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Laparoscopic Instruments & Tower

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Presentation on theme: "Laparoscopic Instruments & Tower"— Presentation transcript:

1 Laparoscopic Instruments & Tower
5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Laparoscopic Instruments & Tower

2 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Requirements: 1. Laparoscopic Tower – Parts and Functions 2. Usage of the Laparoscopic Instruments 3. Practice on the Pelvitrainer

3 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Difficulties of laparoscopic technique Two dimensional approach and three dimensional activity Eye-hand coordination Feeling deepth Coordinate use of dominant and nondominant hand Lack of tactile sensation Magnifient surgical territory – finer manipulation Limitted movement Unusual instruments

4 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Laparoscopic Tower Diathermy controller (combined mono- and bipolar diathermy) Monitor Light source Camera control unit Insufflator Suction-irrigation system Video recorder Roller stand 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

5 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Pneumoperitoneum Department of Surgical Research and Techniques 5th Practical Lifting the abdominal wall by insufflation with carbon dioxide gas

6 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Veres needle Connector to insufflation tubing 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Sharp outer cannula Inlet for gas Spring-loaded inner stylet with a blunt tip Proper handling position

7 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Insufflator Intraabdominal pressure (mmHg) Gas flow (liter/min) Amount of the used gas(liter) Antibacterial filter Disposable insufflator tubing 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Amount of gas in the gas-cylinder Power switch

8 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Trocars Outer diameter 2 mm -10 mm Inner piercing stylus/ Shaft 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Valve Switch Outer cannula/ Sleeve

9 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Safety Trocars Corkscrew trocar Sharp and blunt shafts 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Spring-loaded plastic shield

10 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Trocar Insertion The first trocar is inserted blindly, usage of safety trocars is mandatory! 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

11 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Light Source Degree of brightness Brightness adjustment Fibre-optic cable Power switch 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques kábel Check the light cable before use!

12 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Telescopes Traditional & Hopkins Telescopes with rod lens optikai lencsék quartz rúd-lencse Length:30 cm Diameter: 5 mm, 10 mm Degree: 0°, 30°, 45° 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

13 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Telescopes 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Ocular (camera connection) Light cable connection Objective lens (0° 30°45°) Camera The field of view can be changed by the rotation of the light cable in 30&40 degree telescopes

14 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Camera Controller Camera Power switch Camera plug in 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

15 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Telescope (bajonet) joint Programing /White balance Zoom ring Focus ring Cabel to the controller Camera Head 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

16 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Optical System Light Source Telescope Camera Camera Controller Video Cable Video Recorder Monitor Surgical Team 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

17 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Diathermy Controller 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Double pedal footswitch Mono- & Bipolar diathermy Power switch Bipolar diathermy forceps Indifferent electrode pad

18 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Diathermy 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Monopolar Bipolar Hook Forceps head Insulation + - +

19 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Diathermy 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Monopolar Bipolar Insulated & Non-insulated handles ! Hook Forceps head Insulation + - +

20 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Suction (Hgmm) Irrigation Sterile saline Collector bottle for aspirated materials Suction-Irrigation System Hand piece/ Shaft 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques

21 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Suction-Irrigation System 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Tubing Three-channel tube Multiple perforation

22 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Instruments I. 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Dissectors & Grasping forceps Pistol-grip handle Parts: handle outer tube working insert Bowel Babcock Allis Biopsy forceps Ratchet

23 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Instruments II. 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Metzenbaum scissors, Hook scissors, Biopsy forceps

24 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Unifying Instruments 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Clip applier Staplers

25 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
Suturing Instruments 5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Szabó-Berci needle holders Coaxial handle Parrot-Jaw needle holder Flamingo-Jaw assistant needle holder

26 Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
5th Practical Department of Surgical Research and Techniques Some pictures of this lecture are presented by courtesy of Zoltán Szabó Ph.D.

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