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Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development URBACT Annual Meeting Liverpool, 14-15.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development URBACT Annual Meeting Liverpool, 14-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development URBACT Annual Meeting Liverpool, 14-15 November 2005 Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

2 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Economic development a major dimension for regeneration of less favoured urban areas = creation of wealth, in relation with other components of urban life (housing, infrastructures, safety…) generated by the BUSINESSES located in the city territory. Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

3 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Local -the dimension of a neighbourhood in terms of disadvantaged neighbourhood, -the dimension covering the territory of the city as a whole, -the interaction between developed and disadvantaged parts of the city. Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

4 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Instruments the cities need information on their business community information on local business requirements, interface with the business community, Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

5 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Traditional support instruments For the big businesses tailor made services on request, For the small businesses collective support instruments on: access to finance, market information, management skills. How to create more businesses in less favoured areas? Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

6 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Identify a list of economic projects rooted in the area: in relation with the local business association(s), in partnership with the City departments that may impact on economic development: infrastructures, safety, culture, heritage… Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

7 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Objective of the Cross-cutting Thematic Working Group (CTWG): Gather and capitalise the various findings of URBACT networks in the field of local economic development Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

8 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Method: Interlinking -possible fields of activities for local economic development with -economic development instruments Field of ActivitiesInstruments Renovation and use of built heritage Tourism and leisure industry Cultural activities Commerce / Trade Business New technologies Security … Advice and services Financial instruments SME-networks / Clusters Technology transfer PPP Marketing and Communication … Thematic Workshop Local Economic Development

9 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development ECO-FIN-NET (Leipzig) Main Objective: Identity, analyse and further develop innovative instruments for the support of the local economy by financial assistance to SME Economic issues: How can local authorities support SME-development their neighborhoods by improving cooperation between public bodies, SMEs, service providers and financial institutions Improving access to finance e.g. by reducing / covering handling costs and risks for small credit volumes to small / micro enterprises Public SME funding instruments: e.g. grant schemes, public investment or micro loan programs Advise and service offers and networks Local Economic Development in

10 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Regenerando (Reggio di Calabria) Main Objective: Search for local public interventions in the field of employment creation, new job opportunities, human capital and economic prosperity in order to face unemployment and social exclusion Economic issues: Active preventive measures for unemployed people Create new jobs, support and incentive entrepreneurship Use of high technology in service of local development and employment (risk or opportunity?): high tech start ups, eBusiness, eLearing and ICT skills, eServices Networks / partnerships for producing and spreading innovation, diffusing the use of ICT as well as livelong learning and training. Development Potential and opportunities through irregular work Social inclusion and policies for occupational growth Local Economic Development in

11 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Partner4Action (Liverpool): Main Objective: Use of the instrument of Public Private Partnership (PPP) for urban regeneration processes. Economic issues raised: Fostering education and training facilities and services by PPP PPP projects in for industrial and commercial (re-)developments Support and develop, modernize and improve competitiveness of traditional industries / commerce Knowledge economy, innovation, support/introduce new technologies Attract and set up entrepreneurial activities Provide public subsidies Real estate / property market problems Develop stable and functional mixes in economic structure Town centre management, image and marketing strategies, BIDs, Local Economic Development in

12 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development STRIKE (Dutch Ministry for the Interior): Main Objective: Promote knowledge economy on urban level by joint actions between local, regional, national and EU actions; role of cities and urban regions in the knowledge economy Economic issues raised: Changes in urban system caused by knowledge economy, creating new winners and losers Social segregation by knowledge economy and relation between economic performance and equity, poverty and social exclusion Support strategies for European centers of excellence and smaller, non-metropolitan cities to develop specific niches / specializations New opportunities for entrepreneurs able to find niches and mobilize resources (importance of entrepreneurial climate) Attraction, image and quality of live as key determinants to attract innovative and competitive enterprises and knowledge workers Promote creation of new knowledge; promote application of knowledge, attract knowledge workers, develop new growth clusters Local Economic Development in

13 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Cultural Industries (Lille): Main Objective: How to use the cultural assets of cities and regions for economic development and urban regeneration? Economic issues raised: Economic dimension of cultural activities and creative industries as driving forces for urban regeneration Reap benefits from cultural / creative industries for urban economy? Culture as important economic asset and economic potential and not a primarily subsidized and money-consuming activity How to promote local cultural industries and foster cultural activities Economic clusters / networks of creative industries Cultural industries as driving force for knowledge intensive and creative economy with focus innovation and competitiveness Culture / creativity necessary conditions for flourishing economy Culture as integral part of urban redevelopment projects Local Economic Development in

14 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development I.S.N. (Manchester): Main Objective: Promoting inclusion by the creative and innovative use of ICT Economic issues raised: Business development and role of ICT for tackling economic restructuring, promotion of employment and fostering social inclusion Develop capacities and skills needed to access new employment, training and cultural opportunities offered by information society Developing new businesses, especially in new business sectors Business support for SMEs in applying ICT and new technologies for getting more competitive Clusters and networking of SMEs, technological/scientific institutes and service providers for innovation dissemination and application Provide technological infrastructure (e.g. Broadband) Assure high skills of workforce and access of citizens to ICT Local Economic Development in

15 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development UDIEX- UDIEX Alep (Venise): Main Objective: Reflect on diversity, integration and inclusion Economic issues raised: Fighting long-term and youth unemployment as well as discrimination in the labor market, e.g. by employment support institutions Enterprise development, business promotion, services for SMEs, business incubators, mentors / tutors, Entrepreneurship and self-employment, e.g. for ethnic minorities or other disadvantaged groups Financing projects for enterprise development (e.g. micro credits) The role of social economy or social enterprises Cultural diversity and urban regeneration, culture and tourism as potentials for economic development The role of ICT for economic development and social inclusion Training and qualification of labor and entrepreneurs Local Economic Development in

16 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Regenera (Lyon): Main Objective: Integrated urban development with bottom-up approach and focus on co-production of all stakeholders, with concentration on areas where underprivileged live, on immigrants and on the role of women Economic issues raised: Measures for undiscriminating inclusion of people in economy (via training, qualification, job creation, ethnic economy etc.) Reinforcing support of private sector investments and activities for integrating and developing coherent links to their immediate environment or hinterlands Contribution of urban regeneration projects to strengthen economic activity in deprived areas Strengthen and create economic activities that are open to people with limited qualifications Local Economic Development in

17 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Securcity (Rotterdam): Main Objective: Improvement and effectiveness of policies and actions to combat the (perceived) insecurity in the participant cities Economic issues raised: Encourage and establish retail and business communities to locate and stay in deprived areas (high crime and lack of security) Secure and clean environment as a precondition for business development; Safety in business and shopping areas Joint cooperation projects between local retail and business communities and municipal departments Business improvement districts (BIDs) as local partnership between local business community and local authority that develops and takes forward a project benefiting trading environment and public realm Improvement of image of neighborhoods by marketing / communication Local Economic Development in

18 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development C.H.O.R.U.S (Bastia): Main Objective: Physical regeneration of urban sites by valorizing cultural heritage and linked to that economic, social and cultural problems of the valorisation of built cultural heritage Economic issues raised: Combining heritage preservation with training, qualification, employment insertion and social inclusion Specific training courses for heritage restoration for young people with integration problems (two objectives employment inclusion and guarantee specialized workforce Improve the qualification and training Access of local handicraft enterprises to public renovation market Sustainable and intelligent use of cultural heritage as resource for economic development (e.g. tourism, identity, image) Local Economic Development in

19 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Phyre (Kassel): Main Objective: Instruments on physical urban renewal with a specific priority on integrated approaches (social, economic and physical) Economic issues raised: Economic development and employment promotion will play a specific role, but has not been addressed by the networks work yet Local Economic Development in Urbanitas (Anderlecht): Main Objective: Analyze and define problems of urban dislocation (ruptures) and its physical, economic and social consequences and thus discuss and develop strategies for fighting against Economic issues raised: Behavioral, economic, identity-based dislocations, social exclusion property speculation

20 Cross-Cutting Thematic Working Group on Local Economic Development Composition of the CTWG

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