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George Washington’s Presidency Who are you fooling? Everyone knows that the cherry tree story is a myth. Who are you fooling? Everyone knows that the cherry.

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington’s Presidency Who are you fooling? Everyone knows that the cherry tree story is a myth. Who are you fooling? Everyone knows that the cherry."— Presentation transcript:

1 George Washington’s Presidency Who are you fooling? Everyone knows that the cherry tree story is a myth. Who are you fooling? Everyone knows that the cherry tree story is a myth.

2 Learning Targets I can analyze the influence that the Founding Fathers had on the development of our nation. I can identify the purpose of the Cabinet. I can explain why political parties began. I can describe the basic beliefs of the Federalists and of the Democratic-Republicans. I can analyze the roots of the conflict that culminated in the Civil War. I can contrast nationalism and sectionalism. I can describe the effects of sectionalism on the U.S. in its early years. I can analyze the evolution of social class conflict in the U.S. I can explain the purpose of and controversy over the National Bank.

3 Washington’s Character & Cabinet George Washington was in charge of the new government. He chose trusted leaders to help him govern, because he was not an expert in all areas. –Called this group The Cabinet –Showed willingness to share the power


5 Formation of Political Parties Hamilton and Jefferson disagreed on policies. –Washington wanted different points of view. –Their differences became so big that political parties developed around them. Federalists supported Hamilton. Democratic-Republicans supported Jefferson. No connection to today’s Republicans. This is actually the birth of the Democratic party we know today.

6 Hamilton’s National Bank Hamilton proposed a national bank. –Board of Directors made up of rich people (to keep them involved in the gov’t) –Kept gov’t money safe –Loaned money to the gov’t Democratic-Republicans didn’t like this idea. –Said it was an “unhealthy alliance” between gov’t and businesses –Thought it was unconstitutional


8 Nationalism vs. Sectionalism Nationalism – putting the nation’s interests above local interests Sectionalism – putting local or state interests above national interests

9 Hamilton vs. Jefferson Federalists Strong national gov’t (nationalism) Upper-class rule (Republic) Loose interpretation of Constitution Yes, national bank Economy based on industry Democratic-Republicans Strong local gov’ts (sectionalism) Common people rule (Democracy) Strict interpretation of Constitution No national bank Economy based on farming

10 please no…

11 Learning Targets I can analyze the influence that the Founding Fathers had on the development of our nation.  I can identify the purpose of the Cabinet.  I can explain why political parties began.  I can describe the basic beliefs of the Federalists and of the Democratic-Republicans. I can analyze the roots of the conflict that culminated in the Civil War.  I can contrast nationalism and sectionalism.  I can describe the effects of sectionalism on the U.S. in its early years. I can analyze the evolution of social class conflict in the U.S.  I can explain the purpose of and controversy over the National Bank.

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