quality Cuts Appendix C - Incorporation of Companies and Associations Appendix D - Jurisdiction of Licenses and Taxes

21 CONCEPT CHECKS 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a small business? 2. What steps are involved in preparing a business plan? 3. What criteria must be evaluated before choosing a trading area? 4. When is it advantageous to lease instead of owning?

22 CONCEPT CHECKS 5. What information should be investigated before construction starts and purchasing equipment? 6. Why is insurance purchased? What are some small business insurance types? 7. What major financial aspects should be planned in advance of business operation? 8. What are four legal structures that an owner can utilize?

23 CONCEPT CHECKS 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Incorporation? 10. What level of government issues business licenses? 11. What taxes are levied by the Federal Government? 12. What are the steps required to register a patent?


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